The Patriot Post

SCOTUS: Religious Liberty, Guns, and the Census

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Technically, (only) five of the Court’s justices issued a temporary injunction against New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s 10- or 25-person COVID restrictions on houses of worship. Newly seated Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s  vote was the decisive one, while Chief Justice backstabber-John Roberts once again sided with the Left after previously upholding similar restrictions. The four dissenters argued no action was needed because Cuomo has already rescinded his orders, but that’s meaningless given that he could reinstate them tomorrow at a whim. After all, Cuomo literally wrote the book on tyrannical governing during a pandemic. The ruling should have been 9-0.

“Members of this Court are not public health experts, and we should respect the judgment of those with special expertise and responsibility in this area. But even in a pandemic, the Constitution cannot be put away and forgotten,” the majority wrote. “The restrictions at issue here, by effectively barring many from attending religious services, strike at the very heart of the First Amendment’s guarantee of religious liberty.”

It’s not just that Cuomo put onerous restrictions on the essential practice of religious worship; it’s that he simultaneously allowed a slew of other activities to proceed with much less obstruction. As Justice Neil Gorsuch explained, “It is time — past time — to make plain that, while the pandemic poses many grave challenges, there is no world in which the Constitution tolerates color-coded executive edicts that reopen liquor stores and bike shops but shutter churches, synagogues, and mosques.”

The Court concluded that Cuomo, who earlier this summer had the gall to hold up and read from a Bible during a press conference as he lectured people about COVID measures, was clearly and unconstitutionally discriminating against religion. Now it’s up to lower courts to sort out what to do.

In other Supreme Court news regarding basic civil rights, Justice Barrett has an opportunity to further secure the gun rights enshrined in the Second Amendment. Since its Heller and McDonald rulings 12 and 10 years ago, respectively, the Court has been conspicuously silent on gun rights, much to the consternation of Justice Clarence Thomas, for one.

Second Amendment activists are ready. According to The Washington Times, “Alan Gottlieb, the founder of the Second Amendment Foundation, said his group immediately started lining up plaintiffs and crafting a flow chart of cases they wanted to file after President Trump nominated Justice Barrett to fill the vacancy left by the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.”

Furthermore, the Times reports, “The Supreme Court did agree this month to take up a Fourth Amendment search-and-seizure case that involves firearms. The case turns on a question of whether police violated the constitutional rights of Edward Caniglia after officers took his guns away following an apparent domestic dispute with his wife.”

Finally, a third Court case worth watching. Today, the justices are considering the question of who counts as a “person” when it comes to congressional reapportionment. Democrats want to include illegal aliens. President Donald Trump, however, issued an order excluding them from the count — hence the lawsuit and case before the Court. Counting illegals would inflate representation for New York and California, but also Texas, so this isn’t necessarily a partisan dispute. Yet it is indisputably Democrats and their “sanctuary” jurisdictions that want to impede and undermine the Rule of Law. We hope the justices keep that in mind in addition to faithfully adhering to the Constitution’s words.   ~The Patriot Post

Trump Says He'll Leave If...
DOUGLAS ANDREWS   Anyone who thinks President Donald Trump has accepted the inevitability of a scumbag/liar-Joe Biden inauguration on January 20 doesn’t know Donald Trump.

On Thanksgiving, after a teleconference with our troops during which he extended his “profound thanks” to representatives from the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Space Force, and Coast Guard, the commander-in-chief was asked by a reporter if he would leave the White House after an unsuccessful Electoral College vote. He replied, “Certainly I will. … You know that I will.”


“It’s going to be a very hard thing to concede,” he said later. Which is understandable. After all, a concession would require some sort of acknowledgement on his part that an utterly uninspiring 78-year-old scumbag/liar-Joe Biden is the duly elected president of the United States.

That a guy who rarely took questions from reporters, rarely ventured out of his basement during the months leading up to the election, and rarely drew more than a few dozen friends and family members to his occasional campaign events somehow got 11 million more Americans to vote for him than did energetic young Barack scumbag/liar-nObama during his one-of-a-kind 2008 campaign.

That a guy who, as The Federalist’s J.B. Shurk points out, lost 18 of 19 bellwether counties all around the country still managed to somehow win the White House despite the fact that each of those bellwether counties has a near-perfect presidential voting record since 1980.

