Unsurprisingly, the SCOTUS... found it jurisdictional to tell the Executive Branch it can not impound funds in its administration of the govenment... including, the timing, and release of funds, where prudence suspects fraud and abuse exist.

BIG PROBLEM:  AG BONDI is responsible for the poor and, some could say, feckless defense of the Administration and President's position in this case. Trump is at it again: not just bad, but horrible, selection of key legal and civil staff.

Trump needs to go boldly where Lincoln once stood... The President needs to start using his Article 1 power, in conjunction with Article 2, Section 3 of the constitution. The "TAKE CARE" clause gives the President the power to remove judges UNILATERALLY... on his constitutional prerogative and order(s) to terminate judges whose behavior is BAD.  Impeachment is not necessary to remove an inferior federal judge. 

Article 3, Section 1, of the US Constitution, states judges of inferior courts... "shall hold their offices during good behavior".  Removal by Executive Order or Presidential warrant is a Constitutional means to remove inferior federal court judges.

Historically, Presidential Warrants (See Lincoln) were used , to remove members of the Congress and the Courts whose conduct was bad... with recourse for abuse of this Executive power, through Impeachment, whenever Congress disagreed with all or any such warrants of removal.  

We need a Lincolnesq President... One, who is willing to put aside the mistaken modern-day application of the federal court's jurisdiction over the Executive Branch and its administration of the government... (See Arti le 3, Section 2, Clauses 1-2) The Courts are usurping Executive power, to assume the reigns of GOVERNMENT... the courts were never to have such power. Activist Judges usurping such Executive power need to be immidiately removed.

The Judiciary is running the country... through judicial activism. We have unelected judges and LAWYERS making decision that end up effectively running the country.

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  • I totally agree. The Founding Father envisioned a president with absolute powers who rules the country by decree if necessary. How dare the courts go against executive orders issued by President Trump. He needs to step in at once and take full control of the judiciary. Fortunately Congress is already totally loyal to him and to the US Constitution. Next up, the judiciary. Do it now and follow the blueprint Ronald lays out so clearly. 

  • 1. Federal Judge blocks Trump's EO to stop funding for "transgender" youth. 

    2. Federal Judge blocks Trump's EO to stop "birthright citizenship."

    3. Federal Judge blocks Trump's EO to suspend "Refuge" program. 

    4. Federal Judge blocks Trump's EO to end "DEI" programs across the board. 

    1a. It was "chief justice" Roberts and Gorsuch who added special protections to existing Title VII Civil Rights legislation. They simply equivocated 'sex' with 'gender.' They are not the same. The common person is now shaky as people have bought into the equocation of the two terms. 

    1b. There is exactly NOTHING in the Constitution that protects any group of people who think they are something that they are not. Science is always provable, repeatable and observable. If it is not science then it is spiritual and emotional with the spiritual manifesting into the emotional. We have come to a place where we/ the courts actively DENY morality AND spirituality. We have never been this way before. 

    2. Birthright Citizenship is of one or both citizen parents, who have a child on our soil. It has exactly nothing to do with migrants. Only Immigrants. Once again, they equivocate 'immigrant' with 'migrant.' The common person used to know this. Twenty-plus years ago no fool would have thought a migrant was an immigrant. People valued America enough to want to protect her. The common people knew that. 

    3. McCarren-Walter Immigration Act ceded some Congressional Immigration authority to POTUS. Maybe this black-robed fool should read the law. POTUS can keep out any group for any amount of time as he sees fit. That was Trump's 1st EO first-time around. He should have told that judge off and impeached or removed him or her. (Look how simple-- the judge was either him or her--one or the other.) The common people understood the President was the Chief Executive Officer and who was able and authorized to do what was right. And right was right. And we knew that.

    4. Anti-racism is color-blind. It is that simple. Picking and choosing according to either sex or color IS the definition of sexism and racism. The common people have always known that. Maybe a class action lawsuit by white people would set things right. Or maybe just some honest thought based on moral principles, such as those in the Declaration of Independence's reference to Natural Rights and Natural Law. They actually go together. Common people knew that, too, because it's natural to all mankind for all times. And that was simple. And we know what it means. Except for the courts and law schools---

     -----If it weren't for them, we would be ok.-----

    It is time for a Constitutional smack-down. If it means a Constitutional crisis, then let it be. There are clear-sighted historian/ authorities that can guide Trump in a much-needed stand-off, such as Hadley Arkes, Founder of James Wilson Institute. The Tenth Amendment Center is another solid source. 

