Drudge admit it is no longer run by Matt Drudge - The Donald - America First

In the latest slew of "mini-stroke" hit pieces against the president, the once-conservative Drudge Report titled its headlining story, "Trump Denies Mini-Stroke Sent Him To Hospital."

The news aggregation site sourced a CNN video of President Donald Trump allegedly dragging his right leg while touring a North Carolina laboratory back in July.

Trump on Tuesday denied the leftist spin that he suffered "a series of mini-strokes" prompting an unscheduled visit to Walter Reed hospital in November 2019. Trump's physician, Dr. Sean Conley, even cleared his health record in a statement, affirming that Trump is "fit to execute the duties of the Presidency."

The president then called out Matt Drudge, who founded the self-titled Drudge Report, for not backing him during his 2016 presidential campaign and further diverging from conservative media.

"His Fake News report on Mini-Strokes is incorrect," Trump exposed the now-liberal news peddler. "Possibly thinking about himself, or the other party’s 'candidate.'"

Numerous conservative commentators have called out Drudge

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