The House of Representatives goes woke


In true Orwellian fashion, the HouThe “56 Genders” Meme – @Realmanshowse of Representatives is abandoning the clarity of the traditional English language and embracing woke language.

One of the most despicable things that the wokesters are pushing on America is “non-gendered language.” It’s one thing to do away with work-related descriptions that focus unnecessarily on a person’s sex. For example, nobody sane cares if the person chairing a committee is a “chairman” or a “chairwoman.” It’s another thing entirely to do away with language that accurately describes a person’s biological reality. A daughter is not a son and vice versa. Nevertheless, bowing before the radical gender lobby, the Democrat-led House is preparing to do just that.

According to an announcement from Speaker Nancy Pelosi and James McGovern (D-Mass), the Rules Committee Chairman, the proposed rules for the 117th Congress will mandate that any words acknowledging biological reality will henceforth be forbidden. Of course, the Democrats didn’t state matters so bluntly, but that’s the import of the announcement.

In their joint press release, Pelosi and McGovern provided an overview of their proposed rules package. Most of it is political gobbledygook that we all know is untrue. If you want a laugh, read about the claim that the new package “prioritizes ethics and accountability in the People’s House.” But specifically, with respect to the English language, the Democrat duo announced:

It promotes inclusion and diversity. That includes changes that would: establish the Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth; require standing committees to include in their oversight plans a discussion of how committee work over the forthcoming Congress will address issues of inequities on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, or national origin; honor all gender identities by changing pronouns and familial relationships.

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