
  • State Criminal Codes need States to enforce them...where state and federal codes cover the same offense the State should have jurisdiction over criminal conduct as the primrily judicial systme for adjudicating criminalconduct. a 








    State's have first priority in the prosecution of criminal conduct... Where the states lack territorial or statutory jurisdiction the federal government needs to prosecute criminal conduct.  Prosecutorial abuse, malfeasance and deliberately ignoring criminal conduct are guilty of misprision of a felony. 

    Misprision of a felony is a crime that occurs when someone knows a felony has been committed but fails to inform the authorities about it1. The crime originated in English common law and required citizens to report crimes or face criminal prosecution1. Most states do not include misprision of felony in their criminal laws, and instead, conduct that would fit the misprision definition is covered by other laws1. However, misprision of a felony is a federal crime punishable by a fine and up to three years in prison12. To obtain a misprision of felony conviction, the prosecution must prove that another person actually committed a felony, the defendant knew about it, the defendant did not notify any law enforcement or judicial officer, and the defendant took affirmative steps to conceal the felony234. Failure to disclose, without active concealment, is not a felony5.

    See:  Is it a Illegal to Not Inform Authorities About a Felony Crime? | C...



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