Trump 'Acquitted for Life'
THOMAS GALLATIN Wednesday was a great day for our Republic’s Constitution and Rule of Law.
For only the third time in U.S. history, the Senate voted on presidential impeachment articles, and in this case, to acquit president Donald Trump of the politically-motivated articles of impeachment introduced by partisan House impeachment managers. To this day, no U.S. president has been convicted by the Senate and removed from office, and with President Trump the vote wasn’t even close. In a clear repudiation of the House Democrats’ partisan impeachment charade, the Senate voted 53-47 and 52-48 acquitting Trump of the Democrats’ two vacuous charges. Predictably, the lone Republican siding with the Democrats on the “abuse of power” charge was, unsurprisingly, rino-Mitt Romney, the GOP presidential nominee who lost to Barack scumbag/liar-nObama. Thus ends the most hyper-partisan impeachment in U.S. history.
Trump celebrated his acquittal and promised to further respond to “our Country’s VICTORY on the Impeachment Hoax!” by noon Thursday. It certainly is a big win for the president, for the Republican Party, and for the country. Once again, the wisdom of our Framers was poignantly displayed, as the Democrats’ politically motivated gambit failed precisely because impeachment was never designed or intended to be used as a political tool by the opposing party to oust a duly elected president over purely partisan sentiments. As The Wall Street Journal notes, “Chalk up one more victory for the Framers of the Constitution, who realized the dangers of political factions and created the Senate to check them.”
Speaker scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi’s petulant action of tearing up her copy of Trump’s State of the Union Address perfectly matched the grossly partisan nature of the Democrats’ impeachment charade. Thus, in response to her declaration that Trump is “impeached for life,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy shared a video of himself declaring Trump “Acquitted for life” as he tears up a copy of the articles of impeachment.
Getting back to the vote, what may have come as a minor surprise was the fact that Joe Manchin (WV) and Doug Jones (AL), Democrat senators representing solidly pro-Trump states, voted to convict Trump. Then again, it’s really not surprising at all. In Jones’s case, his chance for winning reelection in 2020 in deep-red Alabama is so slim that no matter how he voted he’s unlikely to win — so why break with his party? He might as well be a loyal sailor and go down with the ship.
In Manchin’s case, the calculation was that of pragmatism. He’s not up for reelection until 2024, so that was hardly a pressing concern. The bigger factor was his standing within the party and the reality that if the Democrats win control of the Senate in November he doesn’t want to be on the wrong side of Chuck scumbag/liar-Schumer for failing to hold the party line. In all likelihood, scumbag/liar-Schumer also engaged in a little quid pro quo with Manchin to ensure his vote to convict. As we have previously noted, the Democrats’ primary aim with their impeachment gambit was not the removal of Trump but winning control of the Senate. Schumer’s oft-repeated talking point is that Senate Republicans held an unfair impeachment trial. For that to have any appearance of credibility, he couldn’t have any Democrat defectors.
Finally, immediately following the Senate’s acquittal vote, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell got back to business by filing cloture on several judges. He continues the unrelentingly effort to act on Trump’s agenda to fill the nation’s federal courts with solid constitutionally committed judges.
~The Patriot Post
The Coming Totalitarianism
Columnist James Delingpole sums up this monstrous agenda. “Put simply, it is the blueprint for a complete transformation of the world economy,” he writes. “There will be no money, no private property, no democracy. Instead, every key decision — what you do for a living, how much stuff you consume, whether you can take a vacation — will be decided for you by a remote, unaccountable elite of ‘experts.’”
What experts? Those who will be attending the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) at the end of January in Davos, Switzerland. Forum CEO Klaus Schwab, a German octogenarian, is the driving force behind this elitist power grab. “COVID-19 lockdowns may be gradually easing, but anxiety about the world’s social and economic prospects is only intensifying,” he insists. “There is good reason to worry: a sharp economic downturn has already begun, and we could be facing the worst depression since the 1930s. But, while this outcome is likely, it is not unavoidable.”
How do Schwab and his contemptible allies intend to avoid the consequences of the chaos they themselves created? “To achieve a better outcome, the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed.” He concludes, “In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.”
What Schwab is proposing has nothing whatsoever to do with capitalism. What he is proposing, also using terms like “Fourth Industrial Revolution” to obscure his agenda, is a globalist oligarchy composed of billionaire elitists answerable to no one but themselves.
Nothing has been more instrumental in realizing this agenda than COVID-19. Schwab, who also coauthored a book titled COVID-19: The Great Reset, insists that one way of looking at the pandemic is as a “silver lining” because “it has shown how quickly we can make radical changes to our lifestyles.” In other words, the singularly worst consequence of the globalist order — the one inflicted on the world and purposefully allowed to spread by Chinese communist thugs and their World Health Organization puppet — should be viewed as an opportunity rather than the crime against humanity it truly is.
