scumbag/liar-Schumer Wins Georgia ... and America
NATE JACKSON “Now we take Georgia, and then we change America,” proclaimed Senate Minority Leader Chuck scumbag/liar-Schumer after the general election, laying out his Georgia path to tyranny through the state’s two runoff contests for Senate seats. This morning greets us with news that Leader Schumer will get to put “Majority” in front of that title as Democrats are set to take full control of Washington. The race has been called for Democrat socialist-Raphael Warnock, and his fellow Democrat socialist-Jon Ossoff is almost certain to win as well, leading by 16,000 votes and awaiting resolution of “technical issues” counting votes in the Democrat stronghold of DeKalb County. Republican Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue have not conceded, though both Democrats claim victory.
As Mark Alexander says, “The only line of defense between Liberty and scumbag/liar-Schumer are the military ballots yet to be counted in the Perdue-socialist-Ossoff race. But there are not likely enough of those votes to surmount socialist-Ossoff’s lead.”
So, the scumbag/liar-Biden-lowlife/liar-Harris ticket put the state in the blue column for the first time since 1992, and the state apparently now has its first Democrat senator(s) in 15 years.
How did this happen?
How did a more attractive version of Jeremiah “God D—n America” Wright, the pastor Barack scumbag/liar-nObama, was forced to socially distance from in 2008, win a Senate seat … in the South? How did an inheritance welfare liberal who’s barely had a real job, done nothing of substance, and gets massive funding from California somehow secure Georgia’s other Senate seat?
Several reasons, really. So let’s hit a few highlights.
First and most important is the strong Democrat ground game — the push to register and turn out new voters. Former and future gubernatorial candidate worthless-Stacey Abrams led this effort, and she has to be smiling like the cat that ate the canary this morning. We warned yesterday that she had registered more voters since November than Ossoff’s first-round deficit to Perdue. (Loeffer’s race had a similar R vs. D split, but among 20 candidates in a “jungle” primary contest.) Abrams’s efforts paid off.
That’s largely because Georgia allows voters to request absentee ballots for any reason. All worthless-Abrams had to do was register every Democrat in an Atlanta apartment complex and then make sure they all received and returned ballots. Lather, rinse, repeat. No wonder Georgia Republicans are looking at ending this practice.
This is to say nothing of the massive potential for fraud with such ballots and the laughable efforts to “verify” those signatures. Abrams actually bragged about undermining the requirement to match signatures.
Just to be clear, the Democrat Party insists that voters shouldn’t have to provide legitimate signatures, present voter ID, or even show up at the polls.
The other hugely important factor was a divided GOP, and like it or not, the lion’s share of the blame for that goes to President Donald Trump. He is the leader of the party, is he not?
The president did head down to Georgia to rally for Loeffler and Perdue, but he spent far too much time grinding his own axe. It’s certainly hard to make the case for Perdue and Loeffler as a check against a scumbag/liar-Biden-lowlife/liar-Harris administration if you can’t even acknowledge a scumbag/liar-Biden-lowlife/liar-Harris administration without getting mean-tweeted (or worse) by President Trump. He attacked and threatened Republican Governor Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, forcing Perdue and Loeffler to take sides within their own party. And whether you’re mad at these Republicans or those Republicans, such anger is hardly motivating to go vote Republican — especially when some of Trump’s backers were literally out there telling Republicans not to vote because the system’s rigged.
Fratricidal infighting wasn’t limited to the election. Trump undercut Senate Republicans with his after-the-fact demand for $2,000 relief checks instead of the $600 version Congress had already passed. Would Perdue and Loeffler support more money for Georgia voters? They eventually said they would, but they’d be swimming upstream in a GOP-controlled Senate. socialist-Warnock and socialist-Ossoff will gladly jump aboard the Trump-scumbag/liar-Schumer-scumbag/liar-Pelosi train and provide Democrats with the votes to do it.
All this division almost certainly depressed the Republican vote. For example, while overall turnout of 4.6 million shattered previous runoff records, the heavily Republican northwest Georgia district now represented by Marjorie Taylor Greene, who like Trump insists (only) the (presidential) election was stolen, saw turnout at just 86% of November’s. That might have made the difference in the razor-thin Perdue-socialist-Ossoff race.
Furthermore, the two campaigns issued an emergency press release mid-afternoon Tuesday to get their supporters to the polls. Perhaps they saw the turnout writing on the wall. In any case, Democrats were certainly motivated. Black turnout seems to have been up across the state, and it is nigh inarguable that Trump drove as much or more Democrat turnout as he did Republican.
