Dems' Second Sham Impeachment Trial Begins
The Democrats’ second impeachment trial of Donald Trump kicks off in the Senate today. It can be rightly described as a politically orchestrated sham, as there is little constitutional support for what the Democrats are doing.
Constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley recently condemned the Democrats’ impeachment gambit as gutting both “the impeachment standard but also free speech.” He further notes, “Congress is now seeking an impeachment for remarks covered by the First Amendment. It would create precedent for the impeachment of any president blamed for violent acts of others after using reckless language. What is worse are those few cases that would support this type of action. … Democrats are pushing this dangerously vague standard while objecting to their own remarks given new meaning from critics.”
However, Turley’s biggest criticism of the impeachment charade is the massive damage it does to America’s standard for jurisprudence. “In this new system, guilt is not doubted and innocence is not deliberated. This would do to the Constitution what the violent rioters did to the Capitol and leave it in tatters.”
Democrats are essentially insisting on applying a new standard for judging the actions and words of others — namely that they and they alone have the authority to interpret Trump’s intent and thereby declare him guilty. Yet they disregard his words in the same speech that would at the very least show the opposite to be the case.
Hypocritical Democrats continually and consistently conflate their own political narrative surrounding both the election and the Capitol riot with “objective truth.” Trump’s first and primary offense was his refusal to accept the Left’s election narrative. Therefore Democrats contend that he’s responsible for the Capitol riot irrespective of the words he actually spoke at the rally, because he led people to doubt the Left’s narrative. That’s apparently tantamount to “threatening American democracy.”
This rationale is clearly displayed in the impeachment allegation that Trump “willfully made statements that, in context, encouraged — and foreseeably resulted in — lawless action at the Capitol, such as: ‘if you don’t fight like hell you’re not going to have a country anymore.’”
As far as how this second impeachment show trial of Trump proceeds, it appears that it will only last a few days. For one thing, this time around Democrats do not plan to call any witnesses. Why not? As Politico reports, “Now, [Democrats] say their experience as witnesses to the Jan. 6 insurrection is enough.”
Yeah, ask scumbag/liar-Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She was (not) there.
By making themselves the witnesses, Democrats intend to put not only Trump on trial but more importantly their GOP colleagues for daring to show any support for “Trump the insurrectionist.” Any failure to hold to the Left’s preferred election narrative will be used to smear Republicans as enabling kooky conspiracy theorists and “white supremacists.” With this smear, Democrats aim to divide Republicans by suggesting that any defense of Trump equates to an endorsement of the Capitol riot — an argument they hope to use against Republicans in the 2022 elections.
So much “unity” we can hardly stand it.
Meanwhile, Republicans will look to use the trial as an opportunity to shine a spotlight on the Democrats’ hypocrisy over their history of inflammatory rhetoric over the last four years. That’s particularly true of last year’s summer of rioting, which Democrats repeatedly refused to condemn, while in some instances outright supporting, the leftist violence as the “language of the unheard.” ~The Patriot Post
scumbag/liar-Pelosi: 'Fines for Thee but Not for Me'
scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi is a hypocrite. Yeah, yeah, tell us something we don’t know, you say. Fair enough, but it’s always worth highlighting just what a morally bankrupt and sanctimonious charlatan the leader of the House Democrats really is.
After the Capitol riot, Democrats have had one aim: Smear all 74 million Donald Trump voters with the actions of a few loons. They went so far as to impeach Donald Trump a second time on trumped-up charges, and his trial starts today. But there have been a few other side effects, like instituting a policy that stipulates even House members must go through a metal detector upon entering the Capitol building. It’s security theater evidently meant to embarrass and ensnare Republicans.
Two Republicans, Louie Gohmert (TX) and Andrew Clyde (GA), have been fined $5,000 for violating scumbag/liar-Pelosi’s rule. Gohmert called it unconstitutional, since Article 1, Section 6 of the Constitution says members of Congress shall be “privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same.”
Come now. The Constitution never stood in the way of anything else scumbag/liar-Pelosi has ever wanted, so why start now?
Moreover, what’s good for the gander wasn’t good for the goose.
Several Republicans from the Committee on House Administration sent a letter to House Acting Sergeant at Arms Timothy Blodgett advising that scumbag/liar-Pelosi isn’t following her own rules. In fact, they say, “Multiple members observed the scumbag/liar-Speaker of the House entering the House Chamber without completing security screening. What was observed was a clear violation of House Resolution 73 and you are required by House Rules to impose this fine.”
