The Patriot Post

Wanted: Evidence of Massive Fraud

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That’s what Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and the rest of President Donald Trump’s legal team have been frantically trying to pull together, and they held a press conference yesterday to outline their evidence so far. It’s fair to say that their performance was panned by many, even those sympathetic to President Trump.

Tucker Carlson, for example, made clear on his Fox News show last night that Powell has repeatedly refused his invitations to share her evidence of software flipping votes from Donald Trump to scumbag/liar-Joe Biden.

Prior to the event, The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway was asked about the controversy surrounding the election and the mess we as a nation now find ourselves in. “COVID was the excuse given this year for rampant changes to how we vote,” she said. “We have known for a very long time that mail-in balloting is ripe for fraud. There’s a reason why France banned it in 1975, why the New York Times said it was ripe for fraud in 2012, why Jerry Nadler [D-NY] said that it was ripe for fraud, why earlier this year we had elections where 20% of mail-in ballots were thrown out for failing to pass scrutiny, why people were indicted in New Jersey for mail-in ballot fraud.”

Here, we’d also mention that the Democrats knew all this. One of them, in fact, once put it bluntly: “Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.” That’s the conclusion of the bipartisan 2005 report of the Commission on Federal Election Reform, chaired by former President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James Baker III.

Liberal Supreme Court Justice David Souter also warned about mail-in voting. And yet here we are, with an utterly lackluster presidential candidate having bragged just a few days before the election that his team had put together “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” He then went out to “win” 10 million more votes than electric young Barack scumbag/liar-nObama won in 2008.

How’d he do that? And what happened to this bipartisan agreement that mail-in ballots present massive opportunities for fraud in ways that in-person voting does not?

Well, Donald Trump happened. And COVID-19 happened. And leftists did what leftists do.

“It is completely reasonable,” Hemingway continued, “that people look at all these changes and say, ‘This is not something I have confidence in.’ And so what’s important about right now it’s not just that you have integrity with this election, but that moving forward, never again do we have a situation where we have rampant mail-in balloting and no scrutiny for those mail-in ballots. No signature checks, no witness requirements, kicking people out of counting when it matters.”

Of course, none of that helps us right the wrongs we’re seeing today. And that’s what yesterday’s presser was all about. If you missed it, you can watch it here. (Skip ahead to the 16-minute mark; everything prior to that is dead time.)

If you’re a thoughtful, open-minded observer, you won’t help but be shaken by Giuliani’s presentation — both by the seriousness of the allegations he and Powell made and by their (as yet) minimal disclosure of evidence to back it up.

Giuliani, for example, claimed that many voting precincts had over-votes — that is, more people voting than are eligible to vote — of 100%, 200%, even 300%. What’s the explanation for this? He claims nearly 700,000 ballots were counted in Pennsylvania without Republican vote-counting observers there to inspect them. Apparently, these observers were kept corralled at a distance, and in multiple Democrat-controlled cities. Is it true? And if so, why was that allowed to happen? He says 15,000 provisional ballots were cast in Pittsburgh by voters who were told that they’d already voted. Did that many people simply forget that they’d voted by mail, or were their votes stolen?

Giuliani slammed the media for continuing to report that his team has provided “no evidence.” So he produced an affidavit from Jessie Jacob, a Detroit poll worker who has sworn under oath that she was “instructed not to invalidate any ballots and not to look for any deficiencies in the ballots.” He said activities like this were widespread in Philadelphia and Milwaukee and Atlanta, and that his team has hundreds more affidavits like this. But he only has permission to share a few of them publicly. As he wryly explained, “Our witnesses don’t want to be exposed to the tender mercies of a vicious press.”

Democrats have for years continued to argue that Russians threw the 2016 election to Trump. But they claim that mail-in balloting is safe and secure and reliable, and that its critics are delusional. Why, then, does the rest of the civilized world have much more stringent mail-in balloting standards than the United States? “If concern about vote fraud with mail-in ballots is delusional,” says researcher John Lott, “it is a delusion shared by most of the world.”

These charges were among the strongest made by Giuliani. “Give us an opportunity to prove it in court,” he said, “and we will.”

