An Election Bombshell Gets Buried
In any case, a collective media yawn is simply not the appropriate response to news such as this — at least not in a healthy republic. Then again, such stories don’t happen in a healthy republic.
Nor is “Look, the election is over” an appropriate response. But that’s exactly what we got from Kate Bedingfield, whom scumbag/liar-Biden just tapped to be his White House communications director. “Virtually everyone on Earth has accepted that truth except for Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani,” Bedingfield falsely asserted. “The Trump campaign has been laughed out of every courtroom, with their meritless and baseless lawsuits meant to undermine the will of the American people.”
As for the Pennsylvania ballot-dump bombshell, this news of a massive and decisive “spike anomaly” was provided by Phil Waldren, a retired Army colonel and former combat officer with a background in information and electronic warfare. As Paul Kengor writes, “Waldren, who testified along with Rudy Giuliani’s team, brought to the hearing his considerable expertise in analysis of election-data fraud. After Waldren presented his material, the chair opened the floor for questions. Rudy Giuliani went first, asking Waldren to clarify what his analytics team means when they talk about ‘spike anomalies’ in voting patterns. These, as Waldren defines them, are ‘events where a numerical amount of votes are processed in a time period that is not feasible or mechanically possible under normal circumstances.’ Waldren showed a chart with a shocking example of an apparent massive dump of votes for scumbag/liar-Joe Biden.”
Giuliani pressed Waldren for clarification about the spike, and the shocked reaction of those in attendance speaks for itself. And one wonders what kind of judge would, as Bedingfield suggested, laugh such evidence out of a courtroom or, likewise, the eyewitness evidence of Olivia Jane Winters, a registered Democrat and vote inspector who told of being repeatedly cursed at and threatened with bodily harm merely for having tried to enforce the state’s election laws. The hearing was chock-full of compelling witnesses like Waldren and Winters, but the media’s coverage was nearly nonexistent.
If you’re keeping score at home, scumbag/liar-Joe Biden bagged 99.4% of that enormous chunk of votes. Donald Trump? 0.6%.
As we’ve said before, it’s critical that every fraud charge in this election be investigated thoroughly — for the sake of this election and all future elections. Whether in Pennsylvania or Michigan or Wisconsin or Georgia or Nevada or Arizona, if we’re going to have confidence in our electoral process — more confidence than, say, the people of Venezuela or Cuba have in their electoral process — we need to address both the fraud-friendly nature of mass mail-in balloting as well as the potential for data manipulation in our vote-counting machines.
We’re the world’s most advanced country. We’ve been a beacon of freedom and democracy to all other nations. We put a man on the moon more than half a century ago. Is a reliable and tamper-resistant election system too much to ask for? How about a free press that helps safeguard such a system?
Sadly, today, the answer to both questions is Yes. ~The Patriot Post
Leftmedia Uses COVID to Justify AuthoritarianismTHOMAS GALLATIN We coined the term “Leftmedia” to quickly identify the agenda behind news media organizations, an activist agenda promoting socialist ideals. The Leftmedia’s socialist agenda has been made all the more apparent during the global COVID-19 pandemic, during which the press has sought to induce panic over a disease that has a survival rate of over 99.9% for anyone under 50 years old and a 99.5% survival rate for anyone under 70. In fact, even those over 70 who contract the virus have a survival rate of 94.6%. These stats come from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. To put it bluntly, contracting the coronavirus is not anywhere in the ballpark of a death sentence for the vast majority of Americans, so why the outsized panic?
It’s simple. By stoking illogical fear over the novel disease, Leftmedia outlets, working on behalf of the Democrat Party, have been able to convince millions of Americans to willingly allow for their God-given rights and liberties to be trampled upon by authoritarian-minded government officials. “All for the greater good,” which for the Leftmedia means getting rid of President Donald Trump.
Hence, the constant bad news on COVID propagated daily by the Leftmedia, despite the fact that, on balance, there is more good news regarding the virus in recent months than bad. Good or even alternative news runs counter to the narrative — a narrative that Big Tech’s leftist thought police have worked to promote and protect via their censorship campaign.