It’ll never happen, of course, because everyone knows Democrats operate under a completely different set of rules than the rest of us commoners.
Remember that time scumbag/liar-Pelosi went to visit a salon without a mask during a lockdown and a pandemic? The salon owner was the only one punished for that.
Or how about that time scumbag/liar-Pelosi ripped up a physical copy of the State of the Union Address in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2071 and the Presidential Records Act of 1978? Nothing came of it.
And again, scumbag/liar-Pelosi is guilty of this hypocritical fine and rules violation after having impeached Trump on charges related to the very subject of her rules violation, and after leading the effort to strip a Republican of committee assignments for saying things less offensive or violent than numerous Democrats.
None of this is to say that scumbag/liar-Pelosi should be punished for her metal detector avoidance or her salon visit. (The SOTU might be another matter.) But she should quit holding anyone else to standards she’s unwilling to follow herself or enforce on her own party. That’s just generally a good rule of life. ~The Patriot Post
scumbag-Bruce Springsteen Is a Hypocrite's Hypocrite
scumbag-Bruce Springsteen must think we’re idiots — that we’ve forgotten who he is and how much disdain he has for us. And by “us” we mean conservatives — the folks who he campaigns against every four years while he throws a concert for hanoi-John Kerry or scumbag/liar-Hillary Clinton or Barack scumbag/liar-nObama.
And now the 71-year-old Botox Boss is doing socialist/ scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s bidding, cutting a Super Bowl commercial for Jeep with a deeply phony religious undercurrent and a laughable call for unity.
The commercial is called “The Middle,” and the New York Post’s Andrea Peyser, among millions of others, saw right through it. “The most nausea-inducing moment of Sunday night’s Super Bowl,” she writes, “came … during a tone-deaf, two-minute TV commercial starring New Jersey’s own scumbag-Bruce Springsteen, in which the mega-wealthy musician and leftist sage revealed that his longtime working-class grift is as phony as his cowboy hat.”
As Peyser notes, scumbag-Springsteen drives a 1980 Jeep CJ-5 to a humble old chapel in Lebanon, Kansas, which he describes as “standing on the exact center of the lower 48.”
Does scumbag-Springsteen not realize that Kansas went for Donald Trump by 15 points, or that all but five of its 105 counties are red? Or is he intentionally setting the stage in Middle America, in Flyover Country, and thereby putting it on all of us to move toward the Left’s middle?
And just where might that middle be, when even God has fallen out of favor with the Left? And why would we want to meet leftists anywhere near there now, when for the past four years they practiced none of what they’re now preaching to us?
One wonders what the Jeep folks were thinking when they commissioned this ad. Did they really think scumbag-Bruce Springsteen was credible? That he was the guy with the centrist street cred who could bring us all together? That we’d fall for the phony messenger and the phony religiosity and the phony hat and boots, and ascribe that borrowed equity to one of their all-American vehicles, which are made by a multinational manufacturing firm whose headquarters are in Amsterdam?
Moreover, as Peyser mordantly puts it, “[scumbag-Springsteen] sifts soil with hands that have never performed manual labor. (Or labor of any kind.)”
As for scumbag-Springsteen himself, who’d he think he was fooling? Did he not imagine we might hold him accountable for a career’s worth of derisive words? Did he not think we’d search out that Atlantic interview he did in June? Back then the turf he was staking out wasn’t anywhere near Lebanon, Kansas. “I believe that our current president is a threat to our democracy,” he said. “He simply makes any kind of reform that much harder. I don’t know if our democracy could stand another four years of his custodianship. These are all existential threats to our democracy and our American way of life.”
scumbag-Springsteen actually said he’d quit the U.S. and just might move to Australia if Trump won reelection. So much for the middle.
Not content to simply bash our 45th president, though, scumbag-Springsteen then cast his condescending gaze upon the 74 million of us who would ultimately go to the polls to support Donald Trump: “Of course, there’s a constant pushback to whatever progress gets made,” he says, “by a reactionary element. But I feel that that’s smaller now … and it’s diminishing. It’s folks who see themselves being left behind by history and losing status, and it’s forces within the Republican Party and in society that are intent on keeping the power balance of the nation in one place.”
Right on, Bruce. Why, it’s almost as if they get bitter and they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them as a way to explain their frustrations.