Other claims, though, especially some of the ones made by Powell, are woefully lacking in proof — such as her claim that U.S. voting machines made by Dominion Voting Systems used software made in Venezuela at the direction of now-deceased socialist dictator Hugo Chavez. Where’s the proof of this? And why make such an allegation to the American people (and the world) without presenting the evidence to back it up? She said that unnamed individuals across political parties “set and run an algorithm that probably ran all over the country to take a certain percentage of votes from President Trump and flip them to President Biden.” This is a profoundly  serious charge. As Carlson put it, “What Powell was describing would amount to the single greatest crime in American history. Millions of votes stolen in a day, democracy destroyed, the end of our centuries-old system of self-government. Not a small thing.” But, again, where’s the proof?

As Republican Senator Joni Ernst (who doesn’t yet acknowledge scumbag/liar-Joe Biden as president-elect) put it, “To insinuate that Republican and Democratic candidates paid to throw off this election is absolutely outrageous. I’ve worn our nation’s uniform to protect the values and freedoms that our nation espouses, and to have that accusation just offhandedly thrown out there just to confuse our voters across the United States — I think that is absolutely wrong.”

Powell closed the press conference with these words: “I want the American public to know right now that we will not be intimidated. American Patriots are fed up with the corruption from the local level to the highest level of our government, and we are going to take this country back. We are not going to be intimidated. We are not going to back down. We are going to clean this mess up now. President Trump won by a landslide. We are going to prove it, and we are going to reclaim the United States of America for the people who vote for freedom.”

Nearly 74 million Americans voted for Trump and are willing to listen to Powell’s charges. And they’re hoping she’s right. But they need evidence. And the clock is ticking.

Today, we’re a deeply divided nation. We’re reaping the electoral uncertainty that we’ve sown, and we have the Democrats — and their fraud-friendly mail-in ballot scheme — to thank for it.   ~The Patriot Post

Washington Post Demands Elimination of Electoral College
MICHAEL SWARTZ   Frustrated that their fellow Democrats have won the popular vote in seven of the last eight presidential elections but haven’t won the presidency in all seven, the members of The Washington Post editorial board have finally blurted out what’s been on their minds the last four years: the Electoral College “is no longer tenable for American democracy.”

After whining about how much power Iowa farmers and Wyoming ranchers have over California and its artichoke growers, the Posters get to their point: “Mr. Trump became president in 2016 despite earning 3 million fewer votes than Democratic nominee scumbag/liar-Hillary Clinton. Now, he has come close to winning reelection despite losing the popular vote by a far greater margin.” What they fail to mention, though, is that most (if not all) of the Democrats’ margin in 2000, 2012, 2016, and perhaps 2020 was accounted for solely in the state of California. The hugely populous and overwhelmingly Democrat state skews national totals that might otherwise amount to a wash or even an easy GOP win (as it was in 2016). As columnist David Harsanyi points out, “Running up the score in big states gives partisan activists fodder, but it is irrelevant. If Donald Trump ran for the national vote, he might well have won it by spending all his time in California and New York talking about things that matter to Californians and New Yorkers. The entire dynamics of elections would be different. Our election is geared toward winning states, not people.” In that case, Trump managed to win enough of the 51 separate state elections to prevail, even if by close margins.

And no discussion of abolishing the Electoral College would be complete without mentioning the Left’s National Popular Vote movement, which has connived legislators in 15 mainly Democrat stronghold states to join into their interstate compact and thereby subvert the Electoral College. The Post’s editorial admits that changing the Constitution to eliminate the Electoral College would be practically impossible (perhaps thanks to those dozen or so swing states that seem to matter in every election), so the National Popular Vote subversion is perfectly appropriate.

Author Richard P. Bruneau makes an even more eloquent and impassioned case for the Electoral College: “The founders designed the Electoral College to moderate the influence of large states and big cities over small states and rural districts. Rhode Island, for example, with [four] electoral votes would hardly matter if the presidency were decided strictly by a national popular vote. Presidential candidates could and would ignore states like Rhode Island and focus on states and districts with large population centers, offering more bang for effort and dollars. Small-state electoral votes have often affected the national outcome. Eliminate the Electoral College, and the voice of voters in small states all but disappears in the presidential election.”

The best argument, though, could be in the counting nightmare we’re currently living through. Bush v. scumbag-Gore involved only one state and took five weeks to resolve. The current contest involves at least five states, and the legal wrangling is barely underway. Imagine fighting this out over all 50 states as parties charge and countercharge allegations of voter fraud wherever one side holds a distinct advantage in the popular vote.

