The individual PATRIOT must focus on organizing ... on finding and supporting capable leadership and major resourcing... We must engage in MAJOR labor strikes (similar to European efforts) . We must demand an Article 5 constitutional convention, to draft and ratify a RECALL and TERM LIMITS AMENDMENT... We must recall EVERY sitting member of the government ... elected and appointed... including the judiciary and uS Attorneys... such a recall would be subject to new elections and appointments... The new elections are to occur within 120 days of passing the Amendment. We must also deny any former elected or appointed official any new elected or appointed position... they are to be term-limited where they stand.
We must restore our forefather's vision for our Constitutional Republic and natural law as the underpinning of our government... The political and civil powers currently running America must be stripped of their power.... the treasonous Marxists, Globalists and major CEOs need to be tried for their part in promoting a new world order... Where obvious sedition and treason took place the offenders must be. tried for their crimes. The looting of our wealth and defrauding of America's poor and middle class must be recompensed by those who profited. The current invasion occurring along our southern border is the last straw... it is time to hang a few thousand of the key agents pushing the migration agenda to destroy America.
The price for the excesses and betrayal of those who profited at the expense of their neighbor... must be severe and on full public display... We can never let what has happened to us ... ever happen again.
De Santis needs to contact Texas, Arizona, and possibly N. Mexico.... and offer them an opportunity to participate in a BIODIVERSITY PROGRAM... relocating Alligators and Anacondas to populate the Rio Grand with its historic range of wildlife... thus creating a natural game preserve and a protected species habitat... do it Immediately... be sure to post warning signs all along the US Side of the RIO Grand... let Mexico decide what to do with their side.
Our Government is not interested in securing the border... PERIOD. We must strip our representatives of their power and try them for TREASON. We must not only remove them we must indict them... they are killing Americans with Fentanyl and the Pandemic.
Janet E Christian > Ronald A. Nelson COL, USA, RetiredOctober 19, 2022 at 8:58am
QUESTIONS of import... Do we have a southern border? Are our Immigration and Naturalization Laws being enforced or has a rogue government decided to permit our nation to be absorbed by a New World Order? Finally, IS TREASON working in the majority of our government institutions... to fundamentally transform our Constitutional Republic into a failed state?
When will the public finally stand up and demand the current individuals governing America be stripped of ALL THEIR POWER and government offices? It is obvious that the bulk of our representatives are not interested in returning to Constitutional Government or in defending our BORDERS.... any faint or ruse by the deceitful agents of our government to state otherwise is not supported by history or the current invasion taking place all along our Southern Border.
Treason is afoot in Washington and no state, no government can stand such betrayal from within its leadership... America is being betrayed on nearly every level of government and by nearly every member of our current government... federal, state, and local.
And the dept of reclamation is coming after AZ for trespassing because Gov Ducey showed some testicular fortitude by plugging holes in the wall with shipping containers and razor wire.
We need a Constitutional Reset and restore the federal government to its Enumerated powers.
Push is coming to shove... DUCEY and COMPANY need to do a lot more than plug holes in the Southern Border...He needs o coordinate anti-commandeering and nullification legislation that targets the criminals in the Federal Government... those aiding and abetting illegal aliens, drug, and human trafficking... with serious state prison terms.. and then enforce those state laws.
The Federal Government... including the DOJ, FBI, and DHS... are violating the Statutory laws of the United States by operating under the color of law (administrative law, executive orders, bad court decisions, and the regulatory authority of the deep state) to enable domestic and foreign powers to invade and subvert our soverignty...setting us up for an internal revolution. The people must begin by labeling the failure of congress to secure our border as INTENTIONAL AND TREASONOUS.
The proper execution of our Constitution and statutory powers is sufficient to save our Republic... however, the current governement, elected and appointed are not interested in saving the Constitution or the Republic... they are working to destroy it.
Robert Puckett > Ronald A. Nelson COL, USA, RetiredOctober 19, 2022 at 1:03pm
Likely we'll have to wait for Kari Lake to be inaugurated, if the Left's Cheat doesn't work.