Meet you in the middle, eh? We’ll be right there, Boss man. ~The Patriot Post
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden's Military Gender Denial Agenda
The “gender deniers” are back in power — those who promote the meaningless slogan “Believe the Science” and then deny the chromosomal distinction between male and female. socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden signed an executive order reversing Donald Trump’s recruitment policy prohibiting waivers for so-called “transgender” hormone treatment for those who are gender confused.
The Department of Defense has long barred any potential recruits with a diagnosed mental illness or those receiving hormone therapy of any kind as either mentally or physically unfit for service. In 2016, however, the scumbag/liar-nObama administration established a politically motivated waiver express lane for self-proclaimed “transgenders.” Trump removed most but not all of these unfair and unequal exemptions in 2018 only to have socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden bring them back in 2021.
It should be self-evident why mental illness and hormone treatment are general disqualifiers for military service. The mental stress, physical demands, and austere living conditions characteristic of combat make soldiers with these disqualifiers a liability to themselves and their squad or teammates. Recruits that have already received sexual reassignment surgery are at significant risk in the unsanitary conditions typical of field maneuvers. Recruits suffering from or previously treated for gender dysphoria are at significant risk for suicide from both the long-term effects of that dysphoria and the immediate stress of the civilian-to-soldier transformation.
The most comprehensive study ever conducted on suicide by those attempting to transform their gender was a 30-year Swedish study that concluded those doing so were 20 times more likely to commit suicide and 2.8 times more likely to be hospitalized for a psychiatric illness. It should be noted that Sweden is also one of the most “trans-friendly” cultures in the world, making these numbers even more alarming. Being subjected to the stress of military life can only exacerbate gender dysphoria and the effects of hormone treatment, not improve them.
Allowing soldiers to pursue this medically dubious process while in the military is also the equivalent of sanctioned malingering. Reassignment requires at least one year, sometimes two, of mental health evaluation and hormone therapy before surgery and then several months to a year of recovery. During this entire process soldiers are non-deployable (read: unable to do their job). A typical initial enlistment is only between two and four years long, which includes six months to a year of initial training, and less than 40% of enlisted recruits serve beyond four years. This means your typical gender-confused recruit would join the military, request and receive taxpayer-funded reassignment surgery, enjoy an exemption from the military’s most critical duties, and then leave with an honorable discharge to cash in on full veteran’s benefits. To say this is unfair to both troops and their commanders is an outrageous and shocking understatement.
The socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration’s war on the 23rd chromosome ignores the negative effects it might have for the health and welfare of both troops and recruits and aims to make the military health system and the Department of Veteran Affairs a gender-reassignment welfare state. Leftists running the Department of Defense are also determined to unleash the Thinkpol on any dissenters to their ideology, regardless of reality or any inconvenient facts.
One of those caught in the crosshairs of the Rainbow Mafia’s lynch mob inside DOD is an Army Chaplain named Major Andrew Calvert. Major Calvert is under investigation by the Security Force Assistance Command for a post on Facebook in which he asked, “How is rejecting biology not evidence that a person is mentally unfit and thus making that person unqualified to serve?” Good question, Chaplain! The chaplain’s logic was literally enshrined in Pentagon policy prior to 2016 and reinstated in 2018, but that didn’t stop a horde of social media minions from questioning his ability to care for soldiers. They apparently missed the point that as a chaplain he also has to shepherd soldiers who actually hold firm religious views and who believe both in the biological reality of gender and the sanctity of the human form as God designed.
Two things are certain, however. Allowing self-proclaimed “transgender” recruits to join the military is bad for both recruits and military unit cohesion, and persecuting those in the Army Chaplain Corps that may disagree is the antithesis of religious freedom enshrined in the First Amendment. ~The Patriot Post
China, Russia, and Iran Are Real Winners Under socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden
We’re not even a month into the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden- lowlife/liar-Harris regime, and it’s already obvious that America’s enemies are going to be winners. This is the risk of diverting from an “America first” mindset that was the hallmark of Donald Trump’s foreign policy.
Trump’s policy was not isolationism, but a strategy of putting the interests of the United States of America first. socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s actions since he took office have not done so. If anything, it’s been “America’s enemies first.” And they thought Trump was a puppet of foreign governments…
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s decision on Keystone XL is a boon to China on several levels. First, at least some Canadian oil and gas will likely head there as opposed to being used in North America. That’s bad enough, but the fact is, if domestic energy sources aren’t used, then we have to import oil from the Middle East, and that often means diverting forces from an overstretched military from confronting China.
