Image result for january 6 protest meme

Words matter. That’s why nearly every left-of-center media outlet is consistently using the word “insurrection” or even the more inflammatory “coup attempt” to refer to what happened at the U.S. Capitol on January 6. What they are doing is methodically intentional, and the reason is crystal clear. They want to paint a dark, ominous picture of the American political landscape, one that firmly places anyone who questioned the 2020 election or even supported former President Donald Trump as not just political adversaries, but enemies and even outlaws who want to overthrow a democratically elected government.

Imagine, the people who all year defended rioters who attacked police, burned buildings, looted stores, trashed neighborhoods, and literally took over police stations are now successfully painting Trump supporters as enemies of … law and order?!? And crazier still, millions are believing it. Many people will lose their freedom for simply, albeit unwisely, walking through open doors, even if they weren’t among those who attacked police, vandalized property, or broke into offices. People have lost their jobs and reputations simply for being among the hundreds of thousands at that rally. Trump supporters nationwide are being painted with guilt by association and driven from major social networking platforms because of a single event.

How did this happen? Granted, even given the fact that in any tense mob a few rambunctious rabble rousers can wreak a lot of havoc, this riot should have never happened in the first place. When you’re fighting the political war we’re currently engaged in with the enemies against whom we are currently engaged, we can’t afford even one mistake, and this was a big one. The left has been longing for a narrative-furthering event like this for decades, and they got it all in one fell swoop - a mostly-white group of right-wingers misbehaving on a massive scale on the biggest stage of all. It was too perfect, and now they’re using it, as they have COVID-19 and virtually every other ‘crisis’ that comes, to further their evil ends.

Sadly, because of the actions of a few hundred rioters who got out of control, the left forever intends to paint the right as “insurrectionists” and people who “attempted a coup.” Hmm. Again, words matter. What do governments historically do with insurrectionists and those who attempt unsuccessful coups? Suffice it to say, things generally do not end well for them. This, of course, says a lot about what the left would do with us, if they were able, and it speaks to why they use such inflammatory language for what happened on January 6.

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