The Patriot Post ~ 5 Featuring "GARY BAUER"

Now socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Wants a Border Wall


Remember when prominent Democrats like scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi blasted Donald Trump’s effort to construct a border wall as immoral? Remember when socialist/ scumbag/liar-Joe Biden on his first day in office signed an executive order that ended all funding for border wall construction? Back in those heady days of January, he asserted, “Building a massive wall that spans the entire southern border is not a serious policy solution. It is a waste of money.” His order was an apparent follow through on his campaign promise that “there will not be another foot of wall constructed [under] my administration.”

What a difference a border crisis makes.

After three months of surging numbers of migrants illegally crossing the U.S. southern border, Team socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden is faced with a humanitarian crisis. It appears that obstructing press access to Customs and Border Protection facilities while disingenuously claiming the mantle of transparency and downplaying the crisis as merely a “challenge” has done little to end the bad press or turn the PR favorably toward the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden/ lowlife/liar-Harris administration. Even “border czar” lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris is MIA.

Democrats are feverishly spinning the blame for the current border crisis onto Trump, even after socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden has effectively reversed nearly all the border polices Trump put in place. Trump’s polices had been largely successful in stemming the flow of illegal immigrants and securing the border. The spin hasn’t worked to dissuade the majority of Americans from rightly concluding that socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s at fault.

Thus it comes as little surprise that the socialist/scumbag/ liar-Biden administration is now looking to restart construction to fill some “gaps in the [border] wall,” as indicated by reports given to Department of Homeland Security employees by Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. “The president has communicated quite clearly his decision that the emergency that triggered the devotion of DOD funds to the construction of the border wall is ended,” Mayorkas stated. “But that leaves room to make decisions as the administration, as part of the administration, in particular areas of the wall that need renovation, particular projects that need to be finished.”

Trump’s CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan called Mayorkas’s statements regarding “gaps” and areas “where the wall has been completed but the technology has not been implemented” as nothing but “more spin and misdirection.” It’s an attempt to frame the restarting of border wall construction as not really a restarting of border wall construction.

In truth, the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration is effectively admitting that Trump was right about the border wall. Indeed, Trump himself welcomed the news, stating, “If they’re going to complete it, it’s a great thing. That’s a very positive step.”

However, as we noted above, it’s the bad PR that most concerns socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden and lowlife/liar-Harris, not the number of illegal aliens streaming over the border daily. The administration’s immigration policy is de facto open borders complete with a roadmap to citizenship for illegal aliens — along with a friendly reminder to vote Democrat. Seeking to control or limit the number of illegals entering the U.S. quite simply runs counter to the leftist ideals of today’s Democrat Party.   ~The Patriot Post


The Ludicrous Claim That socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden
Is Taming the Left

The premise of a recent Washington Post article is so ludicrous, so farcical, so utterly detached from reality that it should have been submitted to the satirical Babylon Bee for publication or had its own famously “unbiased” fact-checkers award it an unprecedented five Pinocchios.

The article, entitled “How socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden tamed the left — at least for now,” attempts to portray the president as a political Solomon who has managed to “tame” the far-left wing of his base through the first few months of his administration.

And just how has this modern-day Machiavelli so cleverly satiated his radical leftist throngs? Why, by giving them nearly everything they have demanded! Or, as the WaPo sages put it, “Listen a lot, and back many of the policies that activists have long wanted.”

socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden has certainly done that.

On a strictly party-line basis, Democrats passed, and socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden signed, a $2 trillion “coronavirus relief” package, which was approximately 10% dedicated to COVID relief and 90% a progressive goody bag that rewarded labor unions and corporate donors, plus $1,400 vote-buying “stimulus” checks for some, but not all, Americans.

Not to worry, says socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden. This reckless spending spree will be paid for by a massive tax increase on “wealthy individuals” and corporations.

