Rush to Trump Lawyers: 'Where's the Beef'?
“You call a gigantic press conference like that — one that lasts [over] an hour — and you announce massive bombshells, then you better have some bombshells,” Limbaugh stated. “There better be something at that press conference other than what we got. … I talked to so many people who were blown away by it, by the very nature of the press conference. [Trump’s team] promised blockbuster stuff and then nothing happened, and that’s just — it’s not good.” He then added, “If you’re gonna do a press conference like that with the promise of blockbusters, then there has to be something more than what that press conference delivered.”
We all know the evidence awaits the court, not the press conference, but still — time is running out.
It’s important to note that this cogent observation comes from Rush Limbaugh, a man who profoundly loves this country and who has dedicated his life to promoting and protecting the American ideal of Liberty while exposing the anti-constitutional schemes of Democrats and the Left. Furthermore, Limbaugh was one of the earliest conservatives to support Trump’s run for the presidency and has steadfastly stood up for the president at every turn. That fact was recognized this past February, when Trump, in unprecedented fashion, awarded America’s News Anchor with the Medal of Freedom during his State of the Union Address. All of which is to highlight the fact that Rush is no turncoat. Rather, he’s a straight shooter, which is why millions of Americans love him.
Limbaugh is simply asking for actual evidence, not mere hearsay and accusations. Should Rush now be canceled for daring to state the obvious?
While Trump has clearly not given up the legal fight, it appears that he at least tacitly agrees with Limbaugh’s assessment of the situation. That point was brought home by two things: His legal team tellingly distanced itself from Sidney Powell, and the president directed General Services Administrator Emily Murphy to initiate the presidential transition process.
“I want to thank Emily Murphy at GSA for her steadfast dedication and loyalty to our Country,” Trump stated. “She has been harassed, threatened, and abused — and I do not want to see this happen to her, her family, or employees of GSA.” The president emphasized that this is no concession, however. “Our case STRONGLY continues, we will keep up the good fight, and I believe we will prevail!” Trump said. “Nevertheless, in the best interest of our Country, I am recommending that Emily and her team do what needs to be done with regard to initial protocols, and have told my team to do the same.”
Murphy, for her part, made it clear that Trump never pressured her to delay initiating the transition process. As she stated in a letter to scumbag/liar-Joe Biden, “I have dedicated much of my adult life to public service, and I have always strived to do what is right. Please know that I came to my decision independently, based on the law and available facts. I was never directly or indirectly pressured by any Executive Branch official — including those who work at the White House or GSA — with regard to the substance or timing of me decision.”
Finally, Michigan’s election board voted to certify the state’s vote totals, reflecting a win for scumbag/liar-Biden, by a 3-0 vote, with one Republican abstaining. In Pennsylvania, meanwhile, Trump’s legal team failed to convince Judge Matthew Brann of massive fraud, as he rejected its request that he discard millions of legal votes. Brann pointedly noted that Trump’s team failed to provide “factual proof of rampant corruption.” He wrote that its “strained legal arguments” were “without merit,” and its “speculative accusations” were “unsupported by evidence.”
The fact of the matter is, unless some major evidence of massive voter fraud is suddenly presented, there appear to be few available avenues to turn the election to Trump. ~The Patriot Post
Big Tech Rigs an ElectionDOUGLAS ANDREWS Whatever the result of the 2020 presidential election, we can’t say Robert Epstein didn’t warn us.
Robert who? you ask.
Epstein, a Democrat, is also a Harvard-educated behavioral psychologist and the former editor-in-chief of Psychology Today. He’s also the guy who long ago sounded the alarm about the threat posed to our republican form of government by Google and its Big Tech brethren. None of this comes as a surprise to our Mark Alexander, who’s been following Dr. Epstein’s work for years.
In mid-2019, Epstein testified before Congress, and the substance of his testimony lent support to what every fair-minded person who’s ever done a politics-related Google search has long suspected: “Data I’ve collected since 2016 show that Google displays content to the American public that is biased in favor of one political party — a party I happen to like, but that’s irrelevant. … Democracy as originally conceived, cannot survive Big Tech as currently empowered.”
