
  • There go two clowns on the way to the latest opening of the RNC Brothers three-ring Circus...

    Come one, come all ... step right up and get a front-row seat... See the clowns, race round and round, watch as the Elephants strut and trumpet, under the big top... See,.. the acrobats twist and turn on high, and in the center ring watch as the Magician's magic turns heads round and round...

    Come one, come all step right up... hurry now while there is yet room... Don't despair for the smoke in the air... it is nothing new and the flames... they aren't real... just props to make you squeal... Pay no attention to the alarms, flashing red lights, or your neighbor's mask... The smoke won't last ...the flames will return, as the smoke goes.

    Notice to ALL:

    The RNC Brothers Circus and its affiliate arson brigade are not responsible for lost children, bad seats, spoiled food, or snakes n the grass ... Enter at your own risk. Check your valuables before entering, and for God's sake bring a firearm and a bucket of water. 

  • There are only 14 Democrat seats open in the US Senate for this midterm election... the Republicans currently hold 50 seats... if they retain all 50 seats and pick up all 14 Democrat seats they will have 64 seats in the US Senate... it takes 67 seats to have a VETO PROOF US SENATE...

    It is MATHEMATICAL IMPOSSIBLE for the Republicans to have a VETO-proof US Senate without picking up at least 3 Democrat votes... and that is highly unlikely to happen.  The Democrats hold the line they are not like the GOP... they do not capitulate when push comes to shove.

    Any legislation that the democrats don't want to pass is doomed to failure... gridlock is the best that can happen.

    • P/S...

      The House is not likely to be veto-proof also.. as it will take a record number of seats to change hands ... I forgot the exact number but it will take 10 more seats to change hands than has ever happened in history... that is not likely.

      Personally, I am sick of disingenuous politicians telling us the RED WAVE will change everything... IT WILL NOT and Biden will continue to rule using executive orders and the regulatory power of the Administrative state.  Congress will be hogtied... by BIden's VETO.

    • So you are in essence saying America is doomed and done, that nothing can be done?

    • ADMIN

      Not really, they would hold the purse strings. And, they can stop the agenda that way. A whole lot of the money they have in their radical bills has not been funded. 

    • ADMIN

      They do it every election year. That's why I pointed out in my comments on this that they are over selling their position. AGAIN.

    • We need to fight in the proper ring... and Congress is not currently that place... We need the GOP to organize STATE NULLIFICATION AND ANTI_COMMANDEERING LEGISLATION... too, engage in massive public demonstrations that support the Constitutional government; we need the GOP to organize and call for targeted strikes, sit-ins, and other constitutional passive-aggressive speech and demonstrations ... We need the RNC/GOP leadership TO LEAD... too, do things that demonstrate they exist and acutally care about actively resisting the hand of the Globalist an Marxist.

      What America doesn't need is more of the lazy-fair... go-along-to-get-along dishwater leadership... of McCarthy and McConnell.  We need more of the Pres. Trump engaging leadership.  The RNC/GOP needs to be SEEN LEADING... organizing rallies, strikes, and state-level legislative acts to nullify or end state support for any unconstitutional government acts .... especially, illegal 'executive orders' and 'regulatory administration'.  These are things the GOP/RNC can do and should be doing.

      Anything less makes the GOP/RNC complicit with the war against our Republic, its Constitution, and the People.

    • If you are going to be in a CIRCUS be sure to at least be in the Center Ring... make your presence known and put on a display the public can support.  Don't deflect or pander the public is not fooled... and the numbers don't lie... Congress will not be VETO PROOF therefore it will be in gridlock... unable to deliver all the promises these clowns are feeding us... want more disappointment and dissolution... keep it up GOP/RNC... or change rings in the circus .. Do things that work... or get out of the way... resign and let those who can engage workable solutions.

    • ADMIN

      Right...never ever stop fighting!

    • Right on... but be sure you are fighting the correct opponent and using tactics that emphasize your strengths...

      Be sure you are in the center ring and not being redirected to some sideshow or arcade event by the ringmasters of the Circus. Don't follow the clowns... they never get anywhere.  Don't follow the Elephants too close or wear a raincoat and hat... they love to dump their feces on their own.

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