We’re not even discussing socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden rejoining the compromised and corrupt World Health Organization, which helped China cover up the coronavirus until it became a full-blown pandemic. Meanwhile, China will continue spreading propaganda — and socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden won’t say anything against that. He’s even looking to reverse the Trump administration’s declaration that the ChiComs are committing genocide against the Uyghurs.
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s energy policy will have Vladimir Putin laughing all the way to the bank. If only the stakes were just money — socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s planned destruction of America’s energy sector, the Green New Deal in all but name, is actually going to let Putin off the ropes in a big way.
As we discussed earlier, low oil prices aren’t just helpful to the economy; they’re also a big help in the geopolitical realm. For one thing, Putin will use the money from the necessarily higher oil and gas prices to rebuild his military. For another thing, the military assets available to reinforce NATO are going to be smaller because we will have to increase our presence in the Middle East.
In some ways, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden rode phony claims about Russia’s undue influence on Trump’s behalf to power. But who really just gave Russia a big economic and geopolitical boost? It wasn’t Donald Trump.
But the worst of all is how socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden is resuming Barack scumbag/liar-nObama’s policy of giving away the store to Iran. He’s halted support for the Saudi military effort against Iran’s stooges in Yemen — the same stooges who fired on the USS Mason in 2016. Trump designated them terrorists, and rightly so. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden wants to reverse that.
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s also paused the arms sales that are crucial to helping American allies in the region, notably Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, contain Iran. Incidentally, he may also be placing the multiple peace treaties Trump secured between Israel and these Arab nations at risk.
Worst of all, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden wants to bring back the failed nuclear deal — when it’s patently obvious that Iran is not only seeking nukes, but it’s also as likely as not that Iran will attempt to use them to carry out a second Holocaust.
We’re going to be in for a long four years of bad foreign policy that harms national security. Trump was serious about strengthening America’s position on the world stage. He began rebuilding the military. Now, we get socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s “America last” mindset for the next four years — as if the damage from scumbag/ liar-nObama wasn’t bad enough. ~The Patriot Post
The 'Clean Electric Vehicle' Fairy Tale
Are people who drive electric vehicles better people than those who do not? Or maybe a better way to frame the question is this: Are electric vehicles morally superior to gas-powered vehicles? The dominant popular narrative answer to both those questions would be in the affirmative. After all, “green energy is clean energy.” However, the dirty little secret is that the “green” associated with electric vehicles is far from clean or free of pollution.
This is not to discount the amazing technological developments that have come about in the electric vehicle industry. Rather, this criticism is aimed at dispelling the popular misnomer of green equating to clean. Electric vehicles are not morally superior to gas-powered cars. Each have advantages and disadvantages that any considerate consumer should weigh according to their own interests and concerns and not simply imbibe the propaganda of dubious activists or outright ecofascists.
There are at least three significant factors that compromise the popular image of electric vehicles being more environmentally “responsible.” First, there’s the highly toxic nature of lithium batteries, which are the essential component in making electric vehicles possible. Second is the disposal of spent batteries. Third is the means by which power is generated for those batteries.
The mining and extraction process to acquire the massive amounts of lithium needed to meet the ever-growing world demand has been causing quite the polluting mess. As Guillermo Gonzalez, a lithium battery expert from the University of Chile, stated in 2009, “Like any mining process, it is invasive, it scars the landscape, it destroys the water table and it pollutes the earth and the local wells. This isn’t a green solution — it’s not a solution at all.” And it’s not only the extraction of lithium that’s problematic, but also other essential and highly toxic products such as cobalt that are needed make these batteries. Much of this mineral extraction happens in countries that don’t share the same concern for protecting the local environment as espoused by those in the West.
Meanwhile, there’s the reality of the environmental impact of aging and disposed batteries. For the most part, the polluting days of gas-powered vehicles ends when the vehicle no longer runs, while the issue of dealing with spent lithium batteries must continue. No parking the old electric in a junk yard and letting it rust away with little concern.
Finally, there’s the issue of powering. While green energy fans love their renewables like wind and solar, the fact of the matter is that neither offer the amount or consistency to meet the energy needs of today’s world, let alone a world where more and more folks are driving around in electric vehicles.