Too bad no one on Capitol Hill took him seriously.
Late last month, he appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show to discuss the 2020 vote and the influence that the Silicon Valley leviathan has over us. Google and other companies, he said, could surreptitiously shift 15 million votes in the upcoming election without leaving so much as a paper trail.
Last night, Dr. Epstein reappeared on Carlson’s show to provide a post mortem. Epstein says he had 733 field agents in three swing states — Arizona, Florida, and North Carolina — and his team preserved more than 500,000 experiences.
“Google’s search results were strongly biased in favor of liberals and Democrats,” he said. “This was not true on Bing or Yahoo. The bias was being shown to pretty much every demographic group we looked at, including conservatives, [who got] slightly more liberal bias in their search results than liberals did.”
He added, “We also found what seems to be a smoking gun — that is, we found a period of days when the ‘vote’ reminder on Google’s home page was being sent only to liberals. Not one of our conservative field agents received a vote reminder during those days.” Having observed this for a few days, Epstein went public with this finding, and he says Google backed off and began showing its “vote” reminder to everyone.
What kind of effect did Big Tech’s multiple manipulations across Google, YouTube, Facebook, and others have? At least six million votes could have been shifted in just one direction. “That’s the bare minimum,” Epstein says. “The maximum? We haven’t even begun to estimate that yet, because we have so much data to look at.”
Epstein noted that Big Tech whistleblowers and leaked videos and documents from Google made clear that this was the company’s plan: “To make sure that President Trump — whom I do not support, by the way — is not reelected.”
Mission accomplished.
Google, then, is actively evil, and Twitter, Facebook, and the others are taking notes. Their election-rigging blueprint includes suppressing and censoring the enemy’s content, building algorithmic bias into their search function, and manipulating key messaging to the benefit of their side and the detriment of ours.
How do we fix this existential threat to free and fair elections? Epstein doesn’t think laws and regulations can keep up with Big Tech, but he says large-scale Nielsen-type monitoring systems are a promising solution. “With their permission, we’re using software to look over their shoulders and see what these tech companies – Google, Bing, Yahoo, Facebook, and more – see what these tech companies are showing … real people… Republicans, Democrats, independents. And we aggregate that data, and we look for shenanigans, we look for targeted messages, we look for bias. And we’re doing it on a massive scale, and we’re preserving that information. I think that’s how you defend democracy.” ~The Patriot Post
Another Middle East Trump Triumph?
NATE JACKSON The Middle East has been a mess since, oh, roughly the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11. Progress is slow, grievances last for centuries, and rivalries — often born of religious fervor — are forever. And yet a New York real estate magnate named Donald Trump became U.S. president, set to work on peace in the Middle East, and, by golly, he’s achieved significant success that far outpaces anything his predecessors could claim.
That much was evident yet again last weekend, when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu secretly met Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Though the Saudi prince has denied the meeting for internal political reasons, Israel has not, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was in the region already. Little is known about the meeting, but ever since Trump began announcing peace deals between Israel and several Arab nations earlier this year, we’ve speculated that an agreement with Saudi Arabia is the ultimate prize. But the Saudis want legs to stand on, hence the deals with smaller countries.
The objective is to counter Iran and its mullahs’ designs on Middle East hegemony with a campaign of what the administration calls “maximum pressure.” Whatever their differences, Saudi Arabia and Israel both have a vested interest in checking Iranian power.
It’s hard to overstate the Trump administration’s progress in the region, and it’s no wonder Trump was nominated multiple times for the Nobel Peace Prize. Not only has he had to overcome the intractable positions of the region’s key players, but the president had to undo the work of his own predecessor.
