The Constitution forbids proxy voting in the House


<a href=" alt="Think the U.S. Constitution 'Subverts Democracy'? Think Again" />There has been a lot of controversy over a change in the rules that govern the operation of the House of Representatives. The majority party has opted to allow proxy voting, placing the votes of most of the members of what is euphemistically referred to as “the people's house” in the hands of a select few.

Republican leadership in the House has threatened a lawsuit to force the Democrat majority to reverse the course, but the Supreme Court will likely decline to enter into congressional infighting. After all, the separation of powers inherent in the Constitution, as well as the judiciary’s dependence on Congress for funding, would compel the courts to beg out.

But the clear language of the Constitution shows there’s something rotten with proxy voting.

On May 15, the House of Representatives adopted HR 965 to authorize “remote voting by proxy during public health emergency due to Novel Coronavirus.” The measure passed with no Republican support and three Democrats voting in opposition. The resolution, which is only operational on the House of Representatives and not the Senate, incorporates a concept foreign to the U.S. Constitution. According to the resolution, a House member may represent his or her constituents through the actions of another House member they did not elect.

No House majority has ever been this brazen. One might recall, for example, Rep. William Natcher of Kentucky being wheeled onto the House floor on a gurney in 1994 to cast votes while his health was failing. No proxy there.

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