The MSM continues to believe that they can fool some people all of the time and all of the people, some of the time... they think telling their lies will buy them an election. Several National polls reveal that upwards of 84% of the public believe some form of election fraud took place; 84%, not the 59% NBC said believed fraud occurred. There can be no peaceful transfer of power when 84% of the people believe the election was fraudulent... PERIOD.
The so-called free press must be prosecuted for illegally interfering and tampering with an election... their attempt to steal an election thru the use of propaganda and outright FRAUDULENT news must be dealt with as criminal conduct not the work of a free press. The 1st Amendment doesn't protect unlawful speech (sedition and accessory to election tampering) or the use of the public airways to promote criminal election fraud.
Get this… 30 percent of Democrats — Democrats! — say it is very (20 percent) or somewhat (10 percent) likely the election was stolen from Trump.
For a detailed and exhaustive analysis on the stolen election see: Was the US Election Stolen? (
There is a dream so fragile that one dare not breathe for fear it may vanish... this dream set a world at liberty and gave hope to those desperate for a better life... this dream was America and it now is in question... will we awake from our dream to find we now live in a nightmare.
A great wind has now risen in the midst of this dream… recking havoc upon this pleasant place. A troublesome storm blows hard upon the foundations of liberty and the American dream. Will, there be men of valor, to stand against this tempest course; too, hold high liberty's light, that others may rally to her fight?
Will there yet be found a people, whose dreams are fixed upon that hope… That freedom may yet abound? Or, has the sound of furry in our high places, brought low the hope of liberties call? I say, arise and no more whisper liberty's song… But raise an anthem, to silence the wind and with the blood of tyrants let us refresh the tree of liberty, that it may bear fruit once again.
There is a dream called America… So fragile it can only be whispered. Let us no more in silence speak, but with one voice, fix fast this dream… That, our progeny may sing… of Spring renewed, of summers long and Autumns anew. Send now, winter's worst… for our dreams, our hopes, our voice, is no more silent… Loose now the fragile trappings of liberty, from the yoke of tyranny. Set free a Nation bound by its lawless masses... bring again the pride and honor of our forefather's DREAM ONCE MORE of the glory that awaits us who have tasted of liberty... that our children may not suffer the loss of their freedom.
Let this dream called America, become our vision… Let, the wind of tyrants no more lay hold of hopes long suffered, too deny liberty and our progeny, their dreams. Come let us whisper no more, but with newfound reason, let us raise the anthem high… and shout, that those who yet can not hear… may join this chorus clear. Let us lift the curtain, upon our dreams… That liberty may ring, and our children sing, long... of liberty certain.