Barack scumbag/liar-nObama, scumbag/liar-Joe Biden, and former Secretary of State hanoi-John Kerry orchestrated a Middle East that would become dominated by Iran. scumbag/liar-nObama certified Iran’s nuclear program with his bogus nuclear deal, along with making numerous other concessions to the mullahs that lent legitimacy and boosted power for the “Death to America” crowd in Tehran. And there’s that whole thing with giving rise to the Islamic State, too.
scumbag/liar-Biden wants to turn back the clock to those days, even aiming to install hanoi-Kerry in his administration, albeit as “climate czar.” In fact, his anointed national security team consists largely of Obama retreads who will be tasked with figuring out how to rejoin the nuclear deal with Iran. That will be tough to do after Trump kept his promise to scrap it — not to mention that he seriously ticked off Tehran by taking out Iran’s top terrorist, General Qasem Soleimani.
But what else would you expect from a 47-year swamp creature like scumbag/liar-Biden? scumbag/liar-nObama’s own former defense secretary, Bob Gates, said scumbag/liar-Biden’s “been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” It appears he has no intention of learning anything new. ~The Patriot Post
Trumpism Will Outlast Trump
HAROLD HUTCHISON It was late in the afternoon when the armed mob came for the leader of the persecuted movement. The leader was already in jail, having turned himself in earlier, and he was awaiting trial on dubious charges. The guards, who were supposed to protect him, instead beat an unseemly retreat. The mob eventually shot and killed the man, as well as his brother, and wounded one of their companions before escaping.
But if the mob had hoped to kill the movement along with its leader, they failed miserably. The movement grew to the point where it is today recognized as a mainstream religion within the United States, its members respected in their communities. Americans today who know the story of the group’s long-ago persecution are embarrassed by it, even ashamed of it.
Should President Donald Trump’s legal efforts fail, and should he end up having to depart the Oval Office on January 20, 2021, there may be many within the Republican Party and conservative circles who think his movement will begin to fade away soon thereafter. They’d be mistaken in that assumption, though, just as that mob was mistaken all those years ago.
President Trump’s tenure was anything but pleasant for many within conservatism and the GOP. Then again, chemotherapy isn’t supposed to be pleasant. But like chemotherapy, President Trump was administered by rank-and-file Republicans and conservatives to cure a cancerous lack of fighting spirit, among other issues. It was a necessary course of treatment, made so by a leadership that had forgotten how to fight.
The issues Trump brought to the forefront included confronting the Chinese communists, securing the border, addressing the current stalemate that the Global War on Terror had become, destroying ISIS, and fighting the deep state. These will likely be hot topics in the 2022 midterms and the 2024 GOP primary, regardless of whether Trump serves a second term in the Oval Office.
In the same vein, rank-and-file Republicans and conservatives have learned over the years who they can trust and, conversely, who will sell them down the river. As we noted after the 2018 midterms, the dividing line is not as neat as one would imagine. Rudy Giuliani, long seen as a RINO, has been a fierce defender of rank-and-file Republicans, conservatives, and grassroots Patriots. The likes of George Will, Amanda Carpenter, and others, all of whom proclaimed their conservatism, proved to be false friends.
Even if President Trump leaves office in January, the actions of the establishment, Big Tech, the “mainstream” media, and a host of others will have long since turned him into a political martyr. Should a Joe Biden administration or the Cuomo-James regime decide to pursue investigations and criminal cases, they will only heighten Trump’s martyrdom, making him even more powerful. This is mostly due to the double standards regarding coronavirus lockdowns and a clear pattern of conduct revealing an inability to win a fair fight.
The establishment may well think that January 20 is the beginning of the end of the MAGA movement. If anything, history suggests that even if the establishment triumphs over Trump electorally or by way of a political vendetta disguised as a criminal case, it’ll still lose in the end.
After all, the mob that stormed the jail of Carthage, Illinois, on June 27, 1844, may have killed Joseph Smith, but his vision lived on. And the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints proved to be far more resilient than its persecutors could’ve possibly imagined. ~The Patriot Post
Cancel Fox News?
NATE JACKSON It’s been brewing for some time, the tiff between President Donald Trump and Fox News. But when the network called Arizona for scumbag/liar-Joe Biden on Election Night, it was the final straw for some number of conservative viewers. If New York/Beltway churn was what people were after, fine — those outlets are a dime a dozen. But many conservatives who want conservative news were going to look elsewhere.