That a guy whose party actually lost congressional seats — and not just a few, but a whole bunch, in addition to losing 27 of 27 “toss-up” races highlighted by the Cook Political Report — somehow defied history and found enough votes within Democrat-controlled big cities in Democrat-controlled states to win the presidency.

That a guy on the wrong end of a yawning enthusiasm gap, a guy whose incumbent opponent doubled the number of primary votes ever received by a sitting president and won 94% of his party’s primary vote during a time of pandemic and peace and economic prosperity, still found a pathway to victory when all historical trends pointed toward defeat.

President Trump made clear again Thursday that he still considers the apparent election of scumbag/liar-Joe Biden to be a “massive fraud.” As he also noted with regard to the series of legal challenges currently ongoing in multiple states, “A lot of things [are] happening between now and Jan. 20.”

The president’s remarks, then, had something in them for everyone: For nervous Democrats, a tacit acknowledgement that he’ll leave the White House if the Electoral College goes to his opponent; and for disbelieving Trump supporters, a clear willingness to keep fighting and to lay out a strong case that fraud — and not the American people — elected scumbag/liar-Biden.

“No one wants to see the kind of fraud this election has come to represent,” he said. “I know one thing: scumbag/liar-Joe Biden didn’t get 80 million votes.”   ~The Patriot Post

Flynn Pardoned, Page Sues
THOMAS GALLATIN   “It is my Great Honor to announce that General Michael T. Flynn has been granted a Full Pardon,” President Donald Trump  announced via social media just before Thanksgiving. He added, “Congratulations to [Gen. Flynn] and his wonderful family, I know you will now have a truly fantastic Thanksgiving!” It was surely welcome news for Trump’s  former national security advisor, who was one of the early victims of Barack scumbag/liar-nObama’s deep-state cabal that was aligned against Trump. And so ends the legal jeopardy for a man who served and sacrificed for his country for 30 years.

Of all the pardons Trump has thus far distributed, no one was more deserving than Flynn. As the National Review editors succinctly put it, “Flynn should never have been the subject of an FBI investigation; the FBI’s behavior in interviewing Flynn was reprehensible; and the pardon restores the appropriate balance of prosecutorial power, which was put askew by the misconduct of federal district-court judge Emmet Sullivan.” Reprehensible indeed.

Flynn was coerced into agreeing to plead guilty to lying to the FBI because of threats from partisan Democrat members of Robert Mueller’s investigative team, which was hot on the trail of the bogus Russia-collusion delusion. His guilty plea was used by Democrats and the mainstream media as cover for the fact that their collusion hoax was baseless. It further allowed the Mueller team to hold a cloud of illegitimacy over Trump’s presidency for nearly two years, wasting millions of taxpayer dollars in the process.

On top of this injustice was Judge Emmet Sullivan’s biased and politically motivated conduct against Flynn. Rather than acting as an impartial arbiter, Sullivan injected himself into the judicial process first by accusing Flynn of treason and then later acting as prosecutor against him following Attorney General William Barr’s decision to drop the case due to unearthed instances of malpractice by the DOJ. Sullivan refused to drop the case and instead aimed to hold up any decision on Flynn while hoping for a scumbag/liar-Joe Biden election victory and a new attorney general reversing Barr’s decision on Flynn. Sullivan worked to essentially force Trump’s hand, thereby allowing him to hide behind and fuel the false Democrat/Leftmedia narrative of Trump abusing his power to protect his corrupt friends. Sullivan’s politically motivated behavior is, to put it mildly, despicable.

Meanwhile, on Friday, Trump’s former campaign adviser, Cater Page, filed a $75 million lawsuit against the U.S. government, the DOJ, the FBI, and individuals involved in procuring illegal FISA warrants to surveil him. Among the individuals included in the suit are former FBI Director scumbag-James Comey, former Assistant FBI Director Andrew McCabe, former FBI agent Peter Strzok, and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page. Trump called Page’s lawsuit “good news,” while also asking, “Where are they with Comey, with McCabe, with scumbag/commie-Brennan, with all these people? They lied, they leaked, they spied on our campaign.” Precisely. Yet with a Leftmedia absolutely committed to promoting scumbag/liar-Biden and uninterested in the truth, the prospect of holding to account those guilty of perpetrating one of the biggest scandals in U.S. history seems unlikely.   ~The Patriot Post

More Newsom Hypocritical Nincompoopery
MARK ALEXANDER   As the old saw goes, “If not for double standards, Democrats would have no standards.” There are few better examples of hypocrisy than California’s elitist dictator, Gavin Newsom — though scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi and lowlife-Kamala Harris are close on his heels.

