The End Is Near... the President must act or the left will use the pandemic & a civil war to destroy the Republic
As long as President Trump fails to aggressively enforce our laws against those in high places the left will only grow bolder... ignoring our election laws, they will outrageously steal the next election and this Country will face Civil War... or the chains of bondage as leftist tyrants dictate the terms of government.
Make no mistake the President must act immediately... he must decisively demonstrate the will and ability to enforce the law and too end the pandemic. Civil War and bondage await the timid and indecisive. America has been engaged in a silent coupe for over 3yrs: first, through charges that the election was stolen by Russian interference, then as a baseless attempt to impeach, and now in the form of a manmade pandemic. There is no sense in pursuing further debate. The left and their progressive alliance intend to destabilize the government by any means necessary... The die is cast and it is time to act... It is either detain and prosecute sedition and treason or suffer a civil war or bondage.
AG Barr has demonstrated he is incapable of enforcing the law... The Federal Courts are corrupt and have become ineffective and unwilling to defend the Public from tyrants in high places. It is clear that the FBI and CIA and most of the leadership in Federal Law Enforcement are involved in the ongoing attempted Coupe de eta., The botched investigation of Russia gate and the baseless Impeachment attempt are proof of their complicity with the Coupe attempts. We are now facing an equally phony response to the current pandemic. A long trail of evidence leads to suspected collusion between the CDC and leftists, to use this pandemic to bring down the economy and with it the President. Every day reveals more corruption and greater contempt for the law. The abuses of power by the Left and Progressives in government must end before the People are forced to choose between the chains of bondage and Civil War...It is TIME FOR MARTIAL LAW.
The President has the Constitutional authority, power, and duty, to use martial law... too, 'TAKE CARE' that the laws of the United States are faithfully executed. He is both the Chief Constitutional Law Enforcement Officer and Commander in Chief of the US Military. As such, he can use his Constitutional offices to engage the corruption in the DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, and those federal agencies that have displayed a contempt for the Constitution and rule of law. The President must now engage his Constitutional power to Take Care that the laws be faithfully executed... He must engage and purge out the corruption in the DOJ, Federal Law Enforcement and Courts.
If the President fails to act decisively... we can expect the Left to become bolder with their acts of lawlessness... Look for the coming election cycle to be riddled with election and voter fraud. The People no longer hold the franchise on their ballots and elections. The Left means to take America down by any means necessary, including mass murder and civil war. If the President fails to stop the lefts lawless conduct, our Republic may not see a new year.
We must not let this Great Nation die a needless death... for lack of purpose and will to defend its Constitution and the rule of law... the end is upon us, the question is will the President act to stop the pending calamity?
We are still waiting for the laws of the United States to be uniformly enforced... the current election is a fraud and thousand of election officials know it and were engaged in criminal activity... not cheating... treason and sedition are serious felonies.
Where are the AG, DOJ, and FBI? Absent, from the fray over election fraud is inexcusable... especially, now that foreign agents and members within the government at its highest levels appear to be directly involved in rigging the elections.
The Nation is rapidly approaching a massive crisis as the evidence of fraud continues to present itself and the courts continue to IGNORE IT .... or worse deny it. We are headed for Civil War unless the President acts now to declare a National Emergency and Martial Law... too, impound the corrupted voting machines and all the assorted election records until a forensic evaluation of the electoral vote totals can be determined and the election called for the candidate with the most lawful votes.
Since my initial post. a national race riot has been ENGINEERED... a race war stands ready to envelop our Nation. This crisis is the creation of the left and the National Mainstream Media. They are race-baiting America, injecting even greater chaos and lawlessness into our homes, our streets, and businesses.
The President is now confronted with even greater pressure to restore the rule of law... America's mayors and governors are unraveling the fabric of our Constitutional Republic. Democrat Governors and Mayers refuse to enforce the rule of law. They have taken a knee to riot and have sided with the lawlessness in their cities. City governments are standing by as rioters burn down their cities and murder local citizens. Instead of calling for calm, many of these government agents, appear to justify the riots, inciting even more violence.
There is no excuse for the violence or the bogus claims of systemic police brutality directed at Blacks. The facts don't support such claims. However, the Marxist MSM is using such claims to create a National narrative, too inflame racial violence among misguided Black Americans and their progressive white allies. The MSM is inciting riot and a narrative that could result in civil war.
Finally, the simultaneous occurrence of all these events is not coincidental... these events are being driven by a Marxist mainstream media and a national narrative of race-baiting ... all designed to embroil the Nation in racial violence, which will disrupt our November election cycle and destroy our economy... all this is designed to bring down Pres. Trump. Why? Because, a second Term with President Trump, at the helm of America, will see their leftist empire destroyed and an end to their desire to have America kneel to a Marxist world.
I feel that a comment is warranted due to the criticism of President Trump in regard to the serious problems revealed by the fact that he was elected less than 4 years ago.
First of all, It is unquestionable that those in high office should face justice for their criminal actions, abuse, neglect, and abject failure to uphold the Constitution and the Rule of Law, if one is a true Christian American guided by the direct orders, written in detail, provided by the Commander in Chief of the Universe, the Creator of all there is or ever will be, and the One who gives us our very lives and the resources to live it.