Finally, Loeffler herself was divisive. Kemp appointed her a year ago to fill the seat of the retiring Johnny Isakson, but it was over Trump’s preference for Representative Doug Collins. Kemp believed Loeffler would play better in the Atlanta suburbs, though it didn’t turn out that way — particularly after allegations of insider trading against both Loeffler, already the wealthiest member of Congress, and Perdue. (Both were exonerated, but that mattered little in the age of suppressed news.) Buoyed by the intra-party fight, Collins challenged Loeffler in November, weakening an already weak candidate.
Now Democrats have a much clearer path for their agenda — higher taxes, more regulation, leftist judicial nominees, packing the Supreme Court, adding states (and Democrat senators), and so much more. Meanwhile, the GOP will be left weakened, divided, and bitterly arguing over whose fault it is.
The only possible silver lining is that socialist-Warnock faces voters again in 2022 for a full term, but then again he’ll do so with Abrams’s turnout machine benefiting from her own likely repeat candidacy for governor. Georgia’s population is growing, too, and it’s not conservatives moving there from Alabama or Oklahoma; it’s liberals coming from California.
Exit question: Is West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin now the most powerful man in the Senate?
~ The Patriot Post
Mike Pence's Electoral Predicament
Now, however, at a joint session of Congress, Pence is being asked to do the impossible: reject the electors chosen by certain states during today’s roll call, and thereby singlehandedly upend the 2020 presidential election.
“States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval,” tweeted President Trump this morning. “All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!”
“The Vice President has the power to reject fraudulently chosen electors,” President Trump tweeted yesterday. But Jay Sekulow, President Trump’s personal attorney and lead outside counsel during the impeachment hearings, disagrees.
“Some have speculated that the vice president could simply say, ‘I’m not going to accept these electors,’ that he has the authority to do that under the Constitution,” Sekulow said Tuesday during an in-depth discussion on his radio show. “I actually don’t think that’s what the Constitution has in mind. If that were the case, any vice president could refuse any election. It’s more of a ministerial procedural function.”
In short, Vice President Pence has the constitutional power to open the envelopes containing each state’s slate of electors. The clerk, however, does the counting. As the Washington Examiner’s Mica Soellner reports, “Pence will preside over a roll call of states. … If at least one senator and one House member object to the results from a state, a debate up to two hours long can take place regarding the results. Each chamber will then vote separately to certify or object to those results.”
Beyond simply presiding over the events, however, Mike Pence is powerless under the Constitution.
A more substantive approach is the Electoral Commission being called for by Texas Senator Ted Cruz and 10 Senate colleagues. In a joint statement issued Sunday, the senators noted the “unprecedented allegations of voter fraud, violations and lax enforcement of election law, and other voting irregularities” that poisoned the 2020 presidential election.
They also noted the troubling reality of recent polling: “39% of Americans believe ‘the election was rigged.’ That belief is held by Republicans (67%), Democrats (17%), and Independents (31%).” (Let those numbers sink in, and try to contemplate the deeply divided nation that a Biden-Harris administration will attempt to govern.)
The senators’ proposal cites the disputed 1876 Hayes-Tilden presidential race as precedent, when, “following serious allegations of fraud and illegal conduct … Congress did not ignore those allegations, nor did the media simply dismiss those raising them as radicals trying to undermine democracy. Instead, Congress appointed an Electoral Commission-consisting of five Senators, five House Members, and five Supreme Court Justices-to consider and resolve the disputed returns.”
The senators continue: “Congress should immediately appoint an Electoral Commission, with full investigatory and fact-finding authority, to conduct an emergency 10-day audit of the election returns in the disputed states. Once completed, individual states would evaluate the Commission’s findings and could convene a special legislative session to certify a change in their vote, if needed.”
Cruz and his colleagues are realistic about their chances, but a 10-day audit could at least deliver some much-needed transparency to our broken election system — a system in which at least 39% of the American people have no confidence.
We’re not sure whether the senators’ efforts will come to any good, but a constitutionally dubious procedural gambit by Vice President Pence certainly isn’t the answer.
“Mike Pence is a man of honor, character and honesty,” President Trump said in 2016, as he introduced his running mate. We agree wholeheartedly, regardless of how today’s events unfold. ~ The Patriot Post
lowlife/liar-Harris Lies: Kwanzaa and 'Fweedom'
NATE JACKSON It seems that scumbag/liar-Joe Biden picked the most appropriate person to rise to the presidency when he’s done in the next few months. Given his own history of plagiarism, the same sin committed by Kamala Harris comes as no surprise and “qualifies” her to take his place.
