The Mob Comes For Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson Arguing with Dumb Liberals - Meme | TRUMP MEMES LIBRARY |  Flickr

I’ve been very lucky in my life to meet some really interesting, smart, and nice famous people. It wasn’t their fame that made them any of the other things, and a lot of the famous people I’ve met were literally none of those other things, but a few were all of them and more. One such person was Christopher Hitchens, who became a friend in the final years of his life. Another such person is Tucker Carlson. That’s why I can’t sit by silently while progressive fascists try, yet again, to destroy him.

These modern fascists are Democrats, ideological brethren of the fascists of Europe in the 30s, and Tucker’s sin is refusing to obey; refusing to bend the knee and submit to the progressive mob.

Everyone knows of the history of fascist hatred and scapegoating of minorities, but their rage was not limited to small groups. Gangs of goons demanded absolute subservience or else. There was no “agree to disagree” with the “progressive” fascists of the 20th century. Francisco Franco didn’t leave alone the Spanish who dissented, nor did Benito Mussolini in Italy, and we all know the history of Germany. It was submit or be destroyed; conform or be punished.

The current Democratic Party mob terrorizing parts of the country has the same philosophy. One thing Tucker will not do is conform.

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