Three Ivy League professors, two from Dartmouth and one from Brown, noticed the constant negative media coverage of COVID and decided to do a little research into the numbers, which resulted in a paper titled, “Why Is All COVID-19 News Bad News?” The researchers note, “Ninety one percent of stories by U.S. major media outlets are negative in tone versus fifty four percent for non-U.S. major sources and sixty five percent for scientific journals. The negativity of the U.S. major media is notable even in areas with positive scientific developments including school re-openings and vaccine trials. Media negativity is unresponsive to changing trends in new COVID-19 cases or the political leanings of the audience.” In short, the mainstream media has convinced the majority of Americans to believe the worst about COVID and to ignore any good news as unreliable or wishful thinking.
Is the MSM simply giving Americans what they want? Perhaps in part, but don’t underestimate Big Tech censorship that silences or “fact-checks” any COVID story from non-mainstream media that fails to toe the “COVID panic” narrative. It may be less about what consumers are demanding and more about what media sources consumers are allowed or encouraged to access.
In any case, it’s clear that a political agenda is fueling the Leftmedia’s narrative surrounding COVID.
One obvious example of this comes from the San Francisco Chronicle. On November 2, the day before the election, it ran an article titled, “Record 61,000 children in the U.S. infected with coronavirus last week.” scumbag/liar-Joe Biden made President Trump’s response to COVID the centerpiece of his campaign, ridiculously asserting that Trump was responsible for more than 200,000 American deaths. The bulk of the Chronicle story focuses on the increasing number of children catching the novel virus in California, only to note in the second-to-last paragraph the following fact: “Two children have died in California [from COVID].” Think about that for a moment. Only two children have died from COVID, and yet the state has closed schools and largely shut down its economy. How many children have died due to California’s overreaction to the novel virus? How many suffered in other measureless ways?
As if to prevent the entire fearmongering purpose of the story from being undercut by facts, the author concludes, “But while the chances for death and serious complications are minimal for children, researchers are concerned about the explosive growth in childhood cases seen over the past weeks.” What was clearly a good piece of news — that children are not dying or seriously threatened by the coronavirus — was spun into a negative story. Keep the panic going, while at least implicitly blaming the Bad Orange Man.
And now, with Trump’s Operation Warp Speed leading to the development of two COVID vaccines, the Leftmedia is still stirring panic over a virus on the verge of being defeated for no other purpose than to keep providing cover for totalitarian-minded government officials who continue cracking down on Americans’ civil liberties. ~The Patriot Post
Will scumbag/liar-Biden Embrace Iran — Again?
That reality is bittersweet as the nation stares down the barrel of an incoming scumbag/liar-Joe Biden administration that, from both a personnel and likely policy standpoint, looks an awful lot like the Barack scumbag/liar-nObama administration Trump worked so hard to clean up after and promises to undo as much of Trump’s success as possible. And then came the the assassination of Dr. Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, the nuclear scientist purported to be in charge of the Iranian nuclear weapons program. Not that Iran has designs on nuclear weapons, mind you. scumbag/liar-nObama assured us they were totally peaceful.
Except — wait for it — Iran threatened a nuclear buildup as retaliation for the assassination. Given that Team scumbag/liar-Obama scumbag/liarBiden plans to try to re-join the bogus nuclear deal with Tehran, Iran’s legislative threat lays out the price of admission for such a bid.
Notably, Iran blames Israel for the assassination, which is not exactly unlikely, though unconfirmed and unclaimed. But more tellingly, scumbag/liar-nObama’s lackeys joined with the mullahs in condemning Israel. Former CIA Director scumbag/commie-John Brennan called it “a criminal act & highly reckless.” We suppose that as a key collusion-delusion conspirator, he knows a thing or two about highly reckless criminal acts. Ben Rhodes of Benghazi BIG Lie infamy railed, “This is an outrageous action aimed at undermining diplomacy between an incoming US administration and Iran. It’s time for the ceaseless escalation to stop.”
It’s painfully apparent that the next four years will once again feature an American administration condemning allies while coddling enemies. Such insanity is one of many things Trump was elected in 2016 to stop. And yet leftists accuse conservatives of turning back the clock.