President Trump is not the problem. I am pretty confident that I could count on one hand those who would willingly put themselves through all the hell he has experienced, and have all fingers left, including the thumb. He is remarkable, and he is astonishing in his drive and purpose.
If his Presidency is limited to only one term then we can all be assured that there will be much left undone. My view is that God moved him into the Office for a reason, and a major part of that reason is to see how we would react to a man purposed to restore what had been defaced by his predecessor. In respect to that I would suggest that we encourage him to continue his efforts, that it is needed and appreciated, and point out those things that remain prohibiting the restoration of the Rule of Law to America.
The world watches. The internet is visible and noted by many. Great events are the result of many factors, but the single most important one has always proven to be that of the quality of the Leaders. Good comes from good leadership. Simple enough. Worth remembering.
This great nation of ours can not exist with HALF MEASURES ... once committed to the return of the Rule of CONSTITUTIONAL law, the President must not waiver or pull back... to do so will signal a lack of decisiveness and commitment to follow through. The President faces some very critical decisions over the next few days... he will either use his office to put down the Marxist revolution in our streets or KNEEL before the sword of our enemies. He will either, by default, apologize for being WHITE and the PRESIDENT or end the race-baiting and civil unrest
Make no mistake, the Office of President and with it, our Constitutional government is being challenged... Black racist and their Marxist allies are at war for the very fabric of our nation and the President is the only defense we have.
Let us pray that the President uses his powers to restore liberty and Constitutional law... the unlawful and misguided rioters are indeed the embodiment of Domestic Terrorism, designed to disrupt our elections and to depose the Office of President. Even if the current riots subside... without arrests and incarceration of those instigating them, we can expect they will return in November to disrupt our elections... Domestic violence will lead to a contested outcome, no matter which side wins ... The ensuing violence and civil unrest may well bring on full-scale civil war. That is why the President needs to act NOW ... not latter.
I was in deep reflection today and while meditating on this Nation's struggles in the past this came to me.... a glorious hymn that expresses the underlying power of God's Spirit and plans for our Nation.
In the beauty of the lilies, Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me;
As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free!
While God is marching on.
How often have I sat and listened silently to the refrain of this glorious Hymn... soon the cadence and its refrain take on form, to live in me. Often, I am caught up in the struggle against my flesh, and the not so hidden war for my spirit rages... as does the tempest of this glorious hymn.
Then, arises the question, from campfires long grown cold: Is the spirit of those camps found in the righteous today... Has my brother laid bare his soul and with steel charged the Serpent's den... breached his breastworks... there to strike down his kingdom, with God's righteous sword...
Where are the righteous whose watch-fires blaze with the fierce and powerful word of God... whose lightning stretches across our lands to make men free... Is His Truth marching on in the hearts and souls of our generation or did we so ignorantly trade His Sword and birthright for a bowl of porridge? Can one find a thousand watchfires ablaze for Christ today and in the camp of the righteous is God's Word read by dim and fading light? Or, is there yet a blazing fire in the belly of the righteous, that declares with jubilant acclaim our God Marches On!
Has not God pierced our hearts and opened our eyes to His coming glory... Can we not hear the incessant feet of His Armies gathering... Soon His terrible swift sword shall scatter His enemies... Be swift, my soul, to answer His call while the sound of His trumpet yet echos ore the hallowed fields all...
Remember our forefather's sacrifice... Let us now march to the cadence of the drummers beat, that we may also God's field keep... and with jubilant cries, let us crush the enemies of righteousness... that God's Truth and liberty may not die, in the generations to come... Truly, our God is marching on, in you and I. Amen.
Yes the stay at home orders that are still not lifted is a rehersal for sure for the socialist state they want WE DO NOT. The pres came out yesterday and clearly made a statement but HE ALONE CAN SEND THE MILITARY IN AND THE NATL GUARD IS ALREADY THERE. NYC STILL DID NOT QUELL THE LOOTERS I DO NOT BELIEVE DE BLASIO WANTS TO IMHO. YET AS WE SEE MORE AND MORE THAT THE PRES HAS UNCOVERED THE LEFTS TRUE INTENT AND IT IS CLEAR THAT IT IS UP TO US AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN.
We must both end the lockdown by Pandemic and engage the left's radical assault on our public safety and government institutions. Riots and Arson are not protected assembly... they need to be dealt with as insurrection and domestic terrorism.
The President needs to use his Constitutional and Statutory powers to declare a National Emergency and limited Martial Law... for the purposes of cleaning out the corruption in the swamp... and to establish law and order in the streets of America. The President is currently the only constitutional force standing between chaos and our security as a people... he is the last line of defense in a long line of Constitutional Protections that have been destroyed by a liberal Congress and leftist political movement.
Judging by how Trump puts more weight on working with liberals than cleaning out the swamp, seems civil war is more likely, because martial law would only play into the hands of liberals (like a guest on Judge Jeanine Pirro, fox news said: "The global quarantine is a dress rehearsal for a global police state")
I agree Oleg... Pres. Trump needs to focus on law enforcement engaging 'shock and awe' tactics by declaring limited Marshal Law in DC and along our Southern Borders with the intent of prosecuting the Swamp, Deep State, and through the massive deportation of illegal aliens. One can not negotiate peace with the liberals... they want it all.