According to Schwab, The Great Reset requires three main components — all of which require top-down control of every economic sector on the planet. “During the COVID-19 crisis, companies, universities, and others have joined forces to develop diagnostics, therapeutics, and possible vaccines; establish testing centers; create mechanisms for tracing infections; and deliver telemedicine,” he states. “Imagine what could be possible if similar concerted efforts were made in every sector.”
A chilling video posted on Facebook by the WEF tells you everything you need to know, offering eight predictions the globalists wish to impose on the world by 2030:
- “You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy.”
- “Whatever you want you’ll rent. And it will be delivered by drone.”
- “The United States won’t be the world’s leading superpower. A handful of countries will dominate.”
- “You won’t die waiting for an organ donor. We won’t transplant organs. We’ll print new ones instead.”
- “You’ll eat much less meat. An occasional treat not a staple. For the good of the environment and our health.”
- “A billion people will be displaced by climate change. We’ll have to do a better job at welcoming and integrating refugees.”
- “Polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide. There will be a global price on carbon. This will help make fossil fuels history.”
- “You could be preparing to go to Mars. Scientists will have worked out how to keep you healthy in space. The start of a journey to find alien life?”
Laughingly, the video ends with this statement: “Western values will have been tested to the breaking point. Checks and balances that underpin our democracies must not be forgotten.”
Checks and balances that underpin democracies? One of the bedrocks of all democracies is private property. Another is fair and transparent elections. A third is the reasonable expectation of privacy.
Does anyone seriously believe any of these contemptible mandarins will own nothing, or ever again allow their agenda to be challenged at the ballot box? Is there any doubt that Big Tech already engages in unprecedented levels of surveillance — when it and its media allies aren’t actively censoring “misinformation” inimical to that agenda?
The New World Order is the Same Old Communism, replete with the yawning chasm between the “more equal” wannabe totalitarian party insiders and a wholly oppressed proletariat who will ostensibly be “happy” living lives dictated by the whims of their masters.
Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò isn’t buying the rank propaganda. In a letter to President Donald Trump — one conveniently buried by the same media that thinks it has secured a place at the globalist insider table — he warned about the “transition” the entire world is currently experiencing. “The fundamental rights of citizens and believers are being denied in the name of a health emergency that is revealing itself more and more fully as instrumental to the establishment of an inhuman, faceless tyranny,” he wrote.
Not quite. Plenty of these tyrants have faces. Progressive politicians all over America are tripping over themselves to impose ever more unconstitutional diktats, yet again under the guise of “flattening the curve,” using the very same methods that failed the first time around. Toward that end, they saw Thanksgiving Day as an opportunity to turn in one’s neighbors or one’s own family if they defied the very same edicts the politicians themselves ignored.
Is there anything more indicative of a totalitarian society?
“When the coronavirus hit, Americans did not realize how thoroughly their ruling class had already gelled into an oligarchy with the intention above all to crush them,” writes Angelo Codevilla. “Neither did they comprehend how assuredly it would not waste this opportunity to do so.”
In short, while ordinary Americans yearn for a “return to normal,” our would-be globalist overlords are determined to make sure that never happens. And while they have generated an avalanche of media-trumpeted hysteria and fear surrounding the Thanksgiving holiday in America, more than likely it will pale in comparison to the orchestrated deconstruction of Christmas — all over the world.
The Great Reset and its utterly despicable enablers demand nothing less. ~The Patriot Post
Parallels Between the Election of 1876 and 2020?
Donald Trump was president for barely 24 hours in 2017 before leftist political pundits proclaimed him the worst president in American history. According to their twisted view of the world, Trump is worse than Hitler and everything he does is harming America on an unprecedented scale. Of course, in one sense it’s easy to dismiss this as hyperbole designed to divide us. But the sad news is that this strategy is working in large part because the American public doesn’t have even a middling sense of its history.
Take, for instance, the concerns swirling about the outcome of the 2020 election. The Left is making every attempt to undermine its legitimacy by claiming that Trump won’t concede if he loses, and if he wins it will be because it’s the most corrupt election in history. Really? Most corrupt presidential election in history? Only someone who doesn’t know our history would say that.
The most corrupt presidential election by far is the election of 1876. The contest during America’s centennial year between Republican Rutherford B. Hayes and Democrat Samuel Tilden was decided by nothing short of a backroom deal that established generations of segregation and reversed the legal gains made by blacks after the Civil War.
1876 was a tough year for the country. The economy was still reeling from the 1873 depression, which was the worst economic calamity to date. Ulysses S. Grant’s administration had turned out to be one of the most corrupt in the nation’s history, riddled with men on the take thanks in part to a president whose military skills on the battlefield far outweighed his political instincts in the nation’s capital. Through a series of controversial and politically motivated decisions, the Supreme Court was systematically undoing the work of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments that had freed the slaves and given them equal protection under the law. The South, which had been under federal military control since 1865, remained a hotbed of violence. Blacks and whites who showed respect for or represented federal authority were persecuted, attacked, and even murdered.
