The Great Reset Documentary on


A Video series goes to the World Economic Forum and explains the planned Great Reset that world leaders want to impose on all of us, regardless of how we feel about it. Biden, Clinton, and Gates are part of this.

Their goals are not our goals. They don't care about how many people will die as they "transition us" to their agenda. We must be informed and speak out. For one thing: zero emissions is not a good goal.

It will lead to mass starvation, like similar policies have in the past. 

For another thing: national sovereignty is essential and worth fighting for.  They use our media and influence over our government leaders to try to subvert national sovereignty. Look at the Dutch farmers who are being driven out of business by insane environmental policies, being pushed by the European Union.  This could lead to mass starvation and is terribly unjust to steal from farmers who have farmed for generations and provide good food for the world. They may argue it's to "save the planet", but it's just not true. 

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