
    • Agreed


  • Get rid of the regulatory state... outlaw regulations becoming the basis for citing criminal conduct. 

    End the Administrative Courts and return to trial by Jury and indictment by Grand Jury for all felonies.  Reestablish the power of Grand Juries as a separate institution from Judicial management. Make Grand Juries independent agents that accept criminal complaints from all sources, not just the Prosecutors or police.   Empower citizens to decide who is charged and tried, not prosecutors or DAs... they are POLITICAL HACKS and the source for using the law to penalize political opponents. Grand Juries are a citizen's check and balance on such political abuse.  

    By eliminating the administrative state (regulatory power)... one kills the fiat power of the bureaucracy and the deep state... No more administrative or regulatory policy criminalizing citizen conduct.  regulatory authority (regulation) is either contained in statutory law, to be considered a crime, or it is merely policy for administering government services... regulatory authority must not the basis for charging criminal activity.  Regulatory authority is not statutory law... derived from the legislative process.

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    • Eventually all classes will feel it, but first they destroy the middle class to make most of the country poor and hungry, and disarm everyone. Then they kill off all the rich who are not on their side and take their wealth.  Then they start killing each other to secure power to a select few who will rule over all the pions! 
      This is how previous regimes did it, it worked well, no need to change it,worked for Hitler, for the Soviets, the Chinese, Cuba, central and South America, etc.

    • ilona, AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN!!!!!  exacly!!!!!!!!!!


    • Who makes up their army , the children known as Antifa and BLM ?


    • That's a fair assessment... only the wealthy including those who side with them end up either surrendering their wealth or having it taken from them along with their lives.

    • I love your ensight into this post.  Thank you for sharing.

    • An excellent example would be Sean Hannity- he plays just close enough to the edge to remain safe , probly hoping to get an interview with one of the enemy someday. 

    • Pete, I agree, hannity is sitting on the fence saying just enough to fool most patriots but pandering enough to not be cancelled by the satanic left!!!!!!!!!!


    • Hannity has been useless for decades, sensationalizing, everything is "BRAKING NEWS", he has some very annoying guests! By the time he's on, I've heard all the news of the day! 

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