Consider the following scenario, rooted in the actual experiences of some parents.
Your 14-year-old daughter, who has never before questioned her gender identity, comes home from school one day declaring herself to be a boy after hearing a transgender teenager speak at a school assembly. She persists in her claims and demands cross-sex hormones, even though her experiments with a transgender identity seem more about winning peer approval in school and on social media than about any deep-seated discomfort with being female.
Scenarios like this, which were unheard of a decade ago, are now increasingly common, particularly among adolescent girls. Abigail Shrier documents this in her disturbing new book “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters.”
You take a cautious approach. You delay allowing your daughter to begin taking powerful hormones or undergo surgeries that will irreversibly masculinize her appearance and eventually render her sterile. You also seek a therapist who won’t unquestioningly affirm her transgender identity, but will probe more deeply to see if underlying psychological or social issues might be the real cause of your daughter’s transgender identification (psychiatric comorbidities are high among those with gender dysphoria).
Enter the so-called Equality Act, or its so-called “compromise” bill, the Fairness for All Act. Both would imperil your right to protect your daughter from risky and unproven gender reassignment “treatments.” They would also make it even more difficult than it already is for all parents to prevent their children from falling prey to gender ideology.
Advocates of the Equality Act want you to think of it as a basic civil rights measure necessary to protect people who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender from unjust discrimination. What it actually does is impose a radical ideology with sweeping implications on all Americans, including making it a form of unlawful discrimination to act on the belief – based on actual science – that maleness and femaleness are determined by biology rather than feelings, even in the way you raise your own children.
The Fairness for All Act is no better. The only significant difference is that, unlike the Equality Act, which explicitly exempts itself from the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the Fairness for All carves out limited and insufficient religious exemptions. But it still elevates “sexual orientation and gender identity” to protected classes in the Civil Rights Act, defining adherence to biology (and to traditional understandings of marriage and sexuality) as bigotry, akin to the racist belief that blacks are inferior to whites.
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We need to assign the responsibility for our youth's confusion on sexual orientation where it belongs... to both POLITICAL PARTIES... The GOP and the Democrats. The Gop did nothing effective, when it had BOTH houses of Congress and the Presidency, to stop the CULTURAL RAPE of our children. They, in fact, have supported such misdirected compassion for the deviant and mentally ill in the arena of the macabre.
Make no mistake both major political parties fall well short of the Public's moral expectations and standards for sexual orientation issues. Both Parties have voted to fund the insanity with federal tax dollars. Both Parties passed bills that protect such deviant behavior and provide social services to promote such nonsense...
Introducing Children to the perverted interpretations of sexual orientation and funding such insanity is not unique to one or the other political parties... it is, to one degree or another, supported by both political parties.
The GOP has deferred to the social rape of America's children... by funding programs that normalize and promote the immoral and debased psychological indoctrination of our Children's views on sexual orientation... this must stop. The schools and public institutions that serve our children must be told that they must desist in their warped presentation of alternative lifestyles as normal. This issue must be reserved for more mature adults, who are capable of understanding the science and psychological effects that such decisions have upon the individual and society in general
They will face the wrath of God someday
These Godless actions are just the tip of the Godless iceberg that is showing up these past years and is getting worse... pull your kids out and hide in the woods if necessary but protect them any way you can!
It is now more than clear that Democrats should not be allowed to have children, allowed to teach or to be physicians.
Or be a party anymore. Communism is unconstitutional. We need to put our constituion they've been shredding back in order,starting with bouncing this usurping Totalitarian Regimes ass out and stringing them up for it. NOTHING LESS!
Spot On!!
There's a wakeup call here, involving the Marxists' ideological creation of 'classes' for the class warfare they need and want in order to overthrow the established order and replace it with their totalitarian rule over The Herd. In this case it's a tendency to skewed gender identity brought on by environmental factors that 'we' should have been looking at, and doing something about, a long time ago. Consider:
Back in the '90s a book came out that nailed this phenomenon, and brought it to the attention of the wider public. Titled 'BrainSex,' it noted for said wider public the research (even at that time) that showed that there were environmental factors that could affect the maternal hormonal bath and consequent fetal brain at a particular, early stage of its development (as I recall it was the 8-10-week window), whereby male-patterned brains could be 'wired' into biologically female bodies and vice versa and every stage along the abnormal spectrum in between, like 'trannies'. The factors were numerous. An abnormal adrenal gland in the developing fetus or the mother or both. Endocrine disruptors/estrogen mimics in the environment, from the likes of plastics, pesticides, and The Pill. (You have heard of androgynous fish being discovered in our waterways??) Stress, of all kinds - physical, mental, emotional (it was known even by then that there was a higher incidence of homosexually-inclined children being born in the wake of wars than the normal background 'noise' could account for, e.g.). And a key actor was (and still is) the effects of drugs like barbiturates, prescribed to pregnant women without sufficient regard to their potential effects on the developing fetus. The LGBTQ+ 'phenomenon' is, in short, then, akin to a canary in the coal mine, which we all - professional and public alike - should have been paying more attention to than we have. In this classroom for the children of our Creator Source; undoubtedly doing the higher-level equivalent of human weeping at the mess that we have allowed ourselves, via our free will, to get into, and live in, without rising to this occasion - as others - of our educational process.
Democrats have pretty much destroyed or raped all that's pure and good (The Constituion,for example). What else would you expect out of Satans minions?
of corse they would GET on parents for protecting their baby for they support killing babies
Notice that any of the LEFT Ideas/Acts are all bad ideas. Equality Act, sounds good huh? Well it isnt. They always try to fool you with the names,
so innocent.