Unfortunately, as even The New York Times admitted, the wealthy and corporations have the means to hire an army of lawyers and accountants to reduce, delay, or avoid these taxes altogether. Some just move to a more tax-friendly country, which is why socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden is pushing for a “global minimum tax,” forcing every country to adopt high tax rates so that there is nowhere to flee to for lower taxes. In the end, of course, corporations don’t pay taxes, consumers do, and thus workers will be forced to pay for their own “relief” bill.

socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden has also abandoned any pretense of moderation by pushing nearly $5 trillion in spending on top of the $2 trillion “relief” bill already passed. He’s calling for massive subsidies for “renewable” energy sources — a sort of Green New Deal-lite — as well as another $400 billion for care of the elderly and disabled, which would be essentially a slush fund for unionized caregivers, their exorbitant rates and benefits paid for by taxpayers.

At this point, about the only things the far-left base has not gotten is a minimum wage increase to $15/hour, unilateral cancellation of $50,000 in student loan debt (which is actually a transfer of the debt to workers who didn’t take out the loans), and a draconian new gun control bill.

Part of the reason for this heavy-handed lurch to the left is an effort to appease those on socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s radical flank. Progressive special interest and advocacy groups like, the National Domestic Workers Alliance, Sunrise (a global warming group), the Center for Economic and Policy Research, and the Economic Policy Institute are positively giddy at the prospects for pushing their agenda, considering Biden’s chief of staff, Ron Klain, stays in regular contact with them. In fact, former employees of CEPR and EPI make up two-thirds of socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s White House Council of Economic Advisors.

socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden officials have also hired numerous staffers from leftist groups to work in the administration, including more than a dozen with ties to socialist Senators commie-Bernie Sanders and dinky/liar-Elizabeth Warren, guaranteeing that far-left policies permeate throughout all levels of government.

As former commie-Sanders campaign manager Faiz Shakir put it, “It’s certainly the case that the framework of things that he’s putting forward is quite progressive. … It’s a very different world than the last few years where the base of a bill that was offered was fundamentally conservative.”

Another reason for socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s hard-left lurch is his realization that, at age 78, and with rapidly declining mental faculties, he will be a one-term president (even if he laughably insists otherwise). He wants history to remember him as a transformational Democrat president in the mold of an FDR or an LBJ, which is why he’s willing to abandon his previous insistence on preserving the Senate filibuster.

On March 2, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden met with progressive presidential historians at the White House to discuss just how much radical change a president could ram through in a short period of time, bombarding the group with questions about widening the scope of presidential power in order to enact his agenda.

As Axios reported, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden “loves the growing narrative that he’s bolder and bigger-thinking than President scumbag/liar-nObama.” The historians only applauded and encouraged his radical expansion of power, and if that means eliminating the Senate filibuster and doing everything on a party-line vote, he’ll do it.

There is significant danger in this path, though. Democrats lost nearly 20 seats in the House in 2020, when they were expected to gain nearly that many, and the Senate is evenly split between Democrats and Republicans, with VP Kamala Harris as the tiebreaking vote.

That is hardly a mandate for a far-left agenda, and pursuit of such is likely to result in heavy losses for Democrats in the midterms.

socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden believes this Big Government approach will stoke the economy to Trump-era levels, but history shows massive government spending and burdensome regulations result in slow economic growth and high unemployment, as we saw during the scumbag/liar-nObama years.

Unfortunately, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden and his team are impervious to facts and history, and they will continue their aggressive push toward socialism. Americans will pay the price until Republicans have a chance to retake the House and Senate. But much damage can be done in that time.   ~The Patriot Post


A Conservative Governor Gets Overridden

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem took some justifiable heat recently when she suddenly withdrew her support for state legislation that would have banned biological males from competing against girls in school sports. It seemed to us a clear case of caving to the Rainbow Mafia and its looming threat of business hardship rather than putting down a clear marker for conservative American principles.