Harris, who managed to attract somewhere in the neighborhood of 1% support during her own presidential bid, is not exactly winsome. That hasn’t stopped the media from attempting a makeover. In October, Elle magazine ran a hagiographic profile of lowlife/liar-Harris that began with a supposed anecdote from her childhood:
Senator lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris started her life’s work young. She laughs from her gut, the way you would with family, as she remembers being wheeled through an Oakland, California, civil rights march in a stroller with no straps with her parents and her uncle. At some point, she fell from the stroller (few safety regulations existed for children’s equipment back then), and the adults, caught up in the rapture of protest, just kept on marching. By the time they noticed little lowlife/liar-Kamala was gone and doubled back, she was understandably upset. “My mother tells the story about how I’m fussing,” lowlife/liar-Harris says, “and she’s like, ‘Baby, what do you want? What do you need?’ And I just looked at her and I said, ‘Fweedom.’”
So cute. And so deceitful. Aside from the laughable assertion that any Democrat advocates freedom (or “fweedom,” for that matter), a strikingly similar story has been told before:
I never will forget a moment in Birmingham when a white policeman accosted a little Negro girl, seven or eight years old, who was walking in a demonstration with her mother. “What do you want?” the policeman asked her gruffly, and the little girl looked him straight in the eye and answered, “Fee-dom.” She couldn’t even pronounce it, but she knew. It was beautiful!
Martin Luther King Jr. claimed that memory in a 1965 interview with Playboy magazine, another noted intellectual journal just like Elle. Let’s just say the stories are too similar to be believable.
Thus, not only did lowlife/liar-Kamala seemingly imitate Joe in plagiarism but also in self-serving autobiographical lies. (What is it with Democrats? They create oppressed identity groups and then make up stories out of whole cloth to better identify with or benefit from said group. Ask Elizabeth dinky/liar-Warren.)
More recently, lowlife/liar-Harris claimed, “Our Kwanzaa celebrations are one of my favorite childhood memories.” We suppose that’s possible. A black radical and FBI tool named Ron Karenga had invented the fake holiday two years after lowlife/liar-Kamala was born. But it’s highly unlikely that her family was quickly on board celebrating it, given that Kwanzaa is a made-up celebration supposedly of African culture, while Kamala’s parents are Indian and Jamaican.
As Matt Walsh brutally concludes, “ lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris is a pathological liar and mediocre political talent who slept her way to power, flunked out of the primaries after garnering close to zero support, and was given the VP nod thanks solely to her race and gender. Other than that, she’s an inspiration.” ~ The Patriot Post
Biggest Pandemic Is the Culture of Death
“Data provided by Worldmeter revealed that as of December 31, there were 42.7 million unborn babies killed by abortion in 2020,” says Disrn’s Jenny Mount. “That number far outpaced cancer, which came in at 8.2 million, smoking at 5 million, COVID-19 at 1.8 million, and HIV/AIDS with 1.7 million deaths. Worldwide, abortion caused more deaths than cancer, smoking, alcohol, HIV/AIDS, malaria, automobile accidents, and COVID-19 combined.”
For anyone with even an ounce of integrity, this is nothing short of astounding. Yet it’s merely a (completely ignored) statistic among a good chunk of the general populace both here and abroad, even if global abortion amounts to essentially wiping out a state greater than the size of California in any given year. Read that stat again: “Worldwide, abortion caused more deaths than cancer, smoking, alcohol, HIV/AIDS, malaria, automobile accidents, and COVID-19 combined [emphasis added].” In other words, it’s a pandemic far greater than the cumulative effect of said diseases and misfortunes.
Here’s another troubling reality: Democrats here in America want not only to do way with the Mexico City policy but also repeal the Hyde Amendment. Both of these actions would add insult to injury by further padding the number of abortions not just here but around the world — on the taxpayer dime. ~ The Patriot Post
The Big Fix
Some commentators are suggesting that millions of people think that the election was fixed because Donald Trump has been telling them that. They just don’t get it.
The reality is that many Americans have believed for years that the entire system — the culture, popular entertainment, the educational establishment, sports, and, yes, the political system — is rigged against conservatives.
There is no conservative view point being presented on college campuses. Our colleges long ago ceased to be institutions of higher learning. They are now cesspools of left-wing indoctrination. You can count on one hand the number of prominent conservative colleges.
The 1619 Project wins Pulitzers for its lies, while the left tears down statues of our heroes like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln.
