The Collapse of the Democrat Brand

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"He spoke in generalities that everyone found agreeable at first and meaningless upon reflection." That is one summary of Democrat icon Franklin Delano Roosevelt's speaking style.

Last week's Democratic National Convention shows how little Democrats have changed — a beautiful outer shell with nothing inside. Professions of equality, justice, compassion, and empathy are precisely the types of slogans many of us find initially agreeable but too vague and empty to warrant additional thought. The only difference is that today's Democrats bring a parade of celebrities to play the part of aesthetically pleasing decorations on the outer walls of their empty shell.

Democrats have built their brand on proclamations of benevolence. They've successfully branded themselves to many Americans as the party who cares about others, the tolerant people, the non-racist party, and the party for good-hearted people who want us all to get along. This brand image was mostly built on the backs of tie-dye-shirted, pacifist 1960s hippies. Educators romanticized the sit-ins and protests for decades, which calcified the left as the brand of non-violence. After all, the pacifist hippie is a much better brand spokesman than the Black Panthers or the Weather Underground, who routinely committed terrorist attacks in the 1960s.

To be fair to Democrats, they have no choice but to be disingenuous. They are beholden to a brand image that doesn't accurately depict who they are. For decades, the left's monopoly on mass communication systems concealed its true character. Today, ubiquitous camera phones and social media have made leftists' hate and violence impossible to hide. Their only option is pretending to align with the existing Democrat brand and hoping we forget the last ten years.

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