This week, another Republican governor finds himself in the hot seat, although the issue confronting Arkansas’s Asa Hutchison appears rather more nuanced than the one Noem flubbed.

As Michael Wickline and Rachel Herzog reported yesterday in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, “Arkansas’ governor on Monday announced his veto of a bill that would ban gender-affirming care for transgender youths, prompting proponents of the legislation to urge both chambers to override his decision. Arkansas would be the first state to put such a ban into law, which would put the state in the national spotlight.”

Did you catch the advocacy in the above paragraph? The subtle journalistic malfeasance? “Gender-affirming care for transgender youths” is a euphemism ripped right out of the Rainbow Mafia’s playbook. Think about it: Only a mouth-breathing right-wing knuckle-dragger would try to deny the state’s young people a chance to “affirm” their identities. And if that weren’t enough, the reporters make sure to warn their readers that Arkansas would be the first state to do such a dreadful thing, and that a negative national spotlight would surely follow.

This is why we can’t trust the media: They’re agenda-driven hacks, and they simply won’t play it straight.

In fact, the Arkansas legislation, House Bill 1570, would prohibit healthcare providers from administering gender “transition” treatment, including surgery and hormone therapy, to people under 18. And given the utter lack of available evidence as to the long-term effects of such treatments on our children, isn’t a conservative approach warranted here?

Apparently not, according to Hutchison. “House Bill 1570 would put the state as the definitive oracle of medical care overriding parents, patients and health care experts,” he said. “While in some instances the state must act to protect life, the state should not presume to jump into the middle of every medical, human and ethical issue.”

Hutchison, clearly, isn’t above setting up a straw man, such as admonishing the bill’s sponsors from interfering “in the middle of every medical, human, and ethical issue.” Of course, they’re doing nothing of the sort. They’re addressing this particular issue, which affects the health and well-being of the state’s children, and they’re standing to protect them from medical experimentation, at least until they’re closer to the age of physical and emotional maturity.

In any case, the Arkansas state legislature wasn’t buying Hutchison’s argument. Yesterday, it voted resoundingly to override his veto, with the House voting 71-24 and the Senate voting 25-8.

In a contentious interview Tuesday night with Fox News’s Tucker Carlson, Hutchison tried to make the conservative argument for staying out of it. “I go back to William Buckley; I go back to Ronald Reagan,” he said, “the principles of our party, which believes in a limited role of government. Are we, as a party, abandoning limited role of government and saying we’re going to invoke the government decision-making over and above physicians, over and above healthcare, over and above parents?”

It’s not an argument to which we’re unsympathetic. But if not us, who? And if not now, when? There comes a point at which we must ask ourselves: If conservative government isn’t meant to stand in the gap to protect our young children from radical and irrevocable medical experimentation, then what’s the point of conservative government?   ~The Patriot Post


No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

My former home state of Georgia, after the logistical nightmare of the 2020 election, passed new voting legislation. Who knew that life as we knew it was coming to an end? The Leftmedia had a total meltdown. As usual, “journalists” began flinging their dung at Republicans, telling us Jim Crow laws are being retuned to the 21st century.

A reading of the legislation on its surface doesn’t even look like what the media and rabid leftists are hyperventilating about. In fact, New York and several other “blue” states have voter restrictions that are in some ways more stringent than Georgia. But one thing about leftists is they never let FACTS stand in the way of a good hit piece. Especially if it’s directed against Republicans.

President socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden was quick to call it the return of Jim Crow laws. Amazingly, the Washington Post “fact-checker” gave socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden’s false allegation “four Pinocchios.” We all know by now the Post is not even close to being fair and balanced. But, as my friend Mark Alexander often says, “Even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then!”

As the lies fly, so does the damage being done to the good people of Georgia. And they are good people. I lived there for 25 years and traveled and spoke all over the state. But because leftists absolutely hate anyone who dares to oppose them, good people are going to suffer.