The left is even weaponizing pronouns and forcing people to lie.
We’re told the judicial system is inherently racist. I don’t believe that, but I do believe it is inherently left-wing. For example, scumbag/liar-Hillary Clinton violates national security and gets off scot-free. Gen. Michael Flynn makes a phone call and almost ends up in jail.
It is easier to get a high-profile attorney if you’re a jihadist at Gitmo than a conservative in Washington, DC.
Every day thousands of police officers have interactions with criminals and it never makes news. Very rarely those interactions result in an officer dying or an individual dying.
If it’s the latter, we will often know the name of the individual within minutes as social media transforms the individual into a martyr. But if an officer dies, his name will be forgotten before the day is over, and his family will grieve alone.
Speaking of social media, Big Tech executives and their employees give more than 90% of their political donations to the left. But that’s not all.
They also censor conservatives and suppress news that would be damaging to the left. Thus, Hunter Biden’s scandals were hidden from many Americans.
After the election, when Hunter finally admits that he’s under investigation and there’s some reporting on the story, it turns out that one in six scumbag/liar-Biden voters would have changed their votes if only they had known what the media hid from them.
Yes, Big Tech and Big Media did their best to “fix” the election!
The number of sports writers who get up in the morning wondering why a controversial subpar athlete like Colin Kaepernick doesn’t have a fat contract is astonishing. But let a sports writer express a conservative opinion and he will be out of a job in 24 hours.
When the pandemic hit, your church was closed but the abortion clinic was left open. Left-wing protests were welcomed, but Christmas gatherings were canceled.
Quick: Think of any primetime television comedy or drama starring a prominent Christian or conservative who is featured as an admired figure in the show. I suspect you’re struggling with that one.
Meanwhile, virtually every TV show features a variety of left-wing characters who are always portrayed as noble, decent, and good who are often being persecuted by conservatives.
All of society seems “rigged” to benefit the left!
And here’s the ultimate “fix” that has been going on for decades with devastating results, which elected Donald Trump four years ago. He summed it up in his inaugural address when he declared:
“For too long, a small group in our nation’s capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered, but the jobs left and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country.”
The crowd cheered. But the elites sitting on the dais were stunned. It was that “fix” and a multitude of other biases against normalcy that elected Donald Trump.
Donald Trump is not telling tens of millions of Americans what to believe. He’s fighting against a system they already know is rigged!
Put a Cork in It!
Bob Corker left the Senate two years ago, but thinks we still want to know his opinions. Not surprisingly, Corker joined the chorus of the rino-Romneys and rino-Ryans who are upset that some politicians are daring to question the election results.
I just want to remind you that Bob Corker greased the skids for scumbag/liar-nObama’s nuclear deal with Iran. The Corker deal prevented the Senate from actually ever voting on the 2015 Iranian nuclear deal because it perverted the Constitution’s treaty clause.
scumbag/liar-nObama cut his deal with Iran’s ayatollah, tamed Bob Corker, and then sent the deal to the United Nations for approval. Corker claimed he was lied to. He trusted Barack scumbag/liar-nObama. Enough said.
Left-Wing Violence
Missouri Senator Josh Hawley is the latest victim of the left’s intimidation and violence. Radical groups affiliated with antifa protested in front of the senator’s house Monday night. Hawley was in Missouri, but his wife and newborn daughter were at the Washington residence.
According to Hawley, the “Antifa scumbags” vandalized the house, threatened his wife, and attempted to “pound open the door.”
The left has done this to many other high-profile conservatives, including Tucker Carlson, Mitch McConnell, and Lindsey Graham. Our office was also included on a left-wing target list several weeks ago.
I suspect these intimidation tactics partly explain why we have so many weak-kneed Republicans who are afraid of getting their hair messed up.
I’m often asked for advice by people who are thinking about running for office. From now on this will be my response:
If you have a streak of cowardice anywhere in your personality, do not run. This is the new reality in America. The fight for faith, family, and freedom isn’t for you unless you’re willing to make great sacrifices to defend these values.
About That Lab
For all the progressives and sensitive media types who didn’t want to label COVID-19 as the “Chinese virus,” there is growing evidence that the virus likely did come from a lab in Wuhan. Even the Washington Post editorial board now says this possibility “must not be ignored.”
Why would they be manipulating the virus in a lab? It could have been innocent research. It could have been something far more sinister.
But we may never know the truth. For months, China has lied about the virus and manipulated any attempt to learn the truth about its origins.
~ The Patriot Post