The Patriot Post ~ Monday Executive Summary

Monday Executive Summary
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Top of the Fold

  • Mike Pence rightly removes himself from President Trump’s Electoral College hustle (Washington Examiner)

  • Congress overrides Trump’s defense bill veto (NewsNation Now)

Election Debrief

  • Trump urged Georgia election official to “find” votes, insisting he won (Fox News)

  • At least 12 GOP senators to challenge scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s win (Politico)

  • Nothing to see here… Hunter Biden email associate is on DOJ transition team (Washington Times)

  • scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi narrowly reelected speaker, faces difficult (and final?) two years (AP)

Georgia Runoff

  • socialist-Warnock and socialist-Ossoff level misleading claims that Loeffler is “campaigning with a Klansman” (Fox News)

Government & Politics

  • Mitch McConnell blocks Democrats’ bid for quick approval of $2,000 stimulus checks (Washington Times)

  • Census Bureau misses year-end deadline for delivering numbers for House seats (NPR)

  • U.S. votes against UN budget over anti-Israel measure, lack of Iran action (Fox News)

  • scumbag/liar-nObamacare, jocks, gay “rights,” and religion: The biggest Supreme Court cases of 2021 (Washington Examiner)

  • Proposed House rules strike “non-inclusive” words (Daily Wire) | scumbag/liar-Pelosi just proposed banning gendered terms like “father, mother, son, daughter” in the House. Yet she has “mother” and “grandmother” in her Twitter bio. (Not the Bee)


  • New York Times helps teen cancel classmate with four-year-old video of slur (The Federalist)


  • Luke Letlow, 41-year-old congressman-elect, dies from COVID complications (Fox News)

  • Novavax starts late-stage trial of vaccine in United States (Reuters) | UK authorizes Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine (NY Times)

  • China’s puppet, the World Health Organization, pledges not to find “guilty” party in COVID probe (Daily Signal)

  • Abortion leads 2020 cause of death with 42.7 million killed (Disrn)

Nanny State

  • LA sheriff Superspreader Task Force (yes, that’s a thing) detains 900 during party busts (FOX 11)

  • New Mexico fines two churches $10,000 each for Christmas Eve services (Disrn)


  • The totalitarian mob comes for a Princeton professor over harmless Twitter poll question (Power Line)

  • University of Chicago professor pilloried for criticizing “no white men” hiring rules (The Federalist)

  • Chicago Teachers Union leader pushes for schools to remain closed … while sitting by a pool in Puerto Rico (Not the Bee)

National Security

  • Julian Assange’s extradition to U.S. denied by British judge (Fox News)

  • ICE deports more than 185,000 illegal aliens and 4,200 gang members in 2020 (Breitbart) | ICE says arrestees had average of four criminal convictions or charges each (Fox News)

  • U.S. facing another potential border crisis as  scumbag/liar-Biden takes office (National Review)

  • Iran says it plans to increase enrichment of uranium (ABC News)

Business & Economy

  • President Trump extends suspension of work visas through March (Disrn)

  • Mom and pop landlords struggle through eviction freeze (Washington Examiner)

  • Britain’s trade agreement with the European Union enters legal force (UPI)

Annals of the “Social Justice” Caliphate

  • Portland mayor, antifa enabler now asks for federal and state help against “radical Antifa” (Disrn)

  • Emancipation Memorial honoring freed slaves in Boston officially removed (Disrn)

  • New York City shootings doubled in 2020 (Washington Examiner)

  • Chicago ends 2020 with 769 homicides (AP)

Around the Nation

  • In 2020, FBI saw largest yearly increase of background checks in 20 years (Just the News)

  • Louisville officer who fatally shot Breonna Taylor to be fired (Disrn)

  • Massachusetts allows abortions without parental consent, codifies Roe v. Wade (Disrn) | Meanwhile, Ohio governor signs bill requiring cremation or burial of aborted babies (Disrn)

Non Compos Mentis

  • Rep. Emanuel Cleaver ends opening prayer for new Congress: “Amen and awoman” (Fox News)

“Amen is a Latin word that means ‘truly’ or ‘so be it.’ Awoman is a nonsense word that means nothing. Dems find a way to make everything stupid and nonsensical. Utter clowns, all of them.” —Matt Walsh

  • worthless-Ilhan Omar calls fatal police shooting of black man “state sanctioned murder.” But police say he fired first. (The Blaze)

Other Notables

  • scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco home vandalized on New Year’s Day (ABC 7)

  • Dr. Anthony Fauci admits to fudging the truth (The Federalist)

  • Trump ends scumbag/liar-nObama’s 12-year run as most admired man (The Hill)

Closing Arguments

    • Policy: The real villain of 2020 was Big Government (FEE)

    • Policy: Trump’s regulatory legacy: A first draft (Cato)

    • Humor: Government feeds five people with just 2.3 trillion loaves and fishes (Babylon Bee

 ~The Patriot Post


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