Major League Baseball is moving events out of Georgia, costing millions of dollars in tourist and event income. Delta Airlines feels obligated to attack the residents of its own hometown. And, of course, Coca-Cola, the totally WOKE soft drink company, had to inject its two cents worth. I don’t know about you, but I can’t be less white. However, I can certainly drink something besides Coke, thank you very much.

Where is this all going to end? We are getting to the point at which the Left is intent on silencing anyone or any opinion it disagrees with, First, Second, and Fourth Amendments be damned! In fact, leftists have nothing but disdain for our Constitution. Have conservatives lost their voice? I know many Republicans lost their nerve and backbone some time ago. If they can’t find it again, SOON, they will be but a distant memory.

When did we decide we had no choice but to give in to the bullies? Who are these “cancel culture” warriors who sit in their basements in their pajamas and decide who can speak and who can’t? Why do we care if they like us or not? My life is not going to be placed into the hands of some historically illiterate moron who has no idea of the impact this nation was able to make in the history of our world.

I know at times it seems like there’s nothing we can do. The deck seems to be stacked against us. But that’s not the attitude that changed America from a struggling colony facing the major world power of the day to win our freedom and our independence. Americans are not the sort of people who just whine and give up when things get hard. Like my high school football coach used to say, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going!” Suck it up and start hitting back!

Something to think about?   ~The Patriot Post


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Georgia & Hong Kong

The list of iconic American corporations attacking the state of Georgia grows by the hour. Coca-Cola, Home Depot, and Delta have condemned Georgia’s commonsense election reforms. Now other big businesses are jumping on the bandwagon. American Airlines and Dell have condemned similar election reforms advancing in Texas.

These companies are threatening to punish any U.S. state that requires a voter ID on Election Day. They claim that requiring a voter ID is a violation of civil rights. That’s absurd!

But while these corporate giants are attacking Georgia and other U.S. states, they are desperately trying to please communist China. In fact, many of these companies fought President Trump when he tried to secure fair trade deals with China. Why? Because China’s communist leaders told them to speak up for China if they wanted to do business there.

For decades Hong Kong has enjoyed free elections. But in recent years, communist China violated a treaty it signed and crushed liberty in Hong Kong. The Chinese communists have made it impossible for pro-democracy, pro-freedom candidates to be elected to anything in Hong Kong.

Coca-Cola and Delta falsely claim that Georgia is rolling back civil rights. But that’s exactly what communist China did in Hong Kong. And these American companies haven’t said a word in protest.

In fact, Coca-Cola, Intel, Procter & Gamble, and Visa are all corporate sponsors of the Olympic games, which are scheduled to take place next year in Beijing.

Will any of these companies now condemning Georgia dare to condemn communist China or withdraw their sponsorships of the Beijing Olympics over China’s suppression of freedom in Hong Kong or its concentration camps or its persecution of Christians?

There’s a saying attributed to Vladimir Lenin that communism would ultimately prevail because stupid capitalists would sell the rope that the communists would use to hang them.

When the Soviet Union fell, I thought Lenin was wrong. But Coca-Cola, Delta, and other Fortune 500 companies seem intent on proving Lenin right.

Major League Hypocrisy

As we reported yesterday, Major League Baseball is moving the All-Star Game out of Atlanta to protest Georgia’s new voter integrity law. According to various reports, it is moving the game to Denver, Colorado.

So just to be clear, in protest of a law that expands voting opportunities and includes provisions supported by nearly 70% of black Americans, Major League Baseball is taking a $100 million economic opportunity away from a majority-minority city and sending it to one of the least diverse cities in the country.

By the way, who elected these sports leagues and corporations to anything? These morally bankrupt franchises and companies can’t stand up to the communist Chinese but they think they can dictate our election laws? C'mon, man!

