The next phase in the Marxist insurrection is the use of the POLICE STATE ... to purge all conservative and dissident resistance in the government and its institutions... Look for the DNC/Marxists to secure their hold on government by use of force and the police state.  The Marxist model for internal insurrections follows...

  1. Steal the election to gain control of the government.
  2. Purge the government of internal resistance,
  3. Create a police state in preparation for the criminalization of all dissident political parties and speech. 
  4. Purge society of any dissident counter-revolutionary resistance, using the police powers of the State.
  5. Repeat the model as many times as necessary to retain power and eliminate any residual resistance to the State.

Look for the Police State to start rounding up large numbers of the dissident resistance... just before or immediately after the Mid-Term Elections.  Anticipate massive ballot fraud and the false claim that MAGA conservatives are attempting to steal the election by ballot and election fraud. 

Expect, the Marxists to use the State's police powers to go after their opponents.... while, the DNC and MSM report their candidates were just able to retain control of one or both Houses of Congress.

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  • The country, America, will not survive long enough to conclude that it will end as a Police State under the control of an in house government take over.

    We are experiencing an invasion of illegals and lawlessness that is weakening our Nation by sucking the blood out of the body, leaving us in a condition that openly invites military assault from our enemies. Our own military is weakened into a pathetic conglomeration due to a total lack of leadership that is unguided by any national purpose from the top down. 

    Those in government calling themselves democrats are nothing more than organ grinder monkeys devouring the peanuts of the public while encouraging all the members of the trible that the bag will never run empty.

    There is no doubt as to how this will all end.  It must be stopped now.  And corrected now.  If not, the end is nearly upon us on all.  America will be in the hands of others.

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