If Israel did indeed pull the trigger, it’s no wonder. As its relationship with the U.S. once again plunges into uncertainty, Jerusalem must act in its own security interests. Indeed, as defense and nuclear analyst John Wood put it, “Israel is opposed to the 2015 Iran nuclear framework deal, abandoned by Trump, and its restoration under the incoming scumbag/liar-Biden administration. Accordingly, this was a pre-emptive strike at the heart of the Iranian nuclear weapon’s program and its chief architect. There is no doubt that the attack will slow down Iran’s nuclear weapons program, but it will not end it.”
Especially not if the scumbag/liar-nObama retreads heading for DC re-certify Iran’s nuclear program.
We certainly hope for better, but we expect that the Trump-Pompeo foreign policy yielding a fundamentally realigned globe will not fair well in the next administration. Thus, we’ll conclude with the wise words of Pompeo that ought to serve as a warning for the incoming administration: “It all starts with telling the truth and not having a bias towards appeasement. Once you do those two things, you can build a realistic platform that others will want to become part of.” ~The Patriot Post
The Left Is Guilty as ChargedHAROLD HUTCHISON If one thing has become clear in the five-plus years since Donald Trump first announced his campaign for the presidency, it’s that the Left has unequivocally revealed its true colors. In fact, in the battle over the 2020 election, one pattern of conduct by leftists is a fundamental admission of doing everything they’ve ever been accused of by grassroots Patriots.
What pattern is that? Let’s start with the way Big Tech has handled the evidence-backed claims of both voter fraud and failing to follow the rules. Even though the red flags are obvious to experienced fraud investigators and casual observers alike, Big Tech has been gaslighting the American people for nearly a month over this issue via censorship. If, for example, we wanted to examine or share the complaints filed by former Trump lawyer Sidney Powell, we’d see the websites that hosted those complaints labeled as “dangerous sites.”
It’s a pattern of behavior that mirrors the treatment of a certain bombshell story recently reported by the New York Post and then systematically suppressed by Big Tech.
Next, we see the targeted harassment of lawyers who were representing the Trump campaign. One firm, Porter Wright, dropped its representation of the president altogether. The loathsome Lincoln Project vowed to target others intent on determining how badly the integrity of this election was compromised.
Even the alternative news outlets are being targeted. One America News Network was demonetized by Google. Parler is now the target of media hit pieces. CNN is going after Newsmax. All this is happening as these platforms are giving grassroots Patriots new voices while Fox News increasingly lets them down.
The common theme is plain to see: The establishment is trying to reassert control by going after upstart alternative news sources. In the early years of the Internet, these media and tech powers had it easy. The only conservative voices they needed to worry about at the time were those permitted by gatekeepers such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN.
But the combination of talk radio, Fox News, and a vibrant Internet broke that paradigm. And the establishment hates it, because deep down, it knows it loses a fair fight on the field of ideas. The establishment knows it can’t beat the NRA in an honest debate, so New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and his ilk have been abusing power with the express intent to silence other voices. The same goes for past attacks on Gab, the current bans and censorship of social media, and even the dismissive rants of Old Media. To say that these leftist powers are frightened of having their bankruptcy of ideas revealed is a charitable explanation.
There’s also a less charitable explanation, one that fits the rhetoric we’ve been hearing from the Left. The pattern of censorship confirms what people like Kurt Schlichter and Dennis Prager have been saying for years: The Left hates our guts, thinks we don’t deserve to be heard, and is intent on destroying those of us with the courage to speak out.
Either way, these actions are an admission that the Left is afraid to discuss the issues of the day in good faith. That admission should speak volumes. ~The Patriot Post
Denigrating Faith
During a recent interview, Barack scumbag/liar-nObama lamely attempted to explain why President Trump made gains with Hispanic voters in this year’s election. Of course, the fear of socialism was nowhere in his answer.
He is incapable of admitting that once you’ve experienced socialism in places like Cuba or Venezuela, you won’t look so kindly on a party that includes socialists like commie-Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her Squad.
Instead, scumbag/liar-nObama pointed to the faith of some Hispanics, saying that evangelical Hispanics overlooked Trump’s racist remarks about Mexicans and policies that put “undocumented workers in cages” because they agreed with him on issues like abortion and marriage.