Fighting Back

Kudos to the Republican leaders who have spoken up and pushed back against the left-wing lies and big business bullies. Here are a few examples:

  • Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell slammed the corporate virtue signaling, saying, “From election law to environmentalism to radical social agendas to the Second Amendment, parts of the private sector keep dabbling in and behaving like a woke parallel government. Corporations will invite serious consequences if they become a vehicle for far-left mobs to hijack our country.”

  • Senator Marco Rubio blasted Delta for doing business in China. He also called on MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred to give up his membership at Georgia’s uber-exclusive Augusta National Golf Club, which hosts the Masters Tournament every year.

  • Texas Governor Greg Abbott declined to throw out the first pitch at the Texas Rangers’ opening game. He slammed the MLB for adopting “a false narrative about Georgia’s election law reforms” and for allowing itself to be “influenced by partisan politics.”

  • Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee and Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) are introducing legislation to strip Major League Baseball of its anti-trust exemption.

  • Sen. Tim Scott ripped socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden and Delta, saying, “How can you distort the facts so terribly that you’re willing to bring back … the concept of Jim Crow? … We should tell the Delta CEO this by the way — if you need an ID to get on a plane, you should need an ID to vote.”

Idiot of the Month

Remember that saying about capitalists being hung by their own rope? Well, the Idiot of the Month award goes to Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun. He recently told a U.S. Chamber of Commerce forum:

“I am hoping we can … separate intellectual property, human rights and other things from trade and continue to encourage a free trade environment between [the U.S. and communist China]. … We cannot afford to be locked out of that market. Our competitor [Airbus] will jump right in.”

American CEOs are proof that trade with China didn’t change the communists. It changed us.

All it has done is enable Beijing’s massive military buildup. Today, communist China is competing against America for influence around the world the way the old Soviet Union used to, and it’s not at all clear which side will ultimately prevail.

Defaming DeSantis

Big Media is clearly in the tank for the left. If you needed more proof of the media’s bias, look no further than the disgusting attempt by “60 Minutes” to defame Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

It accused DeSantis of cronyism, alleging that he awarded a lucrative COVID vaccine contract to Publix, a popular grocery/drug store, in exchange for campaign donations.

But the “60 Minutes” hit piece didn’t work out so well. The charge is completely false, and even Florida Democrats are coming to the governor’s defense.

The left just cannot accept the fact that conservative governors have handled the coronavirus pandemic better than progressive governors. It is emotionally invested in defending New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Emmy award.

Where is the “60 Minutes” report on scumbag/liar-Andrew Cuomo’s nursing home scandal? His vaccine nepotism scandal? His sexual harassment scandals? (A ninth woman has come forward now.)

In fact, if “60 Minutes” is really interested in a “pay-to-play” vaccine distribution scandal, it could start by investigating — you guessed it! — New York scumbag/liar-Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Some are suggesting that Gov. DeSantis should sue “60 Minutes.” It’s hard to sue the media. But in this case, I agree. This wasn’t a matter of merely bungling a few facts. The sheer level of deliberate deception in this case is evidence of malicious intent.

Speaking of Suing Big Media…

In an opinion issued Monday, Justice Clarence Thomas made it clear that he wants to reexamine Big Tech’s First Amendment exemption due to the monopoly it holds over online speech. And he’s not the only high-profile judge to do so recently.

I don’t know if there are five votes on the Supreme Court for what Thomas suggests. I hope so. But I vehemently disagree with our libertarian friends who say we shouldn’t regulate private businesses.

The intolerant leftists who control Big Government know they can’t openly censor conservatives without running afoul of the First Amendment. But their intolerant friends in Big Tech are doing their dirty work for them.

When you’re being censored, how much does it really matter whether it’s the U.S. government, Facebook, or Twitter? You’re still being censored regardless of who’s doing it.

By the way, human traffickers are running ads on Facebook in Central America promising passage into the United States for $8,000. Apparently, that doesn’t violate any of Facebook’s automatic algorithms that regularly silence conservative ideas.   ~The Patriot Post

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