The Blight Imposed On Our Nation By Socialism


The Blight;
The younger generation say 40 and younger, have been continually brainwashed since birth to accept/embrace Collectivism
( Socialism, Fascism, Communism) as the best form of government possible, and truly believe the lie. This is a repeat of the move in America from the 1900's until WWII when the world saw the extremism and human suffering Collectivism brought to it's citizens. Ever since Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels collaborated in Das Kapital, the world has been torn asunder by it's set of sweet sounding lies and half truths. Basically it's a subtrefuge to instate a system like the old kings had before Runnymead and the Magna Charta, but in modern sound-byte terms.
Traditionally America was a society of free thinkers and energetic doers who fought to be self governed. Basically Americans brought us into the 20th Century with the Industrial Revolution. At it's beginning, that revolution was responsible for much upheaval and even pain for the common man. Just as the American Republic has some Democratic principles, the republic was supposed to use the legal strictures of the Constitution to preserve the rights sought in the Declaration of Independence. However Greed stepped in and wrecked havoc on the ideals of the Founders. The "Robber Barons" of the 1800's exploited Americans, giving rise to Socialist ideas like Unionism, because of their abuse of their workers. The idea that government was responsible to 'give' the citizens certain things, came out of that era, and greedy self centered politicians grabbed on to that idea to maintain their voter base. 
Certain restrictions needed to be placed on Free Enterprise to protect lives and livelihoods of the workers. Politicians being dependent on the public for their continued easy chair lifestyles as law makers kept gradually overreacting to the desires of the public for free stuff instead of their proper role of protectors of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness for the entire population. This led to political corruption istitutionalized in organizations like the Democrats Tamanny Hall, and gave rise to ever more powerful unions, and a strong move towards Socialism in America.
One of the things people are not told when they are urged towards any form of socialism is the control government will start putting on the people. Free thinking, free speech, freedom of movement, and loss of personal initiative is the first strictures any socialist government will lay down, first and foremost attempting to disarm the public, "FOR THEIR OWN SAFETY" of course. Once disarmed, the people become slaves to the ruling class just like the middle ages peasants were enslaved to their king and their liege lords. The names are different but the effects on the common man are the same.
The younger generations after the original baby boomers, were never given a complete education or taught the truth. They are ignorant of the reality that a freethinking individual, is opposed by sundry collectivists. There are some who believe that a person should conform to others, some who believe that a person should rebel against others, and some who believe that, politically, we should have a Fascist or Communist dictatorship in which the individual is utterly subordinate to the will of the people. They are never exposed to the down side of those political philosophies.
Another thing the youth are ignorant of is; The naivete mentality of the millions of "true believers" who blindly follow a Jim Jones, a Sun Myung Moon, or an Adolf Hitler. Ayn Rand shows that conformity, a widespread phenomenon in contemporary American society, is one of the underlying causes of collectivist dictatorship. The end result being; whether of the Nazi/Fascist, or Communist variety, are the evils that result in concentration camps. The extermination of millions of innocent victims. And the precipitation of world wars to maintain their hegemony over the masses. 
Guess where we're at right now....
The Tradesman

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