Grant contemplated running for a third term, but his odds for reelection were long. Thus, Ohio Governor Rutherford B. Hayes became the Republican standard-bearer. While Democrat Samuel Tilden bested Hayes in the popular vote by more than 250,000 votes, Tilden failed to win a majority in the Electoral College. Disputes and irregularities in Louisiana, South Carolina, Florida, and Oregon threw the election into chaos. Among the claims were confusion over the design of ballots, over-voting (South Carolina reported a voting rate of 101%), and widespread intimidation against Republican voters. Oregon’s Democrat governor attempted to negate a Republican elector by claiming that he was not qualified.
Any of this sound familiar?
Anger in the country bubbled to the surface. In Ohio, someone took a shot at Hayes’s residence. Mobs formed in cities around the country, and Grant called the Army to alert in Washington. The Democrat-controlled House did not trust the Republican Senate to faithfully count the electoral votes, and the Republican Senate did not trust the House to faithfully carry out its constitutional duty to decide the election once the regular voting process had yielded no result.
A 15-person commission was formed, made up of five representatives, five senators, and five Supreme Court justices. After intense deliberation, this electoral commission voted to award the election to Hayes. Democrats agreed to accept the result on the condition that federal troops be removed from the last two Southern states still under Reconstruction rule: South Carolina and Louisiana. Was it coincidence that these two states were also overtaken by mob violence on Election Day? Don’t count on it.
The end of Reconstruction in the South meant a rapid return of the Democrats to political control of the region. State by state, they stripped blacks of property rights and used poll taxes, violence, and intimidation to disenfranchise blacks across the South. Virtually all the black officials in local and state governments elected during the Republican era were voted out of office within one or two election cycles. The era of Jim Crow had begun.
Could the 1876 election be replayed this year? There are certainly parallels to be drawn judging by the mood in the streets, the thuggery of one side (the Democrats, again), the lack of respect for the system by some of the citizenry, and the corruption and greed of some of those we have elected to run it.
Despite these eerie commonalities, it’s wrong to assume that the 2020 election will be the worst in the nation’s history. We tend to look at our own times as the best or the worst in history for no other reason than we are living here now, and we have no real sense of perspective for what came before us. That’s a shame because if we could take an honest look at the election of 1876, we might learn a few things about the frailty of our Republic, the trappings of power, and the nature of mob mentality. That knowledge would help us avoid repeating history. ~The Patriot Post
lowlife-Kamala Harris Is a Fraud
Biden’s influence must already be rubbing off. (When he was younger and far more nimble, he managed to tell four fully formed lies in the space of just 124 words.)
“The president’s mismanagement of the pandemic,” lowlife-Harris railed earlier this week, “has plunged us into the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.”
“False,” replied National Review’s Kyle Smith. “The pandemic and its associated lockdowns, not the president, are responsible for the economic contraction. … And it’s questionable to compare the current crisis to the Great Depression, which was not only deep but lasted more than a decade.” (Thanks to FDR’s policies, we’d add.)
As for those lockdowns, The Wall Street Journal editorial board saw through the Democrats’ scheme more than two months ago. “The state lockdowns are starting to ease and the U.S. economy should slowly begin to recover,” the editors wrote. “But it’s worth noting that the states opening most slowly are big states run by Democrats that represent something like a third of the U.S. economy. This means a slower recovery for those states and the U.S.”
Next, lowlife-Harris blamed the Trump administration for our shuttered schools. “Just look where [Trump and Mike Pence] have gotten us,” she complained. “Millions of kids who cannot go back to school.”
Wrong again, Smith rightly said. “It is not Donald Trump’s decision whether kids go back to school, because the federal government does not run schools, but he has urged the schools to reopen. The primary reason kids cannot go back to school is opposition from teachers’ unions.”
We all know this to be true — that the teachers’ unions are adamantly against reopening — and for purely partisan political purposes. And here again, the Journal called them out: “The reopening of public schools poses an economic conundrum: If the schools aren’t open, many parents will lack child care and be unable to return to work. If parents can’t work, the economy can’t recover. Teachers unions are thus in a position to hold the economy hostage.”
Having thus attempted to hang the school closings on President Trump, Harris did further violence to her credibility with this ridiculous comparison: “Six years ago, in fact, we had a different health crisis. It was called Ebola. We all remember that pandemic.”
Huh? Since when does a handful of Ebola cases constitute a “pandemic”? According to the CDC, only 11 people in the entire U.S. were treated for Ebola during Harris’s imaginary pandemic.