We’ve certainly had our beefs with Fox over the years, primarily because of its ad-revenue-driven model for infotainment. Hyping the same non-stories 24/7 with obnoxious “ALERTS” every time a meaningless detail is released gets eyeballs, and eyeballs get advertisers to pay for time. By stark contrast, your humble team at The Patriot Post, which began our enterprise just before Fox did in 1996, opted not to bow to the wishes of advertisers by electing to be donor supported. That way we could focus on what matters, not on what sells. At Fox, however, the almighty advertising dollar speaks — sometimes loudly. When everything is an “ALERT,” nothing is.
That was certainly the case with former Fox host Bill O'Reilly, who was dumped in 2017 after 21 years at the network. The advertisers spoke, and Bill had to go.
But are conservative news consumers cutting off their nose to spite their face?
Over at the Washington Examiner, Derek Hunter recounts some of Fox’s good work just this year: “interview[ing] Tony Bobulinski, Hunter Biden’s former business partner”; covering the “BLM-Antifa goons destroying cities and attacking people”; having actual diversity of opinion on its programs; and “the Fox prime-time lineup is unapologetically conservative.” Fox is the only major outlet to give airtime to the scumbag/liar-Biden Crime Family scandal.
We’re always glad to see competition in the marketplace no matter the product. Competition makes things better. Along those same lines, we also believe that Cancel Culture is of the Left — not of the Right. Squelching speech, canceling those with whom you disagree, is anti-competitive and anti-Liberty. Those are not conservative values.
Yet there is a growing movement on the Right that seeks to shun and silence anyone or any publication that gets so much as a toe over the line of whatever is perceived as acceptable opinion. Fox is only the biggest target. This, again, is leftist thinking, not the practice of Patriots who love free speech and Liberty itself.
There is, of course, a limit to how much garbage anyone can put up with, and we understand why a lot of folks have concluded Fox has simply crossed that line too many times. There is little need to watch CNN, for example, to know what Democrats want you to think. We merely offer the idea that, sometimes, reading and listening to a variety of opinions, especially from those on our own side, makes us all better than if we hunker down in our echo chambers and only hear what we want to hear. ~The Patriot Post
Protests erupted in California this weekend in opposition to the latest COVID restrictions imposed by Gov. Gavin Newsom. Many sheriffs are refusing to enforce Newsom’s latest lockdown orders.
It must also be noted that Newsom and other California politicians are not abiding by the restrictions that they are imposing on the people. So, it’s no surprise that these weekend demonstrations took place.
But why is there not an outpouring of Christians seeking to protect their First Amendment rights? How can Walmarts and casinos have more rights than churches and synagogues to be open?
The radical secular left is watching, and they are licking their chops. If there is so little fight left in the church, their work is going to be very easy in the years ahead.
Meanwhile, there is growing evidence that the past eight months have been a disaster for mental health. From a spike in suicides to higher rates of depression and anxiety, many Americans are suffering from these lockdowns.
And while large churches were able to seamlessly switch to Zoom and other online platforms, we may never know how many small churches permanently closed. We may never know how many Christians, deprived of the love and support they derived from their church, are now part of these sad statistics.
And what are our children and grandchildren supposed to think when they see patrons of bars and gyms expressing more passion about keeping those establishments open than Christians are about keeping their churches open?
Please take a moment in the days ahead to check on someone in your church community or perhaps your own family who you have not heard from in a while. Ask how they are getting along and let them know you are thinking about them. You never know just how much it might mean to them and what a difference it could make in their life.
And please encourage your pastor to be bold and unapologetic about the essential services that our houses of worship provide, especially in such trying times.
A Historic Visit
There was breaking news yesterday that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met Sunday with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Neom, Saudi Arabia. Yossi Cohen, director of the Mossad, also attended this historic meeting.
The Washington Post describes the meeting as a “watershed visit” given the “historically hostile relations” between Israel and Saudi Arabia, and it would represent the first time an Israeli leader has visited the Saudi kingdom.