As you recall, just weeks after scumbag/liar-Pelosi was caught having her hair styled in violation of California CV19 pandemic rules, Newsom was caught arrogantly and flagrantly violating his group-gathering diktats for his subjects — ascribing to the Democrat Party’s statist principle, “Laws for thee but not for me.” Newsom was dining at one of the state’s most expensive and exclusive restaurants with a dozen high rollers, including, ironically, his longtime friend and party host, lobbyist Jason Kinney, as well as California Medical Association CEO Dustin Corcoran and the association’s chief lobbyist, Janus Norman — all of whom were in close contact without masks, violating Newsom’s mandatory rules regarding the number of party guests and masking.

Over the weekend, Newsom topped his tone-deaf hypocrisy by posting the following social media message: “Today is Small Business Saturday. California is home to over 4 million small businesses. This holiday season, shop safe and shop local to help support our economy and the over 7 million workers that help keep our small businesses going.”

California was “home to over 4 million small businesses.” Newsom has hamstrung or outright shuttered the state’s small businesses, many of which will never reopen — and the jobs of many of those “7 million workers” are gone. Yet he has the unmitigated audacity to post a “Small Business Saturday” message? One can only assume California Demo voters are too dullard to find objection to the gross irony of Newsom’s post.

Adding to the steaming pile of abject Demo hypocrisy,  scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s puppeteer, lowlife-Kamala Harris, another California overachiever in double standards, issued this declaration over the weekend: “Small businesses, especially Black and minority-owned businesses, urgently need relief to survive the effects of coronavirus this winter. scumbag/liar-Joe Biden and I are committed to helping these businesses during this pandemic and get them the support they need to thrive in years to come.”

This is the same lowlife-Kamala Harris who, over the summer, supported rioters in urban centers. Recall that in June, before being tapped by scumbag/liar-Biden, lowlife-Harris actually appealed for bail funds to release rioters who were committing that violence: “If you’re able to, chip in now to the [fund] to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.” The same week Harris was appealing for rioter bail funds, the Minnesota Star Tribune listed more than 360 businesses across the Twin Cities  that had been “vandalized, looted or had doors and windows smashed” by those same rioters. The Star Tribune noted, “Some have been reduced to rubble, and at least 66 have been destroyed completely by fire.”

In other words, many of those “Black and minority-owned businesses” that employed Black and minority residents are gone. But now Harris claims those that remain “urgently need relief to survive the effects of coronavirus.” Apparently, most of the scumbag/liar-Biden/lowlife-Harris Demo voters are too dullard to recall that many of those businesses did not “survive” the rioting that scumbag/liar-Biden and lowlife-Harris effectively supported with their silence.

Finally, scumbag/liar-Biden would have been in the running for mindless hypocritical post-Thanksgiving posts, but he was recovering from a fall after playing with his dog. Don’t worry, the scumbag/liar-Biden team has lowlife-Kamala on speed dial.   ~The Patriot Post

The Coming Totalitarianism


ARNOLD AHLERT   Back in August, Apple became the first company on earth to reach a market value of $2 trillion, even as the world remained besieged by the coronavirus. Hot on its heels are Microsoft ($1.6 trillion), Amazon ($1.59 trillion), Google ($1.2 trillion), and Facebook ($789 billion). For perspective’s sake, it should be noted there are only 17 countries in the entire world whose GDPs are larger than these five mega-corporations. Mega-corporations that, along with their globalist-minded allies, have little use for the rules and regulations these “pesky” nation-states can impose on them. Hence, they and their equally corrupt media allies are bent on imposing a new world order called “The Great Reset.” It is nothing less than George Orwell’s 1984 — on steroids.

Columnist James Delingpole sums up this monstrous agenda. “Put simply, it is the blueprint for a complete transformation of the world economy,” he writes. “There will be no money, no private property, no democracy. Instead, every key decision — what you do for a living, how much stuff you consume, whether you can take a vacation — will be decided for you by a remote, unaccountable elite of ‘experts.’”

What experts? Those who will be attending the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) at the end of January in Davos, Switzerland. Forum CEO Klaus Schwab, a German octogenarian, is the driving force  behind this elitist power grab. “COVID-19 lockdowns may be gradually easing, but anxiety about the world’s social and economic prospects is only intensifying,” he insists. “There is good reason to worry: a sharp economic downturn has already begun, and we could be facing the worst depression since the 1930s. But, while this outcome is likely, it is not unavoidable.”

