
  • 1.  Face masks (diapers) violate OSHA Federal requirements on required oxygen levels in any place of work. A minimum level of 19.5 is Federally mandated by OSHA. Masks decrease 02 by about 20% and cause irreversible brain damage. They cause irreversable adverse effects. They deprive the brain of oxygen, also the lungs, also the blood. 

    2.  They impede speech.

    3.  They discriminate against the deaf as they cannot read what someone is saying.

    4.  They are filthy.

    5.  They impede normal social interraction.

    6.  They impede facial recognition.

    7.  They create division.

    8.  They create a meancing appearance.

    9.  They are fraud upon WE the People, as there is NO proof masks work. 

    10. N95 masks do not protect against illness or death. Surgical masks are used in sterile environments. These regular masks worn outside of sterile environments pick up filth, gather carbon dioxide from the person and the CO2 is  inhaled right back in, causing more health irreversible damage. 

    11. The mask orders are not regulations that have been subject to scrutiny, oversight, testing or other.

    The Healthy American with Peggy Hall
    PURPOSE OF THE PAGE The purpose of this page is to educate healthy Americans about their legal rights, and inspire followers to actively protect of o…
    The Healthy American with Peggy Hall
    PURPOSE OF THE PAGE The purpose of this page is to educate healthy Americans about their legal rights, and inspire followers to actively protect of o…
    • I can't get rid of the 2nd image.

  • DR. Fauci was correct back in February when he said that face masks do not stop the spread of the virus. Who told him to change his stance? Was he threatened? The reason fauci said that masks do not stop the spread of this virus is because of all of the studies that have been done over the last 10 years. Face masks cause health problems worse then the virus but more importantly face masks do not stop ANY influenza virus. Here is a good place to start:

  • he's a joke

    • No, he a serious threat to our Constitutional Republic... a deep state operative who wants the US to become the vassal servant of a new world order.

  • I knew it; he's a hypocrite demoncrat.

  • Fauci has been wrong so many times it's a surprise he still has a job. What really bothers me is that Trump, DeSantis, Kemp, etc have all bought into the commie demand that we have to or should wear masks. Why did they sell out that easily? What do the commies have on them? Is the Deep State that powerful that it even engulfs Trump now?

    • Trump is playing their game. They are telling America to wear masks and social distance and everything will be fine. Which takes away the commiecrats mail in ballot narrative and justification, just wear a mask when you go to vote at the polls, as well as, just give prison residents a mask, all will be fine according to dr death fauci.

    • I am always amazed when I find out how President Trump is playing 4-dimensional chess. That guy is a genius.

  • DO AS I SAY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, NOT AS I DO................................................. PARAMECIUM!!!!

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