Of course, I disagree with Mr. scumbag/liar-nObama’s analysis. The media always grossly distorted the president’s remarks, and scumbag/liar-nObama built those so-called “cages.”
But scumbag/liar-nObama’s comment was just another indication that the left doesn’t understand evangelical Christians or Orthodox Jews. The left’s faith is identity politics. scumbag/liar-nObama was frustrated that evangelical Hispanics did not define themselves based on race and that they made their faith a higher priority.
This is why the left thought it could threaten the Little Sisters of the Poor with bankruptcy and jail. But the Little Sisters refused to compromise their faith and their mission to serve the poor.
Meanwhile, liberal governors are using emergency powers to define what is “essential,” and they are declaring that churches and synagogues aren’t essential. But millions of Americans believe faith is absolutely essential.
In fact, religious liberty was so essential to our founding fathers that they specifically included it in the First Amendment to the Constitution.
Religious liberty is going to be one of the major battlefields if scumbag/liar-Joe Biden is declared the winner of the presidential contest. He has been clear about his intolerance for traditional Christian and Orthodox Jewish values.
Supremes Step Up
As COVID restrictions get more onerous, houses of worship have borne the brunt of some of the worst decisions by state and local politicians. Abortion clinics and marijuana dispensaries were declared “essential,” while churches and synagogues were closed in spite of the First Amendment’s guarantee of religious liberty.
Many conservatives were disappointed this summer when the Supreme Court refused to intervene in a Nevada lawsuit that argued churches were being held to a different standard than casinos.
I am pleased to report that the Supreme Court did intervene late last week in a case challenging New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s shutdown of churches and synagogues. In a 5 to 4 decision, the Supreme Court issued an injunction against Cuomo’s order. Writing for the majority, Justice Neil Gorsuch declared:
“It is time — past time — to make plain that, while the pandemic poses many grave challenges, there is no world in which the Constitution tolerates color-coded executive edicts that reopen liquor stores and bike shops but shutter churches, synagogues, and mosques.”
And what a difference one justice makes. We lost the Nevada case on a 5 to 4 ruling by Chief Justice John Roberts. This time, we prevailed with Justice Amy Coney Barrett defending religious liberty instead of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg restricting it.
Confronting Iran
While Americans were celebrating Thanksgiving, Israel allegedly carried out a targeted strike against Iran’s top nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh. The Israeli strike should be a reason for decent human beings all over the world to celebrate. After all, we cannot tolerate a Holocaust-denying regime obtaining nuclear weapons.
Yet former scumbag/liar-nObama CIA Director scumbag/commie-John Brennan condemned the assassination as “criminal” and “highly reckless.” No, what’s criminal and highly reckless is turning a blind eye to Iran’s regional aggression, its terrorist activity, and its nuclear ambitions.
Unfortunately, scumbag/commie-Brennan is representative of the kind of people a scumbag/liar-Biden administration will be filled with, people who want to negotiate with and do business with a regime that chants “Death to America! Death to Israel!”
scumbag/commie-Brennan and other scumbag/liar-nObama-era officials suggested that the assassination of Fakhrizadeh was merely an attempt by Trump to handcuff scumbag/liar-Biden’s diplomatic efforts with Iran, which are expected to begin in earnest early next year.
First of all, we don’t know if the U.S. had anything to do with the strike. But it is worth remembering what happened around this time four years ago at the end of the scumbag/liar-nObama presidency and before Trump took office.
Then-President scumbag/liar-nObama ordered our UN ambassador not to veto a condemnation of Israel by the UN Security Council that suggested Israel had no claim to Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria. That’s what scumbag/liar-nObama and scumbag/liar-Biden were doing on their way out of office. They were attacking our ally Israel.
In stark contrast, Donald Trump is spending every minute he has doing everything he can to take out enemies of the free world.
Confirmation Conflicts
Some of scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s nominees are coming under fire from the left and the right over their lobbying work in the Washington swamp. It turns out that Antony Blinken, Avril Haines, and Michele Flournoy worked for a left-wing lobbying firm whose client list remains secret.