Perhaps our next presidential election will yield a decisive victor. But until then, the Left’s whipping boy will continue to be the venerable Electoral College. Our system is unique and a little quirky, but it’s the best system out there and we should thank the Founders for their vision in designing it.   ~The Patriot Post

Strip Clubs Opened, Churches Closed

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Well, in California, churchgoers are still being denied their right to freely assemble and worship. Paul Jonna, an attorney from the Thomas More Society who is representing a number of California churches, observed, “If you’re going to accept that argument that dancing nude is protected speech that’s so significant that it overcomes the government’s interest in regulating its citizens with COVID-19 orders, then obviously the divine worship of God, which is expressly mentioned in the First Amendment, should be held to a higher standard.”

Reverend John MacArthur, pastor of Grace Community Church in Los Angeles, has defied Newsom’s edict to shutter churches since July. He recently hammered the state government’s intolerance toward Christianity: “The reality is that the COVID data just doesn’t match the government’s COVID narrative. You have a 99.99% chance to survive COVID. It’s not what they’re saying it is. That absolutely does not warrant shutting down anything. But especially, absurdly and arbitrarily, churches that have a special protection [in] the Constitution. Oh, and at the same time, leaving open abortion clinics, strip clubs, and marijuana dispensaries. And by the way, the Health Department is on record as saying they are going to allow riots and protests without regard for the mandated health and safety ordinances. This is obvious targeted discrimination. Leftists and secular government officials have no tolerance for biblical Christianity, so they’re using COVID as an excuse to shut us down.”

Meanwhile, the same is true in New York. “We have a couple of unique clusters, frankly, which are more religious organizations, and that’s what we’re targeting,” Governor Andrew Cuomo said of tightened COVID restrictions. Two Orthodox Jewish synagogues and the Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn have sued, appealing to the Supreme Court for relief.

What has become patently obvious is that many of America’s elected officials — primarily Democrats — have little regard for religious liberty at best and open disdain for it at worst. They view religious faith as akin to a personal hobby, not an essential and central feature of the lives of millions of Americans. To believers, going to church is an essential aspect of their lives. The Constitution recognizes religion and the free practice of it as a fundamental right that’s due protection of the highest order. It’s not just another social organization that can be shut down in emergencies. It is, in fact, the very soul, the very life blood of many American communities. It’s where Christians gather to worship God; it’s where they find eternal hope for the future; it’s where they encourage one another with the truth that the sovereign Creator of the universe is in control and will sustain them. Human governments aren’t God, nor can they ever hope to be.   ~The Patriot Post

Globalists Want to Steal COVID Vaccines


THOMAS GALLATIN   Thanks in part to President Donald Trump’s leadership in establishing Operation Warp Speed, at least two American pharmaceutical companies, Pfizer and Moderna, have developed COVID-19 vaccines. And now that these vaccines have been developed at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars in private capital, the countries of India and South Africa are angling to steal these companies’ intellectual property. They submitted a resolution to the World Trade Organization demanding that patent protections for COVID vaccines be waived. 


Using the plight of the poor as cover to justify straight-up theft, India and South Africa argued in their WTO proposal that “intellectual property rights hinder[ed] or potentially hinder[ed] timely provisioning of affordable medical products,” and therefore such patent protections should be waived. Notably, Pakistan, Argentina, and Venezuela also backed the resolution, as well as many Americans on the Left.

But this is no Robin Hood tale of taking back from the cheating rich to give to the cheated poor. Rather, this is yet another example of socialism’s false economic narrative of private companies only producing value because of government handouts, when in fact the exact opposite is the case.

Under Operation Warp Speed, “the U.S. government has … agreed to compensate private companies for vaccines and therapies in return for obtaining the earliest available dosages,” notes The Wall Street Journal editorial board. “For instance, the feds have allocated $1.5 billion to support the manufacturing and delivery of Moderna’s vaccine candidate in return for 100 million initial doses.” And importantly, “America’s taxpayers have essentially paid for early access.”

What India and South Africa are effectively doing is demanding the legal theft of intellectual property so they can in turn produce vaccines “and sell copycats worldwide,” profiting off the costly research and development labor of Pfizer and Moderna. And they want to do it all under the cover of “helping the poor.” It’s grossly unethical and ends up hurting everyone.

What companies will invest billions of their own capital in research and development for vaccines for the next global pandemic only to see their intellectual property stolen in the end? The obvious answer is none, with the predictable result being that no vaccine is developed at the amazing speed that has been witnessed this year for COVID.   ~The Patriot Post

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