How do Schwab and his contemptible allies intend to avoid the consequences of the chaos they themselves created? “To achieve a better outcome, the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed.” He concludes, “In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.”

What Schwab is proposing has nothing whatsoever to do with capitalism. What he is proposing, also using terms like “Fourth Industrial Revolution” to obscure his agenda, is a globalist oligarchy composed of billionaire elitists answerable to no one but themselves.

Nothing has been more instrumental in realizing this agenda than COVID-19. Schwab, who also coauthored a book titled COVID-19: The Great Reset, insists that one way of looking at the pandemic is as a “silver lining” because “it has shown how quickly we can make radical changes to our lifestyles.” In other words, the singularly worst consequence of the globalist order — the one inflicted on the world and purposefully allowed to spread by Chinese communist thugs and their World Health Organization puppet — should be viewed as an opportunity rather than the crime against humanity it truly is.

According to Schwab, The Great Reset requires three main components — all of which require top-down control of every economic sector on the planet. “During the COVID-19 crisis, companies, universities, and others have joined forces to develop diagnostics, therapeutics, and possible vaccines; establish testing centers; create mechanisms for tracing infections; and deliver telemedicine,” he states. “Imagine what could be possible if similar concerted efforts were made in every sector.”

A chilling video posted on Facebook by the WEF tells you everything you need to know, offering eight predictions the globalists wish to impose on the world by 2030:

  • “You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy.”
  • “Whatever you want you’ll rent. And it will be delivered by drone.”
  • “The United States won’t be the world’s leading superpower. A handful of countries will dominate.”
  • “You won’t die waiting for an organ donor. We won’t transplant organs. We’ll print new ones instead.”
  • “You’ll eat much less meat. An occasional treat not a staple. For the good of the environment and our health.”
  • “A billion people will be displaced by climate change. We’ll have to do a better job at welcoming and integrating refugees.”
  • “Polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide. There will be a global price on carbon. This will help make fossil fuels history.”
  • “You could be preparing to go to Mars. Scientists will have worked out how to keep you healthy in space. The start of a journey to find alien life?”

Laughingly, the video ends with this statement: “Western values will have been tested to the breaking point. Checks and balances that underpin our democracies must not be forgotten.”

Checks and balances that underpin democracies? One of the bedrocks of all democracies is private property. Another is fair and transparent elections. A third is the reasonable expectation of privacy.

Does anyone seriously believe any of these contemptible mandarins will own nothing, or ever again allow their agenda to be challenged at the ballot box? Is there any doubt that Big Tech already engages in unprecedented levels of surveillance — when it and its media allies aren’t actively censoring “misinformation” inimical to that agenda?

The New World Order is the Same Old Communism, replete with the yawning chasm between the “more equal” wannabe totalitarian party insiders and a wholly oppressed proletariat who will ostensibly be “happy” living lives dictated by the whims of their masters.

Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò isn’t buying the rank propaganda. In a letter to President Donald Trump — one conveniently buried by the same media that thinks it has secured a place at the globalist insider table — he warned about the “transition” the entire world is currently experiencing. “The fundamental rights of citizens and believers are being denied in the name of a health emergency that is revealing itself more and more fully as instrumental to the establishment of an inhuman, faceless tyranny,” he wrote.

Not quite. Plenty of these tyrants have faces. Progressive politicians all over America are tripping over themselves to impose ever more unconstitutional diktats, yet again under the guise of “flattening the curve,” using the very same methods that failed the first time around. Toward that end, they saw Thanksgiving Day as an opportunity to turn in one’s neighbors or one’s own family if they defied the very same edicts the politicians themselves ignored.

Is there anything more indicative of a totalitarian society?

“When the coronavirus hit, Americans did not realize how thoroughly their ruling class had already jelled into an oligarchy with the intention above all to crush them,” writes Angelo Codevilla. “Neither did they comprehend how assuredly it would not waste this opportunity to do so.”

In short, while ordinary Americans yearn for a “return to normal,” our would-be globalist overlords are determined to make sure that never happens. And while they have generated an avalanche of media-trumpeted hysteria and fear surrounding the Thanksgiving holiday in America, more than likely it will pale in comparison to the orchestrated deconstruction of Christmas — all over the world.