An ironic video clip has recently resurfaced featuring Kristin Zimmerman, a prominent member of General Motor’s Chevy Volt design team, in which she admits that 95% of the electricity used to power the vehicle is generated by coal power. That video is years old, and the numbers have shifted some, but coal is still a major source. What would truly work to cut down on the pollution from electric vehicles would be to increase the number of nuclear power plants producing reliable energy. But environmental activists shun nuclear. Until then, the notion that electric vehicles are significantly more environmentally responsible than gas-powered autos will continue to remain a popular fairy tale. ~The Patriot Post
Yes, There Was a Conspiracy
Well, at least they’ve admitted it.
No, not to stuffing ballot boxes in Philly or Detroit or Milwaukee, but to conspiring and colluding to do everything in their power — including changing the rules — to beat Donald Trump. For leftists, desperate times called for desperate measures. And it took every ounce of collusion between Democrats and their fellow travelers in Big Media, Big Tech, Big Ed, Big Labor, Big Sport, Big Pharma, Big Academia, Wall Street, Hollywood, and a host of others for Borderless socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden to beat Donald John Trump and his 74 million legit votes.
Hopefully, that paragraph won’t get us banned by the free-speech fraidy cats. Besides, the title of the incriminating Time magazine article admits as much: “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election.”
“Saved” it from what, we wonder?
Apparently from theft by us Deplorables. Time’s Molly Ball says that when Trump challenged the results of the election, corporate America turned on him. “In a way, Trump was right,” she writes. “There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes … an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans. The pact was formalized in a terse, little-noticed joint statement of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and AFL-CIO published on Election Day. Both sides would come to see it as a sort of implicit bargain — inspired by the summer’s massive, sometimes destructive racial-justice protests — in which the forces of labor came together with the forces of capital to keep the peace and oppose Trump’s [wait for it!] assault on democracy.”
Ah, yes. Whenever a Republican challenges the results of an election won by a Democrat, it’s an assault on democracy. Of course, ours is a constitutional republic, not a democracy. And democracy is little more than mob rule. As Founder James Madison rightly noted in Federalist 55, “Had every Athenian citizen been a Socrates, every Athenian assembly would still have been a mob.”
Thus, one man’s “assault on democracy” is another man’s defense of the republic against mob rule by the Left.
As James Freeman writes in The Wall Street Journal, “Changing the rules of a game right before it’s played normally inspires skepticism, if not cynicism. But a new Time magazine report celebrates a well-funded effort to change voting processes and the flow of political information before the 2020 elections. Time’s Molly Ball happily describes a ‘conspiracy’ among the progressive left, big labor, big business and the Washington establishment to counter Donald Trump and suppress unwanted elements of U.S. political conversation before and after Election Day. Like the various actors she describes at the heart of this vast campaign, Ms. Ball presents it as a virtuous effort to protect democracy from Mr. Trump and Covid-19. The participants in the conspiracy alleged by Ms. Ball certainly seem to have influenced the outcome.”
Longtime conservative thinker and columnist Gary Bauer says that the forces arrayed behind socialist/scumbag/ liar-Biden interfered with the election by changing rules and laws, steering the coverage, and controlling the information. He writes, “Big Media and Big Tech manipulated the news and covered up major stories that were embarrassing to socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden and the left. And I was struck by the admission in this article of just how much the street protests we have seen in the past year were coordinated and not spontaneous events. There were plans for major post-election protests, but liberal activists were ordered to ‘stand down.’ One progressive leader said, ‘We wanted to be mindful of when was the right time to call for moving masses of people into the street.’”
So President Trump was right about what we were up against — and still are — even if some of his legal team appear to have gone off the reservation in terms of allegations of massive electronic vote manipulation by the likes of Dominion and Smartmatic.
But given the Left’s admission that its collusion helped decide the 2020 presidential election, what’s next?
As Bauer concludes, “I am bringing this article to your attention not to demoralize you but to urge you to remain in the battle for faith, family, and freedom. The left succeeds in part because it never gives up. It is constantly organizing, constantly fundraising, constantly influencing officials, constantly registering new voters, etc. We must be just as committed to our values as leftists are to theirs.” ~The Patriot Post
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden's Suppression of Women's Rights
As a 17-year-old gearing up for my senior year of high school, irrevocably altered amidst the ChiCom Virus pandemic, the election of socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden and the first female vice president, lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris, has me taking a second look at my rights — and those of all Americans.
