CDMedia will be publishing a series of articles delving into the massive election fraud that occurred in the state of Georgia during the 2020 general election last November 3rd.
The first in the series highlights Georgia’s overseer of Dominion Voting Systems, equipment installed in the state at massive cost prior to last year’s general poll.
Public reports state that Republican Gabe Sterling left his job on the payroll of GA’s Secretary of State’s office in 2019 to work for a year as a ‘contractor’ until the recent election was over.
Under the arrangement, Sterling’s pay increased from his $114,000 government salary since November 2019, when he took on the role of project manager for the purchase and rollout of the state’s new voting equipment, wrote the Atlanta Journal and Constitution.
But his independent status prompted questions from state legislators and critics who have asked why oversight of the state’s voting machines is being managed outside Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s payroll.
Sterling’s contract, obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution through the Georgia Open Records Act, expires Thursday after the state’s voting equipment has been used in several elections this year. Sterling will then return to the secretary of state’s office, resuming his previous role as chief operating officer.
This arrangement is curious to say the least.
The simple question is — why?
Deputy Secretary of State (an office created prior to the election and never before existed) Jordan Fuchs said it was for operational reasons — to fill the need for a ‘quick installation’ of voting equipment and adding paper ballots.
The secretary of state’s office awarded the contract to Sterling under an emergency procurement without a competitive bidding process, said Deputy Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs. The government needed someone to manage the quick installation of voting equipment in time for this year’s elections, adding a paper ballot to Georgia elections for the first time in 18 years, she said, wrote AJC.
read more here:
The real problem is a fake GOP controlled State Legislature .... and governor. With both the Legislature and Governor in the GOP camp they could have easily declared the Election a Fraud... impeached the Secretary of State and Attorney General appointed a special prosecutor... and arrested all the key players in the fraud and had them well on the way to prison. None of that happened because Ga. doesn't have real GOP leadership or legislators they are all sleeper Democrats... shame on Ga for allowing such a pot full of traitors to remain in office.
By the way... Georgia is not unique in this instance... many of our so-called Red States are deep blue under their skin.
My thoughts exactly!!!!!
Betrayal is the national pastime for our Politicians... the entire group is not worth the powder to blow them to... Timbuktu.
The biggest corner stone of a free nation is free and fair elections. I still cant beleive this happened and is happening in our country. It's not bad enough that the democrats are now the communist party but republicans in GA and AZ sold out our freedom as well. I always wonder if it was for the money.....or if the powers that be had dirt on them.
the gop is as corrupt as the devildemocommiecrats, on the payroll of satan, Nazi war criminal georges soros, the soros cabal of globalist billionaires, and china!!!!!
I agree Tommy. Without free and fair elections we are a banana republic, where people can only trust their leader just like we the people can only trust Donald J. Trump in the USA. All else is dishonest, corrupt, and run by the deep state.
Expedient. Legal? Certainly raises suspicion. Investigation warranted. Will never happen. Trump out. Objective achieved. Nothing to see here, move on.
Gallows and Piano Wire !
President Trump is giving the perpetrators of the MASSIVE electon FRAUD across the US Nov.3/4.......2020 enough rope to hang themselves ! It is a slow process but it is getting there !
The little POS, Gabe Sterling needs a bullet ....