I believe a challenge on the floor of the US Senate must be made to reject the seating and counting of electors assigned to the Biden/Harris ticket...  The challenge should be made based on Kamal Harris's failure to Constitutionally qualify as a Natural Born Citizen of the United States.  (Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 of the US Constitution) Kamala Harris is not a Natural Born Citizen of The United States, she is a Native Born Citizen.  Thus the Biden/Harris Presidential ticket is Constitutionally intelligible for election to the  Office of President and Vice President.

The Democrat Party and the several States permitted the Biden/Harris ticket to be placed on the ballots of America...  They did so with blatant disregard for the Constitutional requirements for the office of vice president.  See The 12th Amendment,... "But no person Constitutionally intelligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States."  Kamala Harris is Constitutionally intelligible to hold the office of President and thus may not hold the office of Vice-President.

In the assignment of State Electors... each State must ensure the Electors vote for a Constitutionally qualified Presidential ticket...The States must ensure both the President and Vice Presidential candidates are Constitutionally qualified to hold office before assigning Electors to them. Should a State refuse to acknowledge the Constitutional requirements and assign Electors to an ineligible candidate or ticket for the office of President or Vice-President, the President of the US Senate, must refuse to seat them or to accept their vote. Thus the Electors assigned by any State for the Biden/Harris ticket should be disqualified and their votes not taken. 

The Biden/Harris ticket is not Constitutionally eligible to hold the office of Vice-President... and as a ticket may not be assigned Electors for the Office of President. The electors for the Biden/Harris Ticket must not be permitted to be seated or vote when the Electors meet in the US Senate to cast their vote for President. 

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  • Additionally, this challenge will end up in the SCOTUS and the SCOTUS must define who qualifies as a Natural Born CItizen based on the original intent and definition used by our founders.  A Natural Born Citizen is one who is 'naturally' born of the land and both parents... of blood and land to be nothing other than a natural-born US Citizen.  A native-born citizen receives their citizenship by law... not by the nature of their birth.  Kamala Harris was born of two alien parents on US Soil... she is, therefore, a Native-born citizen thru right of law, not birth.

  • If anyone has a direct link to the Trump campaign or the White House please see that this suggestion reaches a responsible party... one capable of considering the recommendation.  This could save the President's bacon... and America from the horrible events about to occur. 

    I sent it to the White House Email address... but there are thousands of EMails that go to that address and with all the turmoil occurring this suggestion may be missed.  I believe it may prove legally viable and a way to end this entire mess... with the President being reelected and the Democrats taught a lesson not to ignore the constitution.

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