The GOP Picks Up 10th House Seat in NY11

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  • Christian prayers are being answered and doing what the almighty dollar could never do!

  • Let the unseen hand of God's Righteousness reverse the works of the unrighteous...  whose devious acts would yoke our Nation to an ungodly course. May God's Spirit move and with a mighty wind sweep clean the Halls of Congress.  Let the Lord install men of His will in the House of Representatives.  May the Lord confound His enemies and let the whole of the Earth marvel at the works of His Hands, at the saving of our Nation.  For this land is His Land, and this land is a righteous land, set aside for the works of the Lord. Therefore the Lord shall preserve it, the Lord shall restore it, as His Holy possession, free from the sin of humanity and the children of the unrighteous.

    Let every knee bow and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord...  and let the nations know that some may trust in chariots and others in horses, but the righteous trust in the Arm of the Lord.  For, He is their Rock and Salvation, the light unto our path. He alone is the source of our strength and the author and finisher of our faith. Let the weak be strong, and the mighty scattered before the Hand of the Lord and a soverign People. The enemy sought to be exalted in corruption, but the Lord confounded them and brought them to derision. The enemy came in one way, but he shall flee seven ways.  For the Lord shall not abandon His people and His people shall not be blind forever.

    Let the Nation of the Righteous rejoice at the folly of their enemy... Let them know their numbers are greater than the many who seek to do them harm ... Let them look up, for the mountains are full of the Lord's Armies and the clouds do rain from heaven God's will to vanquish the wicked; too, expose their lies, that all the world may know: America is Jesus Christ's possession; a new nation, forged out of the wilderness, as a witness to Christ's authority over all the Earth.  Amen.

    • AMEN!

    • I just prayed this in agreement with you, Col. Nelson, and Amen. America belongs to Jesus Christ.

  • We all know what would happen if we did take the House, and put President Trump back in? Rioting in the streets so get ready.

    • We can not be bullied into submission... we don't give ground to thugs and reprobates.  The Police need to defend our rights and if they will not then we need to find constructive and lawful means to defend our own rights... if that becomes impossible then CIVIL WAR MUST FOLLOW.

  • Wait till the midterms.

    • do you think we will have the midterms election?


    • Of course we will ... we may have lost a hill (maybe not), but we've not lost the war!

  • Keep them coming!!!

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