The wargamers were Never-Trump Republicans and Obama-Biden officials.

The supposed goal of these "wargames" was to figure out ways to stop Trump from stealing the election.

However, independent journalist Whitney Webb says their real purpose was exactly the opposite. 
@_whitneywebb It should come as no surprise that the TIP wargamers favored extreme measures.

Only 10 days after Trump's inauguration, TIP co-founder Rosa Brooks suggested overthrowing Trump in a "military coup."…
@_whitneywebb In the event of a "clear" Trump win, the wargamers proposed that the three West Coast states should secede, forming a new country called "Cascadia."

See pages 17-18 of TIP's wargame report.


The "Cascadia" proposal came from John Podesta, who played the role of Joe Biden in the wargames.

"Cascadia" was no figment of Podesta's imagination, however.

Cascadia is a real movement, with its own website and Twitter page.…
@_whitneywebb @CascadiaDept

The TIP report further stated that Biden would contest any "Clear Trump Win" by sending "separate slates of electors" to the Electoral College, and by staging mass protests.

Trump would plant "agent provocateurs" "to ensure these protests turned……
@_whitneywebb @CascadiaDept The TIP report makes clear that chaos, riots and military intervention were the actual goals of the "Team Biden" wargamers.

They got what they wanted, except in reverse, with Trump "losing" the Electoral College and Trump staging the protests.Image
@_whitneywebb @CascadiaDept Gen. Milley told the J6 Committee that he took orders from Pence, not Trump, on Jan. 6.

If true, this means yet another of the coup plotters's schemes may have come to pass—the removal of Trump by Pence, under the 25th Amendment—planned since 2017.…

• • •

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  • If any of the above is true… the only way America will return to Constitutional Government is to overwhelmingly Re-elect Pres. Trump.  Flooding the polls with so many votes that it is impossible to hide his victory.  If the left resorts to throwing away ballots the GOP must be ready to take the necessary action to stop them ... up to and including the use of physical restraint.

    The GOP Must have a detailed plan for monitoring the vote and a follow-up plan for the lawful intervention... where fraud is taking place. A detailed legal plan must be prepared for the key states… judges sought who will provide injunctions and other orders to stop the fraud. 

    Once Trump is elected he needs to CLEAN HOUSE.... thousands of arrests on Inauguration Day and thousands more in the first 100 days... A complete purge of the corruption in government MUST BE PLANED, ORGANIZED, RESOURCED, and standing at the ready on Inauguration Day to execute key Presidential arrest warrants (See Lincoln’s use of this type of warrant). Using Martial Law and military tribunals to locate, detain, arraign, and try those involved in the attempted coup.  Charges of election fraud, insurrection, or treason are in line and  State Officials must be included in the LIST of arrest warrants.

    Because we have waited and tolerated treason in our midst for so long it will now take dramatic action to save the Union and restore Constitutional Government.  This happens when men of low character are permitted to achieve high office without being removed and imprisoned.  Both political parties are involved and arrests must take place in both. 

    If Pres. Trump is arrested and JAILED... Speaker McCarthy MUST shut down the House and walk out with the full GOP caucus until Trump is released and ALL the charges dropped, the DOJ and FBI can reopen any case after the Election is over… if the case is supported by evidence for probable cause.

    We are in a WAR for the soul of America and the GOP had better get on board with its base... if not, Pres. Trump's campaign HQ must seriously consider starting a third party ... taking all the loyal members in Congress and various state legislatures and administrations with him... leaving a hollow shell where once resided the GOP. Any Third Party action must take place immediately to ensure Trump is on the ballots of all 50 states, territories, and possessions of the USA.

    • COL, I really like your idea to have McCarthy shut down the House!  Does he actually have the power to do this?   If so, what kind of pressure can we put on him to get him to do it?

    • See:  Sessions, Adjournments, and Recesses of Congress (

      "The Constitution provides that neither chamber may adjourn for three days or more without the consent of the other. The two houses consent to each other’s sine die adjournment by adopting a concurrent resolution, called an “adjournment resolution.” They use a similar vehicle to allow each other to suspend their daily sessions for three days or more without terminating their annual session. Such a suspension is called a “recess of the session,” an intrasession recess, or, more formally, an “adjournment for more than three days” within a session. To avoid the need for a concurrent resolution, a chamber may hold pro forma sessions on such a schedule that no break of  three days or more occurs."   Quote: Congressional Research Service.  see the link above.

      The use of the House rules and the lack of a QUARUM... present to convene (open) a  daily session of Congress... the Speaker could declare the House in Recess or Adjourned until a quarum was present... is my understanding.  The House rules, and technical definitions for adjournment, recess, session, and often arbitrary use of their rules, make it difficult to say with certainty how long the Speaker could keep the House BUSINESS  from being conducted... Realizing that the House can technically be in session, the rules could keep any real business from proceeding.

      For a more complete understanding refer to the link above ... It provides a somewhat meaningful description of the complex and confusing rules for conducting the Business of Congress.  However, the short answer is YES... the Speaker can use the rules of the House to effectively shut down all the Business of the House.  The Speaker can effectively adjourn the House, while still meeting the 3-day adjournment restriction on the adjournment of either House contained in the Constitution...  by redefining the terms for adjournment and recess... effectively  LIMITING the types of business permitted to be done under a recess or adjournment.  The process is deliberately convoluted and devious... just what politicians love.
    • Thank you COL!    If we persuaded the Speaker to do this, what would we accomplish?

    • Here is another link to the full Congressional Research Services whie paper on recess and adjournment procedures for Congress.

      Sessions, Adjournments, and Recesses of Congress (
    • Those same 20 who strong-armed McCarthy need to double-down and do it again

    • All souns good but do the GOP have the backbone to do it?

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