As long as President Trump REFUSES to enforce our laws against those in high places the left will only grow bolder... ignoring our election laws, they will outrageously steal the next election and this Country will face Civil War... or the chains of bondage as leftist tyrants dictate the terms of government.

Make no mistake the President must act immediately... he must decisively demonstrate the will and ability to enforce the law and too end the pandemic.  Civil War and bondage await the timid and indecisive.  America has been engaged in a silent coupe for over 3yrs:  first, through charges that the election was stolen by Russian interference, then as a baseless attempt to impeach, and now in the form of a manmade pandemic.  There is no sense in pursuing further debate. The left and their progressive alliance intend to destabilize the government by any means necessary... The die is cast and it is time to act... It is either detain and prosecute sedition and treason or suffer a civil war or bondage.

AG Barr has demonstrated he is incapable of enforcing the law... The Federal Courts are corrupt and have become ineffective and unwilling to defend the Public from tyrants in high places. It is clear that the FBI and CIA and most of the leadership in Federal Law Enforcement are involved in the ongoing attempted Coupe de eta., The botched investigation of Russia gate and the baseless Impeachment attempt are proof of their complicity with the Coupe attempts.  We are now facing an equally phony response to the current pandemic. A long trail of evidence leads to suspected collusion between the CDC and leftists, to use this pandemic to bring down the economy and with it the President.  Every day reveals more corruption and greater contempt for the law.  The abuses of power by the Left and Progressives in government must end before the People are forced to choose between the chains of bondage and Civil War...It is TIME FOR MARTIAL LAW.

The President has the Constitutional authority, power, and duty, to use martial law... too, 'TAKE CARE' that the laws of the United States are faithfully executed.  He is both the Chief Constitutional Law Enforcement Officer and Commander in Chief of the US Military.  As such, he can use his Constitutional offices to engage the corruption in the DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, and those federal agencies that have displayed a contempt for the Constitution and rule of law.  The President must now engage his Constitutional power to Take Care that the laws be faithfully executed... He must engage and purge out the corruption in the DOJ, Federal Law Enforcement and Courts.

If the President fails to act decisively... we can expect the Left to become bolder with their acts of lawlessness... Look for the coming election cycle to be riddled with election and voter fraud. The People no longer hold the franchise on their ballots and elections. The Left means to take America down by any means necessary, including mass murder and civil war.  If the President fails to stop the lefts lawless conduct, our Republic may not see a new year.

We must not let this Great Nation die a needless death... for lack of purpose and will to defend its Constitution and the rule of law... the end is upon us, the question is will the President act to stop the pending calamity?

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  • "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."  John Adams  Are we a moral and religious people, if not we can only expect our Constitution to be maligned and abused... until we no longer recognize the Court's interpretation of it.  The wicked shall wax worse deceiving and being deceived their wicked deeds shall increase until the Earth is full ... and the grapes of wrath made ready.  We are witnessing the dissolution of justice and our liberty.

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