Responding to reports that WestExec is not obligated to release its client list, Senator John Cornyn tweeted, “The Senate is not obligated to confirm anyone who hides this information.”
For example, it is widely suspected that WestExec has lobbied on behalf of companies connected to the Chinese government. The speculation is grounded in some truth given that WestExec advertises its ability to “manage China-related risk in an era of strategic competition.”
Speaking of China, the Trump administration is sanctioning two more Chinese companies affiliated with the communist regime and its military. Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC), China’s largest maker of semiconductors, and China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), a major Chinese energy company, are being added to the U.S. blacklist.
The move is the latest in a series of actions by the Trump administration to “target what it sees as Beijing’s efforts to enlist corporations to harness emerging civilian technologies for military purposes.”
Media Malfeasance
The media have been celebrating and praising scumbag/liar-Joe Biden for naming “an all female press team” as if it was some unique accomplishment. As you might expect, Trump Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany had something to say about that.
McEnany tweeted that President Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, Vice President Pence, and Second Lady Karen Pence have “all female senior press teams.”
scumbag/liar-Biden’s Fall
scumbag/liar-Joe Biden reportedly fell this weekend while playing with his dog and suffered a broken foot. But I have it on good authority that he tripped over a box of ballots all marked for him, of course, that was accidentally left in his basement. The media couldn’t report that, so the dog gets blamed. (Of course, I’m joking. With so much in the news, I thought you could use a laugh!) ~The Patriot Post
In totalitarian societies, governments suppress the church and religious worship. That’s because dictators believe citizens should worship them as the highest authority and not a Higher Authority, which they view as a threat to their power and position.
In the United States, the threat to religious liberty has been under siege for some time. Last week’s Thanksgiving gift to believers from the Supreme Court may be only a temporary reprieve from government’s assault on faith and conscience. The narrow 5-4 ruling serves as a warning the threat is not over.
The court majority ruled that Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York overstepped his authority and the Constitution, when he arbitrarily declared that, during the COVID pandemic, worship services must be limited to a number he created out of whole cloth.
What is it that causes so many Americans to place their faith in government over faith in God, or even faith in themselves? False gods of wood, iron, bronze and gold could not answer the prayers of ancient peoples, so why, when government fails to answer the “prayers” of so many today, do people continue to put their faith in it?
When government sets itself up as the ultimate authority on all things, including the right to gather and worship freely, other liberties can quickly be at risk. If the First Amendment is to be challenged, even watered down when it comes to faith and practice, why not impose stricter controls on speech and the press, as is done in totalitarian states? Once the principle that government endows rights is established, it is a very short step for government to take them away.
In China and elsewhere around the globe, dictators view God as a challenge to their rule. They demand total fealty, or those who seek to go over their heads with appeals to Heaven must be arrested, jailed and in some instances murdered that the almighty state be preserved.
One of the founding principles that brought Pilgrims from England to America was the freedom to worship God as their consciences dictated. The Constitution guarantees that right. In more recent years the term “separation between church and state” penned by Thomas Jefferson in a private letter to a friend, has come to mean the right of the government to define the meaning of “church,” restricting the practice of faith to one hour on Sunday morning and in the case of Gov. Cuomo and some other governors and mayors, dictating how many people can gather to worship Someone other than them.
A Wall Street Journal editorial commenting on the Court’s decision got it right: “The Court explains that New York’s order treats houses of worship more harshly than what Mr. Cuomo considers ‘essential’ businesses. Those include liquor stores, bike shops, acupuncturists, lawyers, accountants, and more.”
Sermons I have heard over the years have noted that in the eyes of God when one has broken one of the Ten Commandments, one has broken them all. Breaking one law, they have noted, defines one as a lawbreaker.
It is a good analogy when considering our liberties. If one is threatened, all are potentially at risk. President-elect scumbag/liar-Joe Biden has promised to name more liberal judges to federal benches. If he succeeds, expect more challenges to religious freedom and other constitutional rights, including the right to life and the right to keep and bear arms. It is a major reason why the runoff election in Georgia next month must re-elect the two Republicans so that a Senate majority can block challenges by the new administration, not just to religious liberty, but to other freedoms as well. ~The Patriot Post