The Democrat Battle Plan for a Contested Election




Here is the entire document:

The Democrat Battle Plan for Constested Election.pdf

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  • VP Pence has the Constitutional and Statutory power to reject any list of Electors he deems corrupted... and too, inform the House and the Nation of his decision... it is final.  Next, Pelosi must have the House vote on who becomes the next President with ONE VOTE going to each State Delegation... a simple majority of that vote determines who becomes the next President per the 12th Amendment.  Currently, the GOP controls 24 State Legislatures and Governors, the Democrats have 15 and 11 States are split.  If the vote goes according to State alignments the President only needs to secure 2 votes from the 11 split states... Trump would be the on odds favorite to win the election.  

    If the Courts will not act to declare the popular vote void due to widespread fraud... then VP Pence as President of the Senate must refuse to certify the Electors as legitimate and refuse to accept their votes... throwing the election to the House... This has occurred twice in our history, Jefferson, and Adams. 

    seeHow Many Times Has The House Chosen The President? Hillary Clinton ...

    How Many Times Has The House Chosen The President? Hillary Clinton Definitely Shouldn't Count On Th…
    In the rare case of a deadlock election following the official casting of the electoral votes, the presidential decision would immediately go to the…
  • Better start planning for a civil war, people. These STATIST PIGS don't plan on failing to destroy the middle class this time.........FOREVER!!!  These Goebbelist Pigs  STOLE the election to boot!................Our turn to BECOME UNGOVERNABLE!!!..........These Mothers JUST STOLE OUR COUNTRYand worde,OUR FREEDOM!!!


  • Let us use the 12th Amendment to elect the President and send a message to high tech and the media and all those rich socialists you can do not have any control on how Americans elected the President.

  • This analysis is pure B/S... The 12th Amendment is clear... if there is no clear winner of the Presidential Election by 20 January.... inauguration day, the selection for President immediately devolves to the House of Representatives where each State Delegation receives one vote for President... with the candidate receiving a simple majority vote becomes President. 

    There is no need for the Senate and House to take up arms... the Constitution provides for the election of a President when there is a dispute over Electors... it goes to the House where the top three candidates for President stand for election, with the winner selected by a simple majority vote.  One vote per State Deligation.  The GOP has 24 States where both the Legislature and Governor are Republican,  the Democrats  have15, and 11 States are split, some having the legislature and others the Governor only.

    Twice during our history, the House has decided who would be President... because of problems with fraud and electoral votes.  Adams and Jefferson were the two Presidents elected by a House vote...

    See: Electoral College & Indecisive Elections | US House of Represen... 

    Electoral College & Indecisive Elections | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives
    “…and if there be more than one who have such Majority, and have an equal Number of Votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately chuse…
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