
JOHNSTOWN, Pennsylvania — Ken Miller walked into one of the four storefronts on the right flank of the Richland Shopping Center, asked if this was where he could change his voter registration, sat down with a purpose and began to fill out the form.

"It is time to go," he said flatly as he checked his Pennsylvania driver's license number to place on the form.

Miller did not vote for Donald Trump in 2016; he didn't vote for Hillary Clinton either. He is a retired insurance manager and does not like what he sees coming from the party he has been a part of his adult life. "I just get tired of the game playing that the Democrats are doing," he says. "Everything's just so disgusting today. Something has to change. Well, something's going to change."

"I'm afraid something's going to break out here, and I'm pretty sure it will," he said. He's concerned that what happened to patrons having dinner at an outside cafe in Pittsburgh, when protesters swarmed them, will find its way here and other bucolic settings across the country.

Miller is not alone. For the first time anyone can remember, Cambria County is no longer dominated by Democratic voter registrations. It lost that dominance quietly on Labor Day weekend when Pennsylvania Department of State registration numbers showed Republicans having 37,951 registrations and Democrats holding 37,826.

Four years ago, Democrats still dominated by 12,000 registrations. Eight years ago, it was nearly double that. Despite the lead in registrations, both Trump and Mitt Romney prevailed over their Democratic rivals in this county.

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  • I am praying he will win re-election even though the left will try every dirty trick in the book.   I know hes cut bk on some ads but all can see the amazing stuff hes done in 4 yrs imagine a/o 4 wow.    Yes i pray he will win despite the lefts dirty manipulations.  

  • IT's reported that trump is cutting back on adds in the key states because of budget restraints..

    • I've been watching the ad count here in western Pa. The Biden/Trump ratio is approximately 5 to 2. I hear that Trump is about to make another big ad buy in western Pa. I hope so. I had a Trump door knocker stop by yesterday so I know they have they're ground game going. Please donate anything you can when you can. E

    • I agree with you Hilary but I am already maxed out. I am not too worried. Every American can see how great Trump has made America in his first term, and they want more of the same in Trump's second term. He will win with an even bigger landslide in 2020 than he did in 2016, and he will take the House with him like he did in 2016 when Republicans were riding on his coattails, too.

  • EVERY non-Democrat in America who is a Legal, Adult Citizen, MUST get out there and vote IN-PERSON!  Offer rides to the polls for non-drivers, help people register, and talk to your adult children about WHY they should NEVER vote for the Left!

  • Every American can see how great Trump has made America again after we suffered through the obummer years when chaos, riots, and deficits ruled the day. That's why Trump will win with an even bigger landslide than he did on 2016. Sit back and enjoy the show!!!

    • Well, well I agree with you as as I am concerned I will be voting for Trump in November 3rd.


  • Only the dead do not care what hell the demonrats bestow upon this country, so I believe only the dead will vote for demonrats.

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