The Fallacy of "GREEN" Electric Vehicles and "GREEN" Solar Panels helping the environment.
Electricity HAS to come from somewhere. Watch till the end About electric vehicles recharging and where the electricity comes from. (Link; ).
Imagine EVERYONE in America going home to plug in their vehicles. MILLIONS OF THEM. The US power grid is 90% Coal Fired Plants.
Imagine the Billions of people in the world doing the same.
Think of where and how we will dispose of all the environmentally poisonous and extremely toxic worn out batteries.
Now think about all the extremely toxic worn out Solar Panels that will have to be disposed of with their 300% more toxicity than the waste from a Nuclear Reactor.
Finally think of all manufacturing efforts and processes creating pollution to make the batteries, solar panels, etc., from mining/refining, to processing of rare earths and other materials needed.
How much extra pollution will they constantly put into the environment when we switch to the "CLEAN" electric power.
Compare that to the relatively clean emissions we have today.
Which do you think will damage the environment more?
"Green Electricity", or what we have now?
I believe that the move to "Green Energy" as it now stands, will destroy and poison the modern world beyond repair.
The Tradesman