We fight this endless battle, this dirge of the insane... man against man, never-ending suffering, the song of fools.... when will it end, this death march, this dance with pain? 

Look and behold a tale of woe... long told, of man's insolence for his kind... His wayward strut, upon this stage; like sounding brass, his days unfold... never to be heard again... 

What struggle, we bare in this world of care... what pain, we delight in the twilight of reason? All is vanity and vexation... the song of fools, to hear; the dirge of the insane... When will we learn, this tale told so often... this death march, of old... 

Awake I say, awake... be renewed and refreshed, for God has heard, this tale of woe, and given thee a way to go... awake, be renewed and refreshed, for the day is soon over, and the mountains shall give way, too the plain... and the valley of peace, soon to be revealed... 

Stand now, resolute in the way... too find peace and a better day. Sing no more, of the song of fools, dance no more, with pain; abandon the dirge of the insane... be born again, to loves sweet caress, and awake from this tale of woe... 

Go, and sin no more... walk, in the beauty of His Holiness and be made whole... Rise up in the power of His Spirit and embrace the light of day... no more to walk in the darkness or the night... for ye are the delight, of the Lord... His child restored, His son, renewed... His abundant joy, anew. 


RA Nelson 

Col., US Army (ret.) 

Let this encourage the wayward soul whose hope is fading in the twilight of life.. in the insolence of man... that they may live again.  God has a purpose for all things and all things work for the good of them who love God.  Be at peace, be still, and wait upon the Lord... A better day comes, an eternal day, where night no longer swallows day and darkness no more triumphs over light. 

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