While the Trump administration has been trying to persuade Saudi Arabia to join Bahrain, Sudan, and the United Arab Emirates in the Abraham Accords, Iran was undoubtedly a key topic of discussion at Neom. Whatever differences Israel and Saudi Arabia have, they are united in their efforts to keep Iran’s belligerence in check and ensure that its nuclear program is contained.
scumbag/liar-Joe Biden, however, is unnerving the region. Both scumbag/liar-Biden and lowlife-Kamala Harris have been clear about their desire to rejoin the scumbag/liar-nObama/scumbag/liar-Biden nuclear deal with Iran. That would give the ayatollah’s rogue regime access to billions of dollars to fund its military and terrorist proxies, which routinely threaten Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Further unsettling the situation are reports that scumbag/liar-Biden has tapped Jake Sullivan to be his national security advisor. It was Sullivan who initiated secret negotiations with Iran in 2012 on behalf of then-Secretary of State scumbag/liar-Hillary Clinton.
His potential return to government in such a high pro-file position clearly signals that a scumbag/liar-Biden/lowlife-Harris administration will likely make appeasing Iran a centerpiece of its foreign policy strategy.
By the way, Sullivan was one of the architects of the Russia collusion hoax.
More Radical Appointments
There’s an old saying in Washington that “personnel is policy,” and we’re getting an idea of what to expect from a possible scumbag/liar-Biden administration based on yesterday’s announcement of scumbag/liar-Biden’s top security positions and others appointed to the Biden/Harris transition team.
scumbag/liar-Biden announced that he intends to nominate Tony Blinken to be secretary of state, Alejandro Mayorkas to be secretary of homeland security, and Avril Haines to be director of national intelligence. Not surprisingly, they are all retreads from the Obama era and can be expected to pursue similar left-wing policies.
Blinken’s future appointment does not bode well for a muscular, pro-America foreign policy. He was one of the Biden campaign aides who apologized to Linda Sarsour! If the scumbag/liar-Biden campaign could not stand up to an anti-Semite like her, how can we expect it to stand up against the world’s thugs and dictators?
scumbag/liar-Biden is also bringing hanoi-John Kerry back as a special presidential envoy for climate and giving him a seat on the National Security Council. You may recall that hanoi-John Kerry believes climate change is a more serious threat to our country than terrorism.
Do you think climate change is a more serious threat than Iran or Al Qaeda? I guess scumbag/liar-Biden does because he also named Jeff Prescott and Kelly Magsamen to restructure the National Security Council.
Last year, Prescott wrote that climate change was putting “the entire planet on the brink of a meltdown.” And Magsamen condemned President Trump for taking out Iranian terror mastermind Gen. Qassem Soleimani.
The scumbag/liar-Biden team has tapped Richard Stengel to reorganize the Agency for Global Media, which includes Voice of America. But Stengel has a disturbing history of advocating censorship and “hate speech laws.”
Ur Jaddou, an aggressive advocate of mass amnesty, is leading the reorganization of the Department of Homeland Security and is expected to receive a top position there.
Patrice Simms has been charged with staffing the Environmental Protection Agency. Simms ran a radical group that filed 110 lawsuits against the Trump administration and is committed to eliminating fossil fuels.
The Democrat Divide
commie-Bernie Sanders raised eyebrows last week for suggesting that scumbag/liar-Biden was insulting the progressive movement with some of his appointments. His remarks stoked another round of media chatter about the divide within the Democrat Party.
Let’s be clear about this: There is no serious ideological split in the Democrat Party between the socialists, globalists, and the old FDR, JFK party. The whole party is now a globalist, socialist, open-borders party. The split we keep hearing about is really just a divide over tactics and strategy.
Younger Democrats like commie-Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are proud of socialism and believe there’s no reason to hide it. The older Democrats believe the country is still divided about socialism and want to camouflage their radical efforts.
We’re going to see in short order how far left the Democrat Party is, and its lurch to the left will accelerate even more if we lose the Georgia runoffs in 42 days. ~The Patriot Post
The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) just turned two years old. Before this presidential election, most Americans had never heard of the agency. Now, it is in the spotlight due to a statement posted on its website.
