Marxism is a fucking joke... - Meme by B3RS3RKIN B3AST :) Memedroid

Behind the violent riots in the wake of the reprehensible killing of George Floyd is a pernicious web of ideas known as Cultural Marxism. Not that one in a thousand of the recent terrorists has ever read Marx or even consciously considers Marxism a guiding principle. But perhaps one in a hundred has heard of “systemic racism” (a Marxist category), and if they have not heard of it, embrace the idea to which it refers.

The terrorism of burning, looting, and killing isn’t simply outrage at the killing of Floyd. Peaceful protests favoring justice for his family are entirely legitimate and part of the American heritage protected by the First Amendment.

But the terrorism and the charges that the brutal police officer not only meet justice but also that this specific evil act parades an entire society and its history guilty of gross evil evidence one of the most pernicious, civilization-destroying ideas of the modern world. That idea is Marxism.

Classical Marxism

When most Americans hear Marxism, they probably think of the Soviet Union (1917–1991) and of (still-)Communiust China, Cuba, and North Korea. These are regimes erected on classical (original) Marxism. This is the Marxism of the economic writings of 19th century German philosopher Karl Marx (like Das Kapital).

Marx was an atheistic materialist who believed that the material and physical was the fundamental (and only) reality of life. Above all things, we are driven by physical survival, health, food, material security and comfort. There is no God, devil, heaven, or hell. There is no metaphysics; WYSIATI (What You See Is All There Is).

Marx took this materialism a step further. All of our ideas, our religion, our philosophy, our economics, our arts are molded by our material condition, whether we know it or not. The rulers or elite in society, for example, create ideologies like classical liberalism (the political philosophy of the U. S. Founding) or economic freedom to justify their privileged position and keep themselves in power.

The unprivileged in society believe in God to help them endure the hardships of this life by holding out hope for a better afterlife. The privileged believe in God to provide a justification for moral laws (like property rights) that preserve their wealth and status.

Marx held these ideas and others to be merely self-preserving myths that the new enlightened materialists must smash in order to create the just society in which all people share equally in material provision. Since there is no religion, and nothing but the material world, there could be no greater human society than one of material equality. The just society is the materially egalitarian society. This is why Marx was a state socialist, and he increasingly came to believe that society would not change without armed conflict (revolution).

This, of course, is just what happened in both the Soviet Union and later in Mao’s China. The fact that Marx’s ideas themselves, according to his theory, emerged as a result of his material condition and therefore were not absolute, seemed not to have troubled him. In the words of G. K. Chesterton, he undermined his own mines, but few people seem to have noticed the self-refutation.

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  • The mArxists of America can be defined as immature, 31/2 year tantrum throwing, infantile mentality, cesspool scum bottom feeders. Anything that kar l mar x wrote should be thrown on the burning stinking dung heap of mar xism/ commieism, along with the cloward/piven guide on " How to destroy the greatest, fairest country ever to grace the planet Earth by the hand of God". What these auntifarts don't understand is, that they are just a tool of the left, their only value is to create chaos, anarchy, and waste air on the planet. Once george soros and cronies no longer have any use for them, like the nazis, commies did to their tools, they will put them down, as they will serve no practical purpose and have no more value. 

  • The real danger is creeping Marxism... the incremental installation of Marxist ideology in our institutions of government and education, subverting the fundamentals of our government and culture.

    • The marxist have been installing their crony scum in our courts, schools, fbi, nsa, cia, etc., since the 1940s. All in part of the central bank, who's goal is to enslave the human race with slave labor taxation, starvation, The u.n., central bank need to disarm America to move ahead with their agenda. We are all that stand in their way, and President Trump is our shield at this point in time.

      Trump 2020, Making America Americans' Again! God bless the U.S.A., 

  • Who is surprised that Marxism has never worked anywhere in the world or anytime in its history? Today's Marxists are even aligned with the fascist antifa. That's how demented they are. These people suffer from a mental illness and need to be sent to a mental hospital or a re-education camp.

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    • Or.. maybe little more like "mental defecation". 😬 

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