Republics give power to the States and are a representative form of democracy...  Kamala Harris's parents were foreign-born aliens the seed of nations with imperial forms of government. India, and Jamaica, were her parent's homes.   Her early years were spent under the tutelage of foreign parents and in a home whose culture was unlike that of her neighbors and the experience of NATURAL BORN  citizens. That experience and heritage are why she has many social and economic beliefs and values foreign to our Heritage and the views of our founding fathers.   That is why the Constitution DISQUALIFIES HER and any others with similar births and experiences from holding the two highest offices in the land... VP or President...

Kamala Harris is not a Natural Born Citizen ... a child born of two US Citizens, under the full jurisdiction of the USA, its territories, or possessions.  We have a Constitutionally unqualified Vice President on top of one being fraudulently elected.  It is PAST TIME that COWARDS like Sen. McConnell stand up for our Constitution; too, defend what any scholar knows are its requirements to be VP and President.  It is the failure of the GOP and Democrat Party leadership to defend our US Constitution and its original meaning and intent that has brought us too near extinction.... as the Constitutional Republic, our forefathers bequeathed to us. 

On January the 6th the entire GOP delegation in both Houses of Congress should have challenged any Elector casting a vote for an UNQUALIFIED CANDIDATE.  However, that did not happen, as we no longer have men and women of courage and moral rectitude holding high office in our land. They all... capitulated, ignored their sworn duty to defend the Constitution against such abuses, and certified her election to the Office of Vice President.  Shameful doesn't describe their treason to our founding fathers' work.

Kamala Harris must resign or be indicted for violating the Constitutional requirements to be elected to VP or to hold the Office of President... it is time for the RED STATES LEGISLATURES to declare her unqualified and to impeach every Secretary of State for certifying her candidacy and election.  It is time to put away every Attorney General (State and Federal) who holds the opinion that Kamala Harris is Constitutionally qualified to be VP or President...  past time to defend the US Constitution against its ENEMIES in Government.

However, I frankly doubt we have a single Conservative Leader willing to stand up to Kamala Harris and the Left... too, inform them of what they already know... That, Harris is not qualified to be VP or President.  And, what does that say about our state of affairs, as a Constitutional Republic or society that respects the RULE OF LAW?  When the fundamental law of the land is TRASHED by those who are responsible for defending it?

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