The Great Reset and its utterly despicable enablers demand nothing less.   ~The Patriot Post


The Stealing of the 2020 Presidency
'Transkids' Documentary Accidentally Tells Disturbing Truth
Humor: The Dead People Who Voted in the Election
  ~The Patriot Post  
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Democrats Want Unity Only on Their Terms

Many Trump haters have been lying all along about President Donald Trump, what he stands for, what his record has been and who his supporters are. Now they tell us they want unity.

What Trump wants — and want his supporters want — is for America to reclaim its greatness, its robust liberty tradition, its prosperity, the integrity of its borders, fair trade deals with foreign nations and its military strength. He has made great strides in achieving these goals.

Trump’s opponents — the media, Democrats, never-Trump Republicans — have never given him a moment’s rest, never a benefit of the doubt, never an atom of cooperation or bipartisanship. They haven’t just served as the loyal opposition, resisting his agenda like the minority party is expected to do. They have never let him govern. From the time he stepped on the political stage, they’ve harassed, investigated, bullied, impeached and censored him.

The media has tormented Trump, ignored and distorted his accomplishments, and shown him in a 100% negative light for his entire term. Never in my lifetime have I seen such one-sided coverage.

They have deliberately misrepresented his words to paint him as a bigot. They have claimed his immigration policies are driven by racism, rather than a desire to protect our borders and ensure the orderly process of legal immigration. They have relentlessly hammered this into the national psyche to where millions upon millions of Americans not only believe it but also believe racism animates all Trump supporters. Just remember there was a time in the recent past when both parties agreed that we must control our borders and prosecute illegal immigration.

Most of the charges against Trump are over-the-top outrageous. scumbag/liar-Joe Biden, whom the media characterize as a nice, harmless fellow, has portrayed Trump as a racist and has said Trump is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans from COVID-19. Anyone with a smidgeon of intellectual integrity knows this is patently absurd. Trump put his all into fighting this virus, and for partisan opportunists to blame him for its death and destruction is indescribably vicious. But in our society, in which hating Trump has become a popular blood sport, no libel is too low.

I’ve never believed that this incessant hatred toward Trump was just about Trump. The left has villainized every Republican president in recent memory and, for several generations, has defamed all Republicans as heartless bigots.

But Trump, because of his manner and personality, is a convenient target, allowing those who hate conservatives to pretend it’s all about him. Trump’s refusal to take this abuse sitting down has just further enraged his haters. The only good Republican is one who doesn’t talk back; who doesn’t respond to his accusers; who lets charges of racism, sexism and heartlessness stand.

Trump supporters have appreciated his refusal to roll over, especially since they realize that the hatred directed against him is also meant for them. They know Trump has been treated unfairly and rarely starts these conflicts. Reporters are uniformly disrespectful toward him. For all his reputed combativeness, I’ve been amazed that he has shown the restraint he has in many cases, especially during the daily COVID-19 press briefings.

Even if you find Trump’s manner objectionable, let’s not confuse his style with his policies, his combativeness with his agenda. His agenda is not divisive. His economy has lifted up all groups of people. He has reached out to minorities and tried to address their concerns.

It is the Democrats (and their policies) who are divisive. Through rank identity politics, they stir people against one another on the basis of their skin color, gender and economic circumstances. Republicans aspire to racial colorblindness and an end to the manufactured tension over gender politics.

But now that they believe the election is over and that Joe Biden will be the next president, many Trump haters are calling for unity — while another sizable batch is making lists of his supporters and promising retribution.

The Trump era is over, they say. No longer do we have to be divided. Let’s bring the nation together and accomplish great things. Actress Alyssa Milano tweeted: “I’d like to extend an olive branch to Trump supporters. I am ready to move #ForwardTogether. There’s so much work to do to heal the nation. Let’s be a part of the solution and not add to the problems we face.”

This same Alyssa Milano said about the Covington Catholic High School students, “The red MAGA hat is the new white hood,” and “I won’t apologize to these boys. Or anyone who wears that hat. But I will thank them. I will thank them for lighting a fire underneath the conversation about systemic racism and misogyny in this country and the role President Donald Trump has had in cultivating it and making it acceptable.”

