With the approaching cataclysmic economic crisis, the Great Reset, and the advent of a digital currency... we all need to review who our friends are and what political interests are working for the common good ... This is especially true as the GOP/RNC reveals their friends are not always our friends.   The GOP/RNC continues to procrastinate over impeachment and has no problem with funding foreign wars or looking the other way while our streets are overrun with indigent illegal aliens and jobless Americans...

No, the GOP doesn't mind bailing out reckless mega-banks to rich to fail.... or to fund the latest foreign war or treatments for transexuals, etc... with billions more going to support the third-world indigent illegal alien problem...   No, the GOP finds it convenient and profitable for its major donors to loot the US Treasury and skewer the American Middle Class and poor. It doesn't matter that such excess in government spending has made it necessary to print trillions in fiat currency to fund a mountain of government boondoggles, It escapes their conscience that such reckless spending creates inflationary pressures that are destroying the middle classes and dollar-vested investments. 

The wealthy and well-placed continue to acquire real assets at bargain basement rates... while Grandma and the poor are put out of house and home...  while the GOP/RNC spins the rhetoric of the political class. Ignoring the national debt and the size of government... they continue the looting of our treasures and the destruction of the middle class, which are not the mark of friendship between the middle class and the GOP/RNC.  

America has been abandoned by its wealthy and the fickle GOP/RNC... neither can continue to hide behind the disingenuous rhetoric of the two-faced and double-tongue... They are both clearly at enmity with the poor and middle class.  Know your enemy and mark them well...

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  • Betrayal is all too common among prominent members of the GOP... a stern reckoning must come and the sooner the better.

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