The Most Frightening Thing Joe Biden Said Last Night

True Lies And Democratic Socialism (3 Memes) ⋆ Red State Meme War

President Trump throughout the debate last night tried to frame Joe Biden as a radical leftist. Biden denied it time after time.

But it was Biden himself who provided the tell that he does indeed side with radical leftists and I am talking frightening radical leftist concepts.

At about 30 minutes into the debate, Biden said, "It’s about equity and equality. It’s about decency. It’s about the constitution. And we have never walked away from trying to require equity for everyone, equality for the whole of America."

Now, notice that he says he wants "equity and equality," so it is not a case of his confusing equity for equality.

The term equity as a political term is only used by the radical left.

It is a horrific concept right out of something like Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.

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