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden recently asserted, “Women, and particularly women of color, have never had a fair shot to get ahead in this country.” He used that sweeping statement as justification for executive orders that seriously threaten women’s rights.
So, is his idea of giving women “a fair shot to get ahead” using American taxpayer dollars to kill them before birth? He’s done that in the name of “Affordable Health Care.”
The socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden/lowlife/liar-Harris regime’s official website claims it’s going to “build our country back better after this economic crisis and that includes ensuring we get closer to full inclusion of and equality for women.” Interestingly enough, the memorandum on “Protecting Women’s Health at Home and Abroad” that socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden signed has lifted restrictions on our funding of global organizations that perform abortions. This means that around the globe, centers will have socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden-backed American taxpayer funding to end preborn women’s lives before they could fight for their rights themselves.
Or is socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s “fair shot to get ahead” his executive order decreeing that men can compete in women’s sports?
As a sports competitor, I am directly impacted by socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s insistence that “transgender women” can compete fairly against actual biological women in sports. How will we have “equality and inclusion” if we are unequally competing against men? Studies from the British Journal of Sports Medicine show that “transwomen still had a 9% faster mean run speed after the 1-year period of testosterone suppression that is recommended by World Athletics for inclusion in women’s events.” These biological males have a severely unfair, genetically unmatched advantage.
A first look at the decisions socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden is making for our country demonstrate they do not just affect adults. This administration’s support for ending female lives through abortion and suppressing female opportunity in sports are just two examples of the way socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s administration directly affects my generation and those to come. ~The Patriot Post
The Impeachment Sham
Senate Democrats are beginning another impeachment trial of President Trump this week. It is a complete waste of time. After 45 senators voted to declare the impeachment trial of a private citizen unconstitutional, the odds of conviction are virtually zero.
The purpose of this sham trial is simply to smear Donald Trump and make it impossible for him to run again. Democrats are hoping to demoralize millions of his 74 million supporters. The left has been involved in a nonstop effort that accelerated on January 6 to do exactly that.
Since President Trump has been silenced by our leftist social media giants, I want to speak out for him and point out that almost everything he is being accused of is not only untrue, but the left is itself guilty of those very charges. For example:
Democrats are accusing Trump of inciting violence. He did not. He encouraged his supporters to march and protest peacefully.
There has been plenty of violence over the last four years, and most of it came from the political left. The summer riots were stoked in part by the rhetoric of the left. Government buildings were attacked by leftists, and liberal politicians tried to stop Trump from sending federal law enforcement agents to protect them. Antifa was marching through Washington, DC, this weekend threatening to “burn it down,” even though Donald Trump is gone.
When left-wing protesters tore down historical monuments, Speaker scumbag/liar-Pelosi shrugged and practically defended them, saying, “People will do what they do.”
The left accused Trump of promoting conspiracy theories. Well, the left promoted the debunked Russian collusion conspiracy theory for four years. It falsely accused Trump of using the Post Office to stop mail-in votes. It accused him of trying to reverse the results of the election. That’s what the left has been doing ever since November of 2016!
Unable to directly prove collusion, many on the left claimed that Russia interfered in the 2016 election in a meaningful way because it bought some ads on social media. But communist China actually did interfere in the 2020 election in a meaningful way. And when the intelligence community wanted to point it out, leftists entrenched in the Deep State blocked the report.
One final point. Democrats are claiming that under Donald Trump, America lost the moral high ground. To the contrary, Trump kept his promises and did exactly what he said he would do.
He took serious steps to secure the border. He moved the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. He crushed ISIS and confronted communist China, Iran, and Russia.
It is the left that is attempting to knock America off the moral high ground by claiming our country was founded on racism and genocide. Just last week, Joe Biden said that we have never lived up to our promise.
Speaking of Collusion…
Late last week, Time published an extraordinary piece that outlines the massive collusion that took place among Big Media, Big Tech, Big Business, Big Labor, and other left-wing groups to manipulate the election and take Trump down.
Even the author of the report concedes that it “sounds like a paranoid fever dream — a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.”
The last part of that sentence says it all — change rules and laws, steer coverage, and control information. That’s exactly what the left did to interfere in the election.
As I have repeatedly noted, the left exploited the pandemic to change election rules and laws. At least now it admits it, even if it claims it was simply trying to “save the 2020 election.”
Big Media and Big Tech manipulated the news and covered up major stories that were embarrassing to socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden and the left. And I was struck by the admission in this article of just how much the street protests we have seen in the past year were coordinated and not spontaneous events.
