The leftist plan!

The liberal progressive communists have nearly....(nearly),  managed to destroy the foundations of the American republic, which was founded 240 years ago, in 1776. Their efforts span over a century in time, and over at least three generations. Their overriding methodology has been to follow a patient, covert war of attrition against the Founding Principles. They, with little or nothing themselves to actually lose, have had the luxury of following this destructive path, relentlessly, and can afford to “win a few, lose a few” in their overall crusade against democracy and ordered Liberty. Their tactics have ranged from incitement of civil unrest, student demonstrations, subtle, subliminal  media manipulation, infiltration, etc., to outright rioting and armed resistance. In recent history, however, they have actually discovered the Rosetta Stone of Marxist dogma upon which is inscribed the formula for their dream of world dominance. It is the “Holy Grail” they have long sought in their quest for absolute power:          

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  • The answer is to counterstrike, and it is like we are at war with the enemy allowing to do what they want, and we have to play by the rules. So what is next?

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