The 13-week series is called "Naming, Measuring, and Addressing the Impacts of Racism on the Health and Well-Being of the Nation and the World." I have obtained the internal emails (in white) and an APHA presentation by the series instructor that follows same structure (in blue).
— Christopher F. Rufo (@realchrisrufo) September 14, 2020
The first three training sessions are focused on "racism, sexism, and other systems of structured inequality," then teaching CDC employees that they must "address institutionalized racism" to "really set things right in the garden" of a racist nation.
— Christopher F. Rufo (@realchrisrufo) September 14, 2020
In sessions 10 and 11, the trainers will teach CDC employees that they must "target" and destroy the values of "focus on the individual," the "myth of meritocracy," the "myth of American exceptionalism," and "White supremacist ideology." This is textbook critical race theory.
— Christopher F. Rufo (@realchrisrufo) September 14, 2020
My whistleblower is outraged: "I thought maybe they would wisely cancel this training series. Instead we got a message this morning confirming ... The pressure to participate is palpable and if you don't you will have to explain why you aren't a racist."
— Christopher F. Rufo (@realchrisrufo) September 14, 2020
If there is all this supposed systemic racism in America, then, I can't for the life of me figure out why hispanics, chinese, along with others are trying to sneak into the country illegally. You would think they would be trying to escape all this supposed WHITE oppression. That blacks would want to escape back to africa! Or is it that they just want to force the American taxpayer to give them a free ride? Could you imagine if they gave it some thought that they would realize that nthose they voted for have kept them on the plantation nation for generations? It is the conservatives that wanted them to get an education, learn how to care for themselves and families. When you consider all the free STUFF the leftist promise them, they don't stop to realize the freedoms they have lost, and that the left has given them a miserable existence. Eventually, like the rest of us, they will realize that no one wants to pay their way, so, they will have to WORK for it, even their OBAMA phones.Leftism is forced on a society, Conservatism is not, you have to grow a pair and do what's right for your family.
They lost their own families. They lost their own children. And still a bunch don't see that.
And the jack*sses they love to idolize, are the biggest users and abusers of women ever known to man. Some have 11 kids by 10 women and none of those kids have a father. And who would want any of those jack*sses as a Father, when they have no respect for authority, so on second thought, in that case, those kids didn't lose a thing, except an abuser of Mom.
Never mind the Police,how about we Defund the bureaucracies instead!!!..........Reimagine that one,Commie Pigs!!
The CDC leaves no doubt that they aren't loyal to Trump and therefore to the country. They are obviously part of the deep state. It's best to just shut them down. They don't serve a real purpose anymore anyway. We have the Department of Health that's run by a real patriot who is loyal to Trump, and that's enough. We don't need or want a bloated government apparatus.
The CDC are liberal politicians who care only about making a profit time to clean house starting with Fatchi
Brain washing plain and simple. Teaching people to hate they're country and who they are is BS. Same is true with education. I support Trump's plan of school choice. How could anyone elect a party that hates our country. Outlaw the socialist Democrats.
Way PAST time to DISMANTLE the cdc and MANY other government agencies that promote ANTI-American propaganda, come on POTUS, start the WEEDING OUT process at cdc, npr and pbs, PERIOD!
The assholes at CDC: destroy the values of "focus on the individual," the "myth of meritocracy," the "myth of American exceptionalism," and "White supremacist ideology" couldn't be more wrong!
My individualist values took root with my reading of Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged and Fountainhead and The Virtue of Selfishness. Read the first two in the late '50's.
We do not have SYSTEMIC Racism in the US of A ... don'y buy the Left's BS!
Pretty obvious that the Left seeks to install Communism in the US of A. I will vote IN PERSON ... no mail-in for me. Everyone here should do the same ... wear a mask if you're sick.
I wrote Trump.