The individual PATRIOT must focus on organizing ... on finding and supporting capable leadership and major resourcing... We must engage in MAJOR labor strikes (similar to European efforts) . We must demand an Article 5 constitutional convention, to draft and ratify a RECALL and TERM LIMITS AMENDMENT... We must recall EVERY sitting member of the government ... elected and appointed... including the judiciary and uS Attorneys... such a recall would be subject to new elections and appointments... The new elections are to occur within 120 days of passing the Amendment. We must also deny any former elected or appointed official any new elected or appointed position... they are to be term-limited where they stand.
We must restore our forefather's vision for our Constitutional Republic and natural law as the underpinning of our government... The political and civil powers currently running America must be stripped of their power.... the treasonous Marxists, Globalists and major CEOs need to be tried for their part in promoting a new world order... Where obvious sedition and treason took place the offenders must be. tried for their crimes. The looting of our wealth and defrauding of America's poor and middle class must be recompensed by those who profited. The current invasion occurring along our southern border is the last straw... it is time to hang a few thousand of the key agents pushing the migration agenda to destroy America.
The price for the excesses and betrayal of those who profited at the expense of their neighbor... must be severe and on full public display... We can never let what has happened to us ... ever happen again.
De Santis needs to contact Texas, Arizona, and possibly N. Mexico.... and offer them an opportunity to participate in a BIODIVERSITY PROGRAM... relocating Alligators and Anacondas to populate the Rio Grand with its historic range of wildlife... thus creating a natural game preserve and a protected species habitat... do it Immediately... be sure to post warning signs all along the US Side of the RIO Grand... let Mexico decide what to do with their side.
Our Government is not interested in securing the border... PERIOD. We must strip our representatives of their power and try them for TREASON. We must not only remove them we must indict them... they are killing Americans with Fentanyl and the Pandemic.
I agree 100%
QUESTIONS of import... Do we have a southern border? Are our Immigration and Naturalization Laws being enforced or has a rogue government decided to permit our nation to be absorbed by a New World Order? Finally, IS TREASON working in the majority of our government institutions... to fundamentally transform our Constitutional Republic into a failed state?
When will the public finally stand up and demand the current individuals governing America be stripped of ALL THEIR POWER and government offices? It is obvious that the bulk of our representatives are not interested in returning to Constitutional Government or in defending our BORDERS.... any faint or ruse by the deceitful agents of our government to state otherwise is not supported by history or the current invasion taking place all along our Southern Border.
Treason is afoot in Washington and no state, no government can stand such betrayal from within its leadership... America is being betrayed on nearly every level of government and by nearly every member of our current government... federal, state, and local.
And the dept of reclamation is coming after AZ for trespassing because Gov Ducey showed some testicular fortitude by plugging holes in the wall with shipping containers and razor wire.
We need a Constitutional Reset and restore the federal government to its Enumerated powers.
Push is coming to shove... DUCEY and COMPANY need to do a lot more than plug holes in the Southern Border...He needs o coordinate anti-commandeering and nullification legislation that targets the criminals in the Federal Government... those aiding and abetting illegal aliens, drug, and human trafficking... with serious state prison terms.. and then enforce those state laws.
The Federal Government... including the DOJ, FBI, and DHS... are violating the Statutory laws of the United States by operating under the color of law (administrative law, executive orders, bad court decisions, and the regulatory authority of the deep state) to enable domestic and foreign powers to invade and subvert our soverignty...setting us up for an internal revolution. The people must begin by labeling the failure of congress to secure our border as INTENTIONAL AND TREASONOUS.
The proper execution of our Constitution and statutory powers is sufficient to save our Republic... however, the current governement, elected and appointed are not interested in saving the Constitution or the Republic... they are working to destroy it.
Likely we'll have to wait for Kari Lake to be inaugurated, if the Left's Cheat doesn't work.