
The Democrat primaries are sweeping around the nation and leaving behind fewer Jewish Democrats in public office and more antisemitic radicals sitting in the House of Representatives.

Rep. Ilhan Omar and Rep. Rashida Tlaib both survived challenges from better qualified African-Americans because they enjoyed the backing of the Democrat establishment.

Despite her antisemitic rhetoric, a habit that Omar continued during the primary, she got the endorsement of Speaker Pelosi. The top elected Democrat official also endorsed Tlaib.

After Omar’s first round of antisemitic remarks, Senator Kamala Harris defended the racist politician against her Jewish critics by warning “that the spotlight being put on Congresswoman Omar may put her at risk.”

Omar’s antisemitism wasn’t threatening Jews, but Jewish protests were threatening the bigot.

Then Harris insisted that, “there is a difference between criticism of policy... and anti-Semitism."

The California politician didn’t bother to explain how Omar’s antisemitic tropes were mere policy.

Senator Harris has since been picked as Biden’s running mate. If Biden wins, a politician who defended Omar’s antisemitism will almost certainly become the next president of this country.

While Harris has been depicted as a moderate, her chief of staff, Karine Jean-Pierre, was the national spokeswoman and senior adviser for MoveOn. The radical group has a long history of trafficking in antisemism and attacking the Jewish State. It even opposed Senator Schumer because, in its own words, “our country doesn’t need another Joe Lieberman.”

Jean-Pierre had accused Israel of "war crimes" and denounced AIPAC as "Islamophobic" for opposing the murder of Jews, urging Democrats to avoid the pro-Israel convention.

The myth that the radicals of the squad were insurgent “giant-slayers” who were taking on the Democrat establishment was branding. The reality is that the radicals are backed by a radical establishment which is cheerfully shedding older Dems with more traditional constituencies.

That includes Jews.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the squad leader who supported Omar’s pro-BDS resolution, has a speaking slot at the Democrat convention. A letter on her site, signed by the congresswoman, accuses Israel of becoming an apartheid state and threatens to cut off aid.

Rep. Cortez's email in support of the move touted the backing of BDS groups and extremist organizations linked to terrorist groups like the PFLP and Hamas. These groups include American Muslims for Palestine, whose chairman, Hatem Bazian was the architect of the harassment of Jews on college campuses as the founder of Students for Justice in Palestine.

When Israel resisted a Hamas invasion from Gaza, Rep. Cortez accused Israel of a "massacre".

Jewish Democrats can’t keep on pretending that these views are marginal when they occupy a speaking role at their convention between John Kerry and Bill Clinton.

All this matters a whole lot more than the policy theater over the Democrat platform.

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