
  • Can there be such a place... America... where men excel in their race for excellence... where man and women may reach their godly potential... Look, and know our nation is the apple of God's eye... let us no longer soil it with the folly of warped minds and evil men... let us overcome the willing deceit of our current leaders whose eyes are set on another vision... We are America and we know God's will like no' other people in history... Our founders came to a new world with a new vision and with God's blessing we will fulfill their destiny... too, bring peace through Christ to a world in pain.

    Yes, America is that shining city set upon a hill ... that beacon of liberty, that light of God's grace given the meek and humble too, the downtrodden masses that yearn for freedom... let us not waste any further time wrestling with the evil that has taken root in our high places... Let us no longer stand idly by while the wicked tear down the walls of our heritage and bring low our hope for a better tomorrow... reelect President Donald Trump... give him a mandate and a  CONGRESS that will listen to God as He rallies this nation to once more be that beacon of hope in a dying world... that light of liberty in a sea of distress... stand-to Ameria, now is the time to rally round our President and to send a message we have not yet begun to fight... that our enemies may be scattered and our flag once more waive proudly over a world at peace. 

    • Thank you Col. Ron.


  • I have seen this ad several times, but it never fails to bring a tear or two to my eyes. I am so proud of my exceptional nation. I am proud to call Donald Trump President. Please don't fail to vote. Every single vote is important. And if at all possible show up at the polling station rather than mail it in because they have found bags of mail stashed in various places. Mail in voting is just begging to be corrupted and already has. The potential to change elections is at the hands of cheaters. Vote so massively and in person, on election day if possible, so the corrupt Democrats attempting to steal House seats and Senate seats and even the presidency are swept away by a red tsunami! Cheating won't even get them where they need to be. Please vote!

    • I’ve seen fire fall

      I’ve seen fire fall from the sky and smoke rise so high, that the Angels did cry… I’ve heard the voices of women, and the mournful cry of innocence in the dying embers of their humble life…  Their voices seeking mercy, only to receive a hollow reprieve, in an empty night.  These failing souls all fight for one last breath, but soon their silence speaks… of eternal sleep.

      I’ve seen the face of vengeance rage… of mankind filled with anger, torn by hate. Their eyes, cutting, gazing, wondering about… seeking new victims, no doubt.  O’ man of faith is there no justice? What man steals innocence, and murders his own sons and daughters? What madness drives his soul to such depravity?

      What pale truth the forlorn speak… hope denied, repentance lost, their murderous ways without regret. Refusing to embrace a new hope, and a better day, the reprobate but delay… judgment day.  Can man find a better way, that his brother may embrace him with love and not in bitter anger?  Where lives the answer to this heavy burden… this perplexing riddle old?  Where can man find such wisdom, in all of the Earth, it is untold.

      Shall man seek peace… o’er shall it be war?   The fool, sooner fixed upon the lust of his flesh,  driven by an insatiable appetite for sorrow and death… From which there seems to be no escape… no reprieve, nor sorrows sleep.   Yet, hope doth spring eternal, to reveal, salvations hand…  in all the land.  If man would trust Christ… the night’s, bitter steel, and sin’s wage… would give way, to warmer days, and loves embrace… yeah, a better day. 

      Come…  ye who are heavily laden, whose burden is great; take rest, in Christ, and He will bid thee a good night… Amen. 

      By: RA Nelson

      COL. US Army (ret.) 

      I’ve seen fire fall
      I’ve seen fire fall from the sky and smoke rise so high, that the Angels did cry… I’ve heard the voices of women, the cry of innocence…  Their voices…
    • Thank you Col. Ron.

    • I couldn't agree more Tina.

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