That statement declared that the 2020 presidential election was “the most secure in American history.” Really? How would CISA know?
Seizing on this statement, many in the media and on the Left have mischaracterized CISA’s role as an authority on whether the election was secure from fraud, misconduct by election officials, and other problems and irregularities. It matters because some of these issues, including software manipulation, are being litigated in court — with the Federal Election Commission Chairman’s concurrence.
CISA, in fact, has no authority, no jurisdiction, and no capability to determine whether fraud or other electoral problems occurred. Its only role is to provide advice and information to the states on cybersecurity issues and threats, including potential attacks from hackers and foreign actors.
The agency calls itself the “nation’s risk advisor,” noting that it works “collaboratively with those on the front lines of elections — state and local governments, election officials, federal partners, and vendors — to manage risks to the Nation’s election infrastructure.” But the only “risks” it deals with are in the cybersecurity realm, not the risks posed by bad voter rolls, lax security protocols governing absentee ballots, or other potential problems in the election process.
CISA serves as a best-practices advisory group for state and local election officials who choose to use it. Election officials do not report to CISA; rather it is voluntary and relationship-based.
The day after this year’s election, then-CISA Director Chris Krebs stated, “[W]e have no evidence any foreign adversary was capable of preventing Americans from voting or changing vote tallies.” In other words, DHS did not have evidence that foreign actors successfully hacked into our voting systems. It is questionable that CISA would even be the best federal government entity to have knowledge of such activity, if it occurred, given its role as a voluntary and best practices provider.
Krebs admitted that the public needed to “continue to look to your state and local election officials for trusted information on election results.” This statement at least tacitly acknowledged that state and local officials, not CISA, have jurisdiction over what actually happened within their states and precincts, including any ballot or system fraud or other problems.
Much of the controversy has to do with the huge amount of mail-in ballots, often turned in not by the voter, but through a political process called ballot harvesting. But again, CISA has no jurisdiction, institutional expertise, or claim to be able to determine whether this process was legitimate and without fraud, coercion, or other problems.
A question being raised in this presidential election review involves potential problems within the Dominion Voting Systems election hardware and software used in several states. In 2019, Senators dinky/liar-Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), liar-Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), and Congressman Mark Pocan (D-Wis.) expressed security concerns with Dominion Voting Systems, including machines switching votes. CISA has no role in testing, certifying, or otherwise examining voting equipment, so how would it know if any of the equipment used in this election was “secure?”
In July 2020, CISA published an Election Infrastructure Cyber Risk Assessment to assist the election community in understanding and managing cyber risk to their critical systems. In it, CISA’s key findings included this statement: “Compromises to the integrity of state-level voter registration systems, the preparation of election data (e.g., ballot programming), vote aggregation systems, and election websites present particular risk to the ability of jurisdictions to conduct elections.”
The assessment lays out the many points of vulnerabilities in the very types of systems used throughout the country in this election. As such, it is curious for CISA to claim that this election was the most secure in American history when all of the evidence has not yet been evaluated (and may never be fully evaluated). And it’s doubly curious when you consider that investigating and reviewing election integrity is not CISA’s role.
CISA’s unsupported claim led to President Trump firing Krebs. Afterward, Krebs tweeted “I never claimed there wasn’t fraud in the election, [because] that’s not CISA’s job — it’s a law enforcement matter.”
The election contests are working their way through the system. Recounts and audits are underway, and evidence from multiple lawsuits is now being submitted to various courts across the country. When the election is over, no matter what the ultimate result, there should also be an extensive review of all of the problems and vulnerabilities that were found so we can resolve those problems and remedy those security lapses.
Ultimately, the American people deserve to have confidence in the results of their elections. Agencies falsely implying that they can give a categorical clean bill of health to the election do not help further that confidence. CISA was created to help secure elections from cyber attacks, not to act as the czar of our election system or to make grandiose statements about the election process that go far beyond its limited role, capabilities, and expertise. ~The Patriot Post