    Trump needs to grab some warriars from these  two authorities who understand our founding principles, and---give this country the medicine that is needed---a huge teaching moment. If it looks like a smack-down, so be it. Probably better anyway. 

    Scripture says rulers [black-robed] who lack understanding are oppressors. Prov.28:16.

    Shoe fits.

    • Well said Jea9

    • Until we see large numbers of indictments and arrests of the Deep State... there will be NO SIGNIFICANT or LASTING REFORM... merelly the window dressing and idol pontification of weak kneed patriots.

    • I know. I hope Trump realizes that whether we see true Justice and Judgement is going to determine the life or death of this country.

      Temporary anything can be undone. E.O.s can be undone.

      Gitmo and executions can not. It is going to take sheer force and domination with every single founding principle and every  truth as our weapons. Bowing to judges cannot happen. 

      Prayer by intercession, yes. Of course. We cannot have every demented fool, paid hellian and greedy whore determining the future of our country. But they are, and are backed up by judges. 

      I have said a gazillion times---Executions for betrayers, whomever they are. Judges physically kicked out publicly and brutally.


      And the truth is that what passes for Law Schools is garbage----it is Corporate and Municipal legaleze. We are supposed to be protected by Natural Law. 

      What passes for Medical Schools is paid pharma whores indoctrinating future doctors into damning treatments that cause disease. Dr.Ardis has proven all antibiotics cause eye disease. Other doctors are digging into their specialties.  These are the doctors who should be hired to completely restructure what is called medicine / medical schools----into natural healing practices. Hire Native Americans.  They know healing methods. Or used to.

      Why, when medical whores know that red light therapy helps heal, when my Grandpa could buy a simple red lightbulb for a couple of bucks to help his arthritis---now it's some fancy panel that costs hundreds of dollars and up.

      They have known and buried the cure for cancer over and over again. Remember Laitrile? Apricot kernals have Laitrile.

      Instead, the Feds outlawed Apricot trees so that no one could have those kernals, pound them into mush and eat them, or however they need to be prepared. Long ago, my sister's friend found a Mexican source to order Laitrile for her Mother, and she ordered it. It came into the country and the package was seized by the USPS. IDK if she was prosecuted or not. 

      If cancer cannot live in an oxygenated and alkaline body, and it can not-----then where are those 02 chambers? Alkaline H20? The water is available in bottles but a whole house alkalinizing /oxygenated purification system is very pricey. I doubt that an 02 tank is affordable either. They have us by the throat. Covid proved it. And simple Nitric Oxide helps the heart. Where is that? It was cheap when I found a source a long time ago. 

    •  “Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master"  George Washington.

      For reform to work those in the Government must be prepared to use FORCE as a tool to FORCE any change in the system  ... Those resisting reform will use every means available to retain the corrupt government that has made them powerful and wealthy  

    • Jea9, I totally agree. Gitmo and executions can't be reversed. Anyone not totally loyal to President Trump is game, especially if they are in positions to undermine his agenda for the benefit of we the people. 

    • Agreed.

    • I sincerely hope someone is giving TRUMP executive summaries of the suggestions... made by the contributors to this website.  Legal counsel may not agree BUT THAT IS THE PROBLEM... most legal authorities today don't agree with key Constitutional Standards for governing.  The Courts and their officers have subversively undermined the Constitution with 'Stari Decisis' (case law) the law of the court.

      The fact that many legal authorities will boldly state there are TWO LAWS in America... the Law of the Court and Constitutional Law.  That pronouncement is very telling to those with an analytical mind.

      In fact, there is only one law... Constitutional Law... Stari Decisis, is not law.  Statutoy Law that is not constitution is also... not law.

    • That is true but the foundation of our liberties is Natural law, where our rights of life, liberty and happiness come from.  Constitutional law is to constrict government. One is liberating and one is constricting. 

      Quote: "The Constitution, in this hypothesis, is a mere thing of war in the hands of the Judiciary, which they may twist and shape into any form they please. Thomas Jefferson,  Sept. 6.1819

      IOW, they saw this coming. It is now time to take its head off. If Bondi can't do it, throw her overboard. Who is on our side? Any names???

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