
  • Tell McConnell and the rest of the Rinos the most important thing happening in the world is the destruction of our country 

  • It looks like the rinos in the GOP are also woke and seem to run the selection process. We the people have had enough of these rinos. We the people demand solid MAGA Republicans, who are loyal to President Donald J. Trump no matter what. Enough is enough!

  • This diversity and gender hiring has gotten us to the situation we are in now. Justt look at this raud administration. best example is Kamala who was hired because of her race and color.  Also the new Supreme Court Justice who does not know what a woman is. The majority of their hires were because of their gender and race. Enough is enough. I have no problem with any race be appointed as long as they are educated and competant.

    • Yes, they should be "educated and competant" and NOT indoctrinated, as most of them are.

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