The Falsehood of American Policy

Source; SNGLR

"The most consequential falsehood in American public policy today is the idea that any racial disparity in any institution is by definition the result of racial discrimination."-- Heather MacDonald

As a result of the systemic racism lie, we are eviscerating meritocracy and behavioral standards in accordance with what is known as "disparate impact analysis(1)." Even color blind technology they claim is racist, trying to convince, obliquely, that insisting on truth is a form of fascism or actual violence.

What is that stake from this ideology? Answer: our country and ultimately our lives.

For example, urban leaders have decided that they would rather not enforce the law at all, no matter how just, fair, right and constitutional that enforcement, than put black criminals in jail. The result of this de-prosecution in policing has been widespread urban anarchy. For example, in 2020 we saw the largest one year spike in homicide in our nation's history. Thousands more Black lives have been lost to drive by shootings. Dozens of Black children have been fatally gunned down in their neighborhoods. Black juveniles are shot at 100 times the rate of white juveniles, Blacks are killed in drive-by shootings at 25 times the rate of whites in the same age cohort. More Blacks are murdered every day than all White and Hispanic homicide victims combined, even though Blacks are about 13% of the population. And they're assailants were not the police or White or Hispanic supremacists. They were other Blacks. Blacks also commit 85% of all non-lethal interracial violence between Blacks and Whites. A Black person is 35 times more likely to commit an act of non-lethal violence against a White person than vice versa.

Yes, "existing while black"  is far more dangerous than "existing while white"  - but the reason is Black criminals, not White vigilantes.

The reason for over-representation in the criminal justice system is the crime gap. The police cannot restore law and order in the neighborhoods of innocent people most being victimized without having a “disparate impact” on Black criminals. So the left-wing/democrat establishment has decided not to restore law and order at all.  Claiming systemic racism is about increasing their own personal power, which they care very much, about their constituents, they care not a damn.

Another core ingredient affecting the destruction of our freedom and prosperity, that our society needs to face up to the truth about is that the reason for racial under-representation across a range of meritocratic fields is the academic skills gap. If we do not acknowledge the skills, in conjunction with the above behavior gap, we are going to continue destroying our civilization. 

For example, in 2019 66% of all Black 12th graders did not possess even partial mastery of basic 12th grade math skills. 50% did not possess even partial mastery of basic reading. According to ACT testing only 3% of Black high school seniors were college ready in 2023. The same disparities in the SAT, LSAT, GRE and GMAT are just as wide.

Our woke public school monopoly is teaching young people to focus on their ego and dismiss the greatest creations of humanity(2). They are stripping them of the capacity to escape their narrow identities and to raise themselves in beauty, sublimity, knowledge, wit, virtue and self-sufficiency. No wonder so many Americans are drowning in meaninglessness, despair, drugs and crime.

The ongoing attack on colorblind excellence in the US is putting our scientific edge at risk also. An increasingly aggressive China, for example, cares nothing for identity politics and is providing everything it can at its most talented students. China ranks 1st in international tests of K-12 math, science, and reading skills; the US ranks 25th. Chinese racing ahead in nano-physics, artificial intelligence and other critical technologies. Meanwhile the american mathematical association declares math to be racist and Judas joe puts a soil geologist with no background in physics at the top of the Dept of Energy’s  science programs, because she checks off several identity politics boxes and published topics such as a critical feminist approach to transforming workplace climate.

As long as the lie of racism remains the only allowable explanation for racial disparities, the left-wing/democrat wins(3), and our civilization and all those who live in it will continue to lose and suffer.

We must stop apologizing for Western civilization. That civilization has liberated the world from universal squalor and disease, thanks to the Western passion for discovery and knowledge. It has given the world just about every structure and every device that we take for granted in our miraculously privilege existence which benefits virtually every human being. It was in Western civilization that the ideas of constitutional government and civil rights were born. Yes, to our shame, we had slavery. But what civilization did not! But only the Anglosphere expended lives and capital to end that universal practice. In fact every ideal that neo-liberal ideology uses today to bash the West - such as equality or tolerance - originated and flourished in the West.

We must start proclaiming and acting on the basis that standards are not racist and that excellent is not racist. That categories like race, gender, and sexual preference are never qualifications for a job. That being female is not an accomplishment, nor is being gay or black. At present you can have proportional diversity or you can have meritocracy. You cannot have both. Guess which one the lack of does more damage across all measurements and all people? 

Lowering standards helps no one. High expectations are the key to achievement. We must live by this truth, never apologize for it, and never back down. Any alternative is worse, much, much, worse.


