
Maybe it's just me, but I am starting to come to the conclusion that Nancy Pelosi just doesn't like former President Donald Trump. She seems to have been the driving force behind Trump Impeachment II.

Jeff Charles of Red State calls it: "the Democrats' new production of 'An Impeachment Story Part II: Maybe It'll Work This Time.'"

Impeachment is a constitutional provision to potentially remove a sitting president. But, of course, now Trump is a private citizen. Where is the chief justice? He is supposed to preside over a legitimate impeachment hearing. But Chief Justice John Roberts will have nothing to do with this farce.

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul says, "The Constitution says two things about impeachment: It is a tool to remove the officeholder, and it must be presided over by the chief justice of the Supreme Court."

Instead, notes Paul, this is an act by "hyper-partisan Democrats," who have a "deranged hatred" of the former president. He adds that they are "wasting the nation's time."

Did the president receive due process during the House trial against him a couple of weeks ago? No, says John Eidsmoe, constitutional attorney and prolific author.

Eidsmoe wrote an open letter to the Senate: "As an attorney and law professor who has practiced and taught Constitutional Law for many decades, I strongly oppose the proposal to impeach and convict President Donald J. Trump and bar him from holding public office."

Eidsmoe's reasons include that the charges are factually baseless. For example, Trump is being accused of causing an insurrection because he held a rally in D.C. on Jan. 6, outlining once again why he thought the election was stolen.

The former president told his supporters at the rally: "We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." [Emphasis added]

It is important to note that the breach of the Capitol had already begun before Trump even told his followers to "peacefully" go over there (about a 25-minute walk away). He didn't say anything about violence, vandalism or mayhem. He wasn't leading an Antifa rally or the like.

What is happening in our country is a nightmare our first president warned about -- factionalism taking over.

read more here:

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  • Pelosi and the rest of the idiots don't like President Trump because they hate us and he believes like we put Americans first and for them they want to be Santa Clause to the world 

  • This Impeachment is not about removing the Former President... it is all about laying the foundation to label his supporters 'Domestic Terrorist' and then to purge them from the society ... prosecuting them as seditionist and domestic terrorist simply from being part of the crowd demanding the FRAUDULENT election be reversed by Congress.  

    Again, the Impeachment is not about Pres. Trump... it's about establishing the narrative and base for labeling all those present in the Jan 6th rally in DC... Domestic Terrorists so they may all be sought out and prosecuted.. labeled felons, restricted from voting, and required to surrender their firearms.

    • they let Obama go free after he lies under oath, Hillary Clinton and Obama lie when 4 men die in Benghazi where are they at right now and they want to impeach Donald Trump for encouraging fight in the capital what's wrong with this picture?

    • See how awesome and smart Trump is. He never and still doesn't testify under oath even if he is the most honest and transparent president of all times. He knows that the deep state would fabricate a lie in a second. 

  • The demonrats did not win in 2020 either.  The election was stolen.  WE THE PEOPLE cannot allow this sham to continue.  Biden and Harris were NOT duly elected and need to be removed from office ASAP.

    • We all know that the election was a fraud... However, we don't have the leadership, resources, organization, or sufficient numbers willing to act decisively to reverse the theft of the election... the People are willing but need leaders, organization, and sufficient resources to pursue lawful remedies to reverse the fraud and to hold ALL OF ITS AGENTS... especially, the MSM... accountable under the law.

  • The demonrats sure have not gotten over losing in 2016. Why can't they just accept defeat and move on? 

  • There is no doubt about it she ripped Donald Trump speech behind his back go figure someone need to have a balls to stand against those Democrats there out of control 

  • The Democrats and RINOS don't care about law; they don't care about the Constitution [they'ver probably never even read it, if they can read!]  Anything they can do to crush the people and destroy the government is just fine with them. 

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