I will begin this article by confessing that I was once a strong defender of George W. Bush, starting with the national conservative uprising triggered by the "hanging chad" political scandal in the Bush v. Gore election of 2000. I participated in a massive gathering of conservatives who descended spontaneously on the California Capitol in my then-hometown of Sacramento like a swarm of angry hornets, as other did in countless cities across America. I've since come to recognize that the Bush Clan has always been Deep State, it's continuing political dynasty representing the top strata of the Red Republican half of the Bush/Clinton/Obama/Romney Purple Uniparty.
I was not surprised, therefore, to see the Bush political war machine recently roll onto the 2020 election battlefield flying the flag of George Soros' anti-Trump "Purple Revolution." In early June, Bush 43 announced his intention not to vote for Trump, and then, as reported by WND in early July, a new pro-Biden super-pac, "43 Alumni for Biden," was created by "hundreds of former George W. Bush staffers … to 'unite and mobilize a community of historically Republican voters who are dismayed and disappointed by the damage done to our nation.' … 'not necessarily in full support of [Biden's] political agenda but rather in full agreement with the urgent need to restore the soul of this nation.'" I predict this is just the beginning of a major "second front" in the elites' war on Trump.
When we talk Deep State, we're talking about a huge, multi-layered, multi-disciplinary, fully integrated network of Cultural Marxists who share the common religion of Secular Humanism, its moral code of "political correctness" (especially regarding sexual morality) and the dogmatic cultural narratives that serve as "scripture" for them all. Its roots go very deep indeed – all the way back to the late 1800s in America – but the most relevant period for this essay begins with the shady career of Deep Stater George H.W. Bush.
Bush 41 was apparently high-level CIA under JFK and LBJ before becoming a pro-abortion Texas GOP congressman during Johnson administration. Though he denied having been a spook, a declassified FBI memo from J. Edgar Hoover named 41 as the sole CIA representative verbally briefed on Nov. 23, 1963, about JFK's assassination the day before. There's always been considerable buzz in conspiracy circles about his (and LBJ's) possible role in that "regime change." And, of course, Bush 41 was later tapped in 1976 as CIA director by Gerald Ford.
I have long argued that "Landslide Lyndon," America history's poster boy for election fraud, was the most corrupt president in U.S. history (until Obama). From his infamous and unconstitutional 1954 "Johnson Amendment" banning churches from endorsing political candidates, to his "War on Poverty" agenda that created the federal entitlement system by which Democrats gained a seemingly unbreakable hold on nearly every big city in America, LBJ's legacy was poisonous. Yet the LBJ Presidential Library features a special tribute to Bush 41, stating in part, "The Bush and Johnson families share a long history and friendship, beginning in the 1950s when Lyndon Johnson served in the U.S. Senate with Prescott Bush, George H.W. Bush's father. Although from different political parties, the two men enjoyed a productive working relationship steeped in mutual respect."
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