There were plans for major post-election protests, but liberal activists were ordered to “stand down.” One progressive leader said, “We wanted to be mindful of when was the right time to call for moving masses of people into the street.”
I am bringing this article to your attention not to demoralize you but to urge you to remain in the battle for faith, family, and freedom. The left succeeds in part because it never gives up. It is constantly organizing, constantly fundraising, constantly influencing officials, constantly registering new voters, etc.
We must be just as committed to our values as leftists are to theirs.
Faith Wins
Now for some good news.
Late Friday, the Supreme Court recognized that the First Amendment’s guarantee of religious freedom still applies during the pandemic by overturning California’s egregious ban on in-person worship.
Predictably, the court’s three liberals sided with California’s liberal governor and voted to continue the ban on religious services. The 6-3 decision, however, declared that Governor Gavin Newsom could not discriminate against houses of worship by holding them to different standards than businesses were being subjected to.
Thanks to the court’s order, houses of worship may now hold in-person services up to 25% or 50% capacity, depending on conditions in various parts of the state. Writing for the majority, Justice Neil Gorsuch explained:
“We are not scientists, but neither may we abandon the field when government officials with experts in tow seek to infringe a constitutionally protected liberty… No one is barred from lingering in shopping malls, salons, or bus terminals… If Hollywood may host a studio audience or film a singing competition while not a single soul may enter California’s churches, synagogues, and mosques, something has gone seriously awry.” ~The Patriot Post
The Spending Addiction
The problem with free money is that it leads to an addiction much like an addition to drugs. In the case of the $1.9 trillion “relief” bill that has no Republican support, Congress is the supplier, while those on the receiving end become increasingly addicted to government and less self-reliant.
In my lifetime, the U.S. has gone from a creditor nation to a debtor nation. History shows that massive national debt is a major cause of decline, even extinction, of nations that refuse to live within their means. The quickest way to help the economy is to re-open businesses utilizing pandemic precautions re-opened businesses have taken.
The bill includes, in addition to the usual unrelated pork, $1,400 checks to individuals (what happens when that money runs out and why should the well-off be getting any?), $130 billion for public schools (many of which teachers’ unions won’t allow to open despite the science that kids can be kept safe), $350 billion in aid to state and local governments (most of which have been poorly run by members of guess which party?) and a lot of transfer payments.
A Wall Street Journal editorial quoted from a House Budget Committee report: “$1 trillion from last year’s bills hasn’t been spent, including $59 billion for schools, $239 billion for health care and $452 billion in small business loans. State and local governments added 67,000 jobs in January. They don’t need more federal cash.”
Increasingly positive economic news, the Journal editorial says, “suggests that the economy is poised for a strong rebound as the pandemic eases even without new federal spending.”
Let’s take just one component of this massive bill — aid to renters — to illustrate why it is overkill and unnecessary. According to The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank in Washington, “Based on 43 million renter households, the data suggest an increase in monthly delinquencies of between 0.9 and 1.3 million each month. A $30 billion aid package ostensibly to cover costs associated with this slight rise amounts to between $23,000 and $33,000 over the course of one year for each of these delinquent units. This aid is grossly disproportionate to the apparent increase in renters unable or unwilling to make their payments.”
The analysis continues: “Delinquencies do not appear to have substantially increased since the start of this extended period of COVID-19 shutdowns. The latest Census Bureau Household Pulse Survey tracking the impact of COVID-19 on financial health indicates that 21 percent of renters failed to pay rent in December. This is up only slightly from the 18 percent reporting failure to pay or deferral in the month of March 2020 — just as the impact from the pandemic began. Data from the National Multifamily Housing Council, which tracks more than 11 million professionally managed apartment units, likewise shows only a minimal deterioration in rental payments year over year. In December, 93.8 percent of units had made a rental payment by the end of the month. This was down just slightly from 95.9 percent in December of 2019 before the pandemic.”
These and other facts don’t matter to Democrats, who base their strategy on feelings and intentions, not results. That’s why it’s good to be a Democrat. One never has to actually solve a problem, only throw money at it.
We continue to ignore the wisdom of the Founders, who consistently warned against the evil of national debt.
Scripture says it is more blessed to give than to receive. That is meant to be personal. When government gives, it becomes a curse for the giver as well as the receiver and ultimately a curse on the nation. ~The Patriot Post