When it comes to stretching the truth, however, lowlife-Harris is a mere piker compared to Washington Post columnist David Byler. In an effort to paint her as a moderate-centrist, he called Harris “a small-conservative pick,” somehow failing to acknowledge her ranking as the most liberal U.S. senator, according to a 2019 GovTrack analysis.
As Fox News reports, “The group’s analysis was based on senators’ ‘legislative behavior by how similar the pattern of bills and resolutions they cosponsor are to other Members of Congress.’ … The scorecard put Harris as ‘most liberal,’ with Sen. commie-Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., ranking as second most liberal.”
Folks, no one who can cover commie-Bernie Sanders’ left flank is a moderate. No one. Suffice it to say: Kamala Harris doesn’t tell the truth, and she isn’t who the Leftmedia wants us to think she is. ~The Patriot Post
scumbag/liar-Joe Biden's Awful Vice Presidential Pick
For well over a year, former Vice President scumbag/liar-Joe Biden has carried forth a simple strategy: Be nonthreatening. Facing a volatile, mistake-prone incumbent, scumbag/liar-Biden merely had to mimic vital signs, stay out of the spotlight and avoid looking off-putting or radical. And he accomplished those objectives, to great effect. He barely stumbled his way through the Democratic primaries, representing the nonradical voting repository for those alienated by the extremism of Sens. commie-Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth dinky/liar-Warren; he refused to kowtow to the Twitter blue checkmarks calling for him to endorse rioting and looting; he shied away from insane slogans about defunding the police. He stayed in the basement, playing prevent defense against President Donald Trump.
All he had before him was one final hurdle: picking a vice president.
Usually, the vice presidential pick means little or nothing. The vice presidency is a uniquely powerless office, and presidents rarely hand over power to their vice presidents. But scumbag/liar-Joe Biden will be 78 in November and appears to be slipping significantly mentally — despite CNN’s protestations that he can still ride a bicycle. There is a reason nearly 6 in 10 Americans, according to a new Rasmussen poll, think scumbag/liar-Biden’s vice president will finish his first term.
So scumbag/liar-Biden had one task: to pick a vice president who would appear nonthreatening, mainstream and generally normal. The onus would then lie with President Trump to shift the spotlight from his own campaign.
scumbag/liar-Biden couldn’t do it.
He made an early error on that score when he declared publicly that he would pick a woman. This made it obvious that scumbag/liar-Biden was seeking a token — some sop for the woke progressives in his base. And that sop opened the door to further demands: the demand, for example, that he pick not merely a woman (or, as the woke left might have it, an individual with a cervix) but a black woman. And so scumbag/liar-Biden was trapped into a limited selection of politicians, ranging from the unknown (Rep. Val Demings of Florida) to the communist (Rep. Karen Bass of California), from the quietly sinister (former President scumbag/liar-nObama’s national security advisor liar-Susan Rice) to the loudly ridiculous (Georgia non-governor worthless-Stacey Abrams).
None of these picks would be great; some would be far worse than others. But there was one pick who would prove far worse than all the others: Sen. lowlife-Kamala Harris, D-Calif. lowlife-Harris is deeply radical. She endorsed “Medicare for All” while announcing that she would move Americans away from their private health care plans; she announced in open debate that she would use executive orders to ban “assault weapons”; she said she would ban fracking; she attacked Justice Brett Kavanaugh as a purported rapist and Judge Brian Buescher for his Catholicism. lowlife-Harris is unpopular with many black Americans: As a prosecutor, she was fond of pursuing heavy sentences for light charges, as well as civil asset forfeiture — and then she bragged about smoking marijuana during her campaign. lowlife-Harris has similarly alienated moderates, attacking scumbag/liar-Biden himself as a vicious racist for his unwillingness to support forced school busing in the 1970s, and suggesting that she believed scumbag/liar-Biden’s sexual harassment accusers. There is a reason Harris utterly flamed out in the primaries, aside from her bizarre habit of breaking into a Joker-esque whoop when asked difficult questions.
Nothing about lowlife-Harris screams nonthreatening. In fact, in her Machiavellian campaign manipulations, she appeared deeply threatening — threatening enough that scumbag/liar-Biden campaign adviser Chris Dodd reportedly wondered why lowlife-Harris “had no remorse” for her opportunistic and dishonest attacks on scumbag/liar-Biden. At the very least, scumbag/liar-Biden should hire a food taster.
In selecting lowlife-Harris, scumbag/liar-Biden has opened the door to the Trump campaign. And Trump should take full advantage. scumbag/liar-Biden’s alleged moderation means nothing if he is willing to place lowlife-Kamala Harris one heartbeat from the presidency. scumbag/liar-Biden’s entire campaign strategy has now been undercut — all in a vain attempt to please the Twitterati, who will remain pleased for precisely seven seconds. Trump should be ecstatic. The race is on. And that’s all on scumbag/liar-Biden.
~The Patriot Post