Source; SNGLR
Source; SNGLR
IN OUR COUNTRY SHOULD BE OUTRAGED ABOUT EVERYTHING THIS CASE WAS BASED ON. IT WAS A COMPLETE SET UP AND WAS A PLAN TO DISCREDIT TRUMP AND STEAL THE 2024 ELECTION!!!!! The only partial solution I can see is if the Supreme Court fast tracks this case to their court prior to sentencing. It is almost certain that President Trump will be sentenced to serve jail time. Noting all the other irregularities there is no other conclusion!!!!!!
Trump has been convicted of, well, being Trump—and standing in the way of corrupt biden’s re-election. Nothing more and nothing less. The biden regime and the left-wing media would convict Trump for removing the tag off of his mattress or for fudging his golf score. Proactively. And with demonic glee. They are reminiscent of the folks in days of yore who used to cry “Witch!” followed by “Burn her! Burn her!” They are anything but “progressive," more like nazis. They now esteem law-fare even more than welfare.
left-wing/democrat activist Judge merchan and his kangaroo court have destroyed American jurisprudence. They have tossed out the concepts of rule of law, equal justice under the law, a jury of one’s peers, and innocent until proven guilty. And they don’t care.
A jury selected from a NYC pool that gave Joe Biden nearly 90% of the vote in 2020 convicted Donald Trump on 34 counts of bookkeeping fraud following a trial that many legal experts said was improper and rigged against the former president from the beginning.
What we witnessed today is nothing short of a complete perversion of justice. The left-wing/democrat claims that their law-fare against Trump is purely to protect democracy, ethics, or whatever other nonsense they continue to spew.
Let’s be clear, this entire charade is purely about increasing their power to control every institution that rules this nation. There’s no actual crime. There’s no evidence to support the crime. The star witness might be the worst witness we’ve ever seen in American history. And yet, the whole point of a show trial is to secure a quick and easy conviction. That’s what just happened in New York with a clearly biased jury.
This trial has been a travesty from start to finish. It is clear that no one other than Trump would have been charged in this way. No one other than Trump would have had a prosecutor concoct such an absurd and disgraceful list of charges and twist the law to do so. It is indisputable that no person has ever been prosecuted as a felon for the misdemeanor, that the statute of limitations has pasted, of record-keeping crimes as Trump was. It’s odd, isn’t it, that the only person ever so charged should be the much-hated opponent of the current left-wing/democrat incumbent, an opponent leading in the polls only 5 months before Election Day. This is what tyrant marxist regimes do.
A foreign billionaire (soros) bent on undermining our entire justice system paid for the election of a radical prosecutor who explicitly ran on the promise of persecuting Trump. That case was put before a partisan left-wing judge who donated to biden and whose daughter has profited from biden’s political career. That judge then rigged a jury, stacking the deck with absurd rulings and instructions, causing even liberal judicial observers to call into question the propriety of the proceedings.
All this took place in a city where the very same radical prosecutor lets repeat violent offenders off without any jail time, and biden himself lets illegal immigrants run free.
The American justice system is being destroyed at the hands of a corrupt regime. If they can do this to a former President and leading presidential candidate, what do you think they can do to you or me?
But if Trump wins, he will almost certainly govern as he did during his 1st term – as a moderate conservative. Whatever you think of his tweets (grow up and get over it--it's what fighting back looks like), his policies were a study in normalcy. He lashed out at his tormentors, but he did not undermine our institutions or the rule of law. He challenged norms with his blustery words, not his presidential actions. When judges slapped down his policies, he revised them to pass judicial muster. He made no effort to “lock up" his opponents. Our system is, so far, is far too robust, our federal system disperses power far too widely – and the vast majority of our people are far too patriotic and sensible – to allow anyone to become an American Stalin.
If Trump wins, however, the left-wing/democrats and their allies in media, business, and government will once again spend 4 years betraying all standards of decency and fair play to smear his name and undermine his authority. The left-wing violence that surrounded his 2017 inauguration – and the blm riots that spread across the country in the summer of 2020 – will seem tame in comparison. You don’t cast your opponent as hitler and then sit back. It’s hard to imagine how they will top the lie that Trump colluded with putin to steal the 2016 election, the lawfare that tied up Trump’s policies, and the impeachments – but doesn’t anybody doubt they will?
biden’s demagoguery was so over the top – 10 times better! – that it read like a parody of woke race-baiting. For all their cynical political calculations, he believed his false and ugly visions.
biden and his left-wing/democratic brethren are right about one thing: No matter the outcome, the November election will turbo-charge the dark forces that are already testing the mettle of American democracy.
They are wrong about the source of that grave challenge: It is not the right that will unleash a whirlwind next year, but themselves. This prediction is based on the only guide we have to the future: the record of the past. First a few questions. Which candidate is more likely to:
- Deploy the criminal justice system to punish his enemies?
- Censor speech he does not like?
- Selectively decide which laws he wants to enforce?
- Use the powers of government to transform the everyday lives of Americans – whether or not they support his programs?
- Whose supporters are more likely to engage in sustained and perhaps violent dissent if their man loses – not just for a day or a week, but for four years?
The answers are obvious. If they win, left-wing/democrats will continue to do all of the above--and more--to expand their power. If they lose, they will not bide their time until 2028.
If corrupt biden wins, the emboldened left will redouble its ongoing efforts to transform the country outside of normal democratic channels. Despite strong resistance from the American people, the biden regime will continue to expand its regulatory power to re-engineer everything we have and love. It will further impose its divisive and flawed push for diversity, equity, and inclusion and transgender subversion, which biden has attempted to sugar-coat as the “civil rights issue of our time.” It will keep embracing dangerous open borders, and will likely work to allow non-citizens to vote. It will ramp up its engagement with social media to censor protected speech and will see its victory as an endorsement of its efforts to prosecute political enemies beyond Trump. The regime’s determination to ignore explicit court orders – for example as it has in forgiving hundreds of billions of dollars in student loans despite the Supreme Court’s ruling last year – will only increase. It will further undermine the rule of law by stepping up attacks on the court’s conservative majority. The corrupt biden regime will also press its vicious attacks on the half of the country that opposes its plans.
Unlike the left’s lying about actions Trump has never taken, these predictions about biden assume his 2nd term would be an amped-up version of his 1st term. If biden wins, Trump’s supporters will be angry, but a repeat of Jan. 6 is highly unlikely. That was a dark day, but it was a one-off. Unlike the left, conservatives do not have a well-funded infrastructure to organize and sustain protests. In addition, the country’s law enforcement arms will be on high alert. The left will issue endless false warnings about right-wing militias and domestic terrorists – and lone-wolf attacks are always a threat. But the idea of a true violent uprising, from the right or the left, is just more left-wing propaganda.
As others have noted, the left-wing/democratic Party is a massive exercise in projection. It’s rhetoric and actions embody the anti-democratic impulses it falsely accuses Trump of harboring. If neo-liberals/democrats are truly afraid for our future they should look at themselves. They have met the enemy and it is they. Tell me again who's the real threat to democracy!
What crime?
A Catholic priest who stood up against the Nazis
The sound of silence is at times greater than the whole of mankinds voice... it speaks volumes without a single utterance.