1.      Even our federal government is shifting medical research funding from science to bogus studies on racial disparities in wokeism version of  social justice, not because of any assessment of scientific need, but because Black researchers do more racism research and less pure science.

2.      That develops a thirst for inertia and entropic decline, since delusion is cheaper and easier than recognition, as well as the avoidance of the formation, refinement and fortification of mental structures, which are systems that reliably perform functions such as memory, assessment or anticipation and the matrices of intelligence; all of which improves logical and abstract thinking skills and provides a wider pro-social and historical context. 

3.      A dysfunctional need for a bitter longing for status, to prefer to be bullied and misgoverned by some member of one's own race or social class to being well and tolerantly treated by someone from another and remote who does not recognize oneself for what one wishes to feel themselves to be. For this is a need to feel that the other, like oneself, is the only one that can understand them that can create the sense of being somebody in the world. It is this desire for reciprocal recognition that leads the most authoritarian regimes to be, at times, consciously preferred by its members. This is submission to the authority of oligarchs or dictators gives the simple or irrational mind a sense liberation, no matter how obviously false it is.

Different but related:


Since the war on poverty began government has shown that it can raise the income of the poor simply by giving them more money and benefits. But it is failed to increase their skills by much at all, and it has not overcome the patterns of life that largely produce long-term poverty - failure to work steadily, obey the law, and avoid single parenthood. No benefit or incentive, not even guaranteed jobs, has shown a power to induce poor adults to better avoid those failures.

When explaining the tyranny closing in around us, we naturally blame centers of hidden and unaccountable power: rogue security services, health authorities spreading illness, plutocrats re-engineering the planet, and the like.

But these are not where it began.  Like many good intentions gone awry, it all began with an important ingredient, how we addressed the most basic problem of modern industrial society: the problem of the poor.  If the “deep state” is the overall source of the creeping authoritarianism we are experiencing, defined as powerful people using impersonal bureaucracies to forcibly control the private lives of millions of non-criminal citizens, then the original “deep state” is the “welfare state.”

Too much power and authority, as a rule, is a standing threat to fundamental liberties. Even paternalistic governments, however benevolent, cautious, disinterested, and rational, have tended, in the end, to treat the majority of adults like minors, or as being incurably foolish, irresponsible or unable to be self-sufficient; or else as maturing so slowly as to not justify their liberation at any clearly foreseeable date - which, in practice, means never, all a profoundly mistaken view of the deepest human needs. Participation in self-government, is, like justice, a basic human requirement, and end in itself.

Such ultimately coercive government power may not totally destroy at first but, it compresses, enervates, extinguishes and stupefies people and turns them into a flock of animals whom government proclaims to be their shepherd. Unless further barriers are erected this tendency will only increase, leading to a proliferation of conformers, time servers, hypocrites, tyrants,  a silencing of opinion, and an elimination of politically unallowed choices, resulting in a fixed pattern of life and thought by the current regime. In essence a soft, at first, slavery. The logical culmination of this process, openly justified as attempting to destroy everything through which one can possibly be wounded, is not perfection, but suicide. Total liberation in this sense, as Schopenhauer correctly perceived, is conferred only by death(1).

The 2020 coup upon our form of freedom and prosperity ignited with the neo-liberals’ lord [george] floyd’s death in a Minneapolis ghetto — that is, within dysfunctional and violent welfare communities. A welfare that provides the political base for destructive groups like black lives matter and elevates mediocrities like kamala harris to office, who start usually as bias and incompetent prosecutors before becoming politicians.

Our welfare system, with its disasterous mission creep,  as liberal/democrat Senator Patrick Moynihan warned it would, accomplished what slavery and segregation could not: it destabilized the African-American family and created a permanent underclass of impoverished single mothers, fatherless children, and criminalized fathers.  Because every social pathology is directly attributable in large part to fatherless homes, the result was a self-destructive horde of criminals, delinquents, truants, addicts, prostitutes, and derelicts that proceeded to tear down their own communities and quickly populated the world’s most massive prison system.  It also created armies of functionaries, government dependent too,  to administer their lives, with a self-interest in perpetuating their clients dependency and expanding the havoc. That, of course,  bred an angry subculture of victimization, entitlement, and resentment. And obviously, it’s is bankrupting our major institutions, including our welfare systems, and ultimately our country.


1.      Kant insisted that what made men free was not acting in a certain self-improving way, but knowing why they ought to do so, which nobody could do for, or on behalf of, anyone else.

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