The Death Of America is the National Debit

Under the Biden Harris team, they borrowed :

7.2 Trillion from Japan

7.8 Trillion from the Federal Reserve

7.6 Trillion from China

For a rounded off total of 22 Trillion, date 2022

On December 2023 the debit went to 34 Trillion

A rummor that debit was not 36 trillion, that was false.

As of 9/10/2024, the National Debit is 35 Trillion.

Trump will have inherited one hell of a mess, Trump can start by defunding Mexico all the way to South America, with Gov Tax Dollors. Mainly because the main body of imagration is coming from there.

Now I can prove the listed information above because I video taped is and created snapshots.




To complete the mission statment here:


 the link is here:


 2019 because of the Gain of Functions Pandemic, is what it is, another lie below by the google AI system, AI is a Nanotechnology Interface.




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