As a Christian, I firmly believe in reconciliation and healing. I believe it’s wrong for us to hold grudges for past wrongs. But there’s a difference between harboring a grudge and responding to ongoing smears. If you want healing, stop calling us haters and bigots simply because we strongly disagree with you on policies. Quit suppressing our speech, and quit canceling us from culture. Most of all, quit pretending your calls for unity are anything other than a demand that we surrender to your radical agenda.

That’s not going to happen, because we believe your policies would devastate this nation and transform its fundamental character. We don’t intend to resist you as a matter of revenge but because we believe your ideas are destructive. We must be personally cordial and civil, but let’s quit indulging the fantasy that we can unify on policy, as our visions couldn’t be more opposite.   ~The Patriot Post

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Why the Fight Over the 9th Justice Was So Crucial

Things have certainly changed since John Jay was confirmed to be the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court on September 26, 1789 — just two days after the Senate received his nomination.

And John Paul Stevens was confirmed 19 days after his nomination in 1975.

Even Ruth Bader Ginsburg was confirmed within 42 days in a lopsided vote of 96 to 3 on August 3, 1993.

The nasty, no-holds-barred political fights we have experienced with recent Supreme Court nominations is a relatively new occurrence, one that started with the failed nomination of Judge Robert Bork in 1987.

The main reason for this has been the very anti-democratic view of the left that the courts are the way to get around their inability to implement their economic, social, and cultural policies through the legislative process. This makes these seats very important to their political goals.

Liberal justices have led this intrusion of the court into the legislative process. Those justices have pushed the court to go beyond applying existing law and the Constitution.

They have chosen to act, with considerable success, as a super-legislative body that rewrites, changes, or even ignores the text when necessary to achieve particular policy goals that fit the ideological beliefs of those justices.

That includes creating “rights” that don’t exist in the Constituion, or simply ignoring rights the justices don’t want to enforce, like the Second Amendment.

For most of the liberal justices on the court, the Bill of Rights jumps directly from the First Amendment to the Third Amendment, with nothing in between.

Because the court has had an almost even ideological split for decades, this has made any empty seat the subject of a fierce political battle, as we have witnessed in the firestorm ignited by the passing of Justice Ginsburg.

Although Republican appointees on the court — the generally more conservative justices — hold a five-member majority, this majority has been ephemeral at times as justices have voted with the liberals on important cases. Funny how it rarely seems to go the other way.

For a long time, the so-called swing vote was usually Justice Anthony Kennedy — nominated by Ronald Reagan — who left the court in 2018.

Unfortunately, since Kennedy’s retirement Chief Justice John Roberts seems to have adopted his habit of often joining the liberal bloc on cases involving politically and socially controversial issues.

Other justices also occasionally step into that role, like Justice Neil Gorsuch (joined by the chief justice) in Bostock v. Clayton County, where he rewrote Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to include sexual orientation and gender identity in the definition of sex.

Roberts was the swing vote in 2012 when he joined the four liberal justices to uphold the Affordable Care Act, better known as scumbag/liar-nObamacare, in NFIB v. Sibelius, where he rewrote federal law to turn a “penalty” into a “tax” to uphold the constitutionality of the federal healthcare mandate under the taxing power of Congress.

If there had been one additional conservative on the court willing to apply the actual text of the law, thus joining the dissenters — Justice Scalia, Thomas, Alito, and Kennedy — their dissents would have become the majority opinion, throwing out scumbag/liar-nObamacare as far beyond the power of Congress under the Constitution.

The very same conduct occurred last year when backstabber-Roberts joined the liberal bloc in preventing the Trump administration from adding a citizenship question to the 2020 census.

backstabber-Roberts joined the liberal bloc again this year to prevent the Trump administration from ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, an unlawful administrative amnesty implemented by the scumbag/liar-nObama administration without congressional approval.

If there had been another conservative textualist on the court to vote with the dissenters in both of these decisions, we would have a citizenship question on the census form and the DACA program would be over, even with backstabber-Roberts joining Justice Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan.

That would have been the right result — not because it is the best public policy outcome, but because that would have been the correct result under the applicable law.

The seat left open by the passing of Ginsburg is so important because certain justices, most often the chief justice, sometimes cross over to vote within the liberal bloc in decisions that are wrongly decided from a legal point of view, not necessarily a policy point of view.

The court’s role is not to determine if a law passed by Congress is a good or bad law. Its job is to determine whether the law was within the power of Congress to pass.

As Scalia once said, “It is entirely possible for a law to be really, really stupid